
The method of hydroponic culture of the latest happiness tree

Published: 2024-09-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/22, Happiness tree is a common ornamental plant, we must be very curious about whether happiness tree can be cultured in water, in fact, in theory, all plants can be cultured in water, because the nutrients that plants need are nutrients dissolved in water, as long as happiness is properly arranged.

Happiness tree is a common ornamental plant, we must be very curious about whether happiness tree can be cultured in water, in fact, in theory, all plants can be cultured in water, because the nutrients plants need are nutrients dissolved in water. As long as the nutrient solution of happiness tree is good, let's take a look at the hydroponic culture method of happiness tree.

Hydroponic Culture method of Happiness Tree

1. Aquaculture: if Happiness trees want to be cultured in hydroponics, they must first choose healthy plants without disease. Then remove the soil from the root, wash it with clean water, wash it several times, and try not to hurt the root. Before that, you can use carbendazim and other drugs to kill the bacteria, which is not easy to rot. The root is passed through the plastic seedling grid attached to the hydroponic glass container. If it is too small, the grid can be cut larger, and the container contains 2/3 volume of water, and the root is divided into three parts and immersed in water.

2. Change water in time: hydroponic culture of Happiness Tree must pay attention to changing water once a week until it grows enough new roots, wash the container, replace it with a special nutrient solution, hold 2/3 of the same volume, and update the nutrient solution regularly.

The reason for the loss of leaves in the happiness tree

1. Water reason: one of the most common reasons in life is how much water is watered. We know that Happiness Tree is still a kind of plant that likes water, but too much and how much will cause Happiness Tree to lose its leaves. If you are lazy, it always takes a week to think of watering. At this time, the soil is too dry and the root system is fragile. If you water too much, it will damage the root system and hinder the growth of leaves, thus falling. But usually do not overwater to avoid rotting roots.

2. lighting reason: all plants need light to ensure their growth. if you put the happiness tree in the shade for a long time, it will make it unhappy, especially in winter, especially in winter. of course, you can't always bask in the sun in hot summer to prevent leaf burns.

3. Temperature reason: happiness tree likes warm and warm environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. In the hot summer, we need to pay attention to moisturizing, to give appropriate shade, to increase the environment and foliar spray, in the north we should pay attention to the temperature, put the happiness tree in the house with suitable temperature.

4. fertilizer reasons: potted bean trees should not only be required to add an appropriate amount of rotten cake fertilizer and 3% multi-component compound fertilizer to the culture soil, but also should be given topdressing continuously. Quick-acting liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month during the growing season, and rotten cake fertilizer and water can usually be used. A small number of potted plants in the family, or large potted plants displayed in public places for a long time, can be buried regularly with a small amount of multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer particles, or 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed solution.

The cultivation method of Happiness Tree

1. Temperature: the happiness tree likes a warm and humid environment, and temperature is the most important. The temperature during the day is controlled between 19 ℃-21 ℃ and at night between 18 ℃-20 ℃, which is the most suitable temperature for growth. Too high or too low will affect its growth. Try to keep the temperature below 27 ℃ in hot summer. When the ambient temperature is very high, it is necessary to use a shed for shade. Increase the humidity of the environment, thus increasing the humidity of the leaf surface. When in winter, the temperature should not be less than 8 degrees and the humidity should not be less than 5 degrees, otherwise the temperature will be frostbitten.

2. Humidity: the happiness tree likes to be moist to the soil environment and indoor environment. The humidity in the room is controlled between 70 and 80%. The humidity can not be controlled in the large banquet hall, we spray the leaves once in the morning and evening, if the humidity is too low or in a dry environment for a long time, the leaves will curl and turn yellow, affecting the ornamental.

3. Illumination: the Happiness Tree is a kind of plant that likes sunshine and can endure shade. It is very important in light. Happiness Tree likes to grow in a semi-shady environment. In the north, we usually keep it indoors, so there is no problem of direct sunlight. I am afraid that if I keep it in a dark place for a long time, where both direct and scattered light can not be illuminated, when the time is long, the leaves will fall off. So winter should be placed on the balcony or sunny window to enrich the light.

4. Watering: when it comes to summer, potted happiness trees should be watered every 3 to 4 days, but it also depends on individual conditions. In winter, the happiness tree almost stops growing indoors in the north, and watering should be controlled in the basin soil. Water it thoroughly. If you don't water it, you can't pour a drop of water into the basin. This is the principle, please remember.

5. Pruning: the purpose of cultivating Happy trees is to watch and set off the indoor environment. If the tree does not look like it, it is not beautiful, so it should be pruned attentively, generally in the shape of mushrooms or round piles. Cut off some old leaves and yellow leaves.

6. Soil: when a happiness tree is growing, soil is equally important. Choose soil that is loose, breathable, well drained and nutritious. It is usually prepared with the ratio of garden soil: rotten leaf soil: rotten organic fertilizer: River sand = 5 to keep the soil loosened once a month during the growing season to ensure that its roots are always in a good state of permeability. If it is found that there is stagnant water in the basin, it should be removed as soon as possible, and the basin soil should be turned over and changed after the basin soil is dry, so as to keep the happiness tree growing better.

7. Fertilization: fertilize the happiness tree frequently during the growing period to ensure the exuberant growth of the happiness tree. Compound fertilizer or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 20:10:10 or farm fertilizer can be stopped in winter.

8. Disease prevention: to deal with the pests on the happy tree, there are generally shell insects, mites, aphids, scale must-die, parathion, paracetamol, zinc parathion, omethoate, and dimethoate. As long as it is ventilated and ventilated frequently, there will be no pests in general. The disease resistance of the happiness tree is still very strong. If the pest is not serious, it can be removed by hand.