
The latest epiphyllum potted cultivation method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Epiphyllum, also known as beauty under the moon, is a perennial evergreen succulent plant belonging to the genus Epiphyllum of Cactus Family. It originates in the tropical forests of Mexico and Central and South America. The old branches are flat and the young branches are triangular sticks. The flowering period is from June to October. The flowers are white, large and long, and the fragrance is overflowing. spend

Epiphyllum, also known as Yuexia Beauty, is a perennial evergreen succulent plant of the cactus family. It is native to the tropical forests of Mexico and Central and South America. The old branches are flat, the twigs are triangular and stick-shaped, and the flowers are white, large and long from June to October. Most of the flowers bloom at night and wither after a few hours, so it is said that they are "a flash in the pan" and are widely cultivated in the north and south families of our country.

Epiphyllum reproduction

Cutting with flaky branches can be cut all the year round in the greenhouse, but the best cutting is from April to May. Cuttings should be selected for the next year slightly old and robust flake branches (too tender and perishable), cut into 10 cm to 15 cm a section, dry for 2 to 3 days, after the cut is dry, the cutting matrix or sand, the insertion depth is about 1x3 of the cuttings (not too deep), if the soil is moist, do not water temporarily, and then control the soil in a slightly moist and dry state. It begins to root in about 20 days. When the root grows to 4 cm to 5 cm, it can be planted in a pot, properly managed, and 2-year-old seedlings can also bloom.

Basin soil selection

Epiphyllum likes humus-rich, well-drained, loose and fertile slightly acidic sandy soil. The proportion of basin soil is generally as follows: rotten leaf soil: garden soil: sand soil = 4:4:2. After the soil is ready, it is best to be sterilized in the sun. When planting, put a layer of broken tiles or bricks at the bottom of the basin to increase ventilation and drainage.

Timely watering

Epiphyllum likes moist soil and high air humidity and is afraid of waterlogging. When the temperature is low in late autumn, winter and early spring, epiphyllum is in a semi-dormant state. Watering should be strictly controlled to keep the basin soil in a dry state. When the temperature rises in spring, epiphyllum begins to grow again, which can gradually increase the amount of water and keep the soil moist. When growing vigorously, in addition to watering, water should also be sprinkled around the plant to increase air humidity and strengthen ventilation.

adequate manuring

Epiphyllum prefers fertilizer and has more requirements for fertilizer. It is better to use rotten organic fertilizer, plus a small amount of bone meal or superphosphate. Add it when preparing the soil and mix it with the basin soil evenly. The application amount is from 20 to 30 of the basin soil. After the new stem grows in spring, topdressing begins. If the leaves turn yellow during the growth period, the ferrous sulfate solution should be applied once, and 1000 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be applied once after the flower bud. After the flower withered, additional phosphorus and potash fertilizer should be applied every 20 days or so, and fertilization should be stopped at the end of autumn.

Method of changing basin

The young plants of epiphyllum change their pots once a year, and the formed plants usually change their pots every 2 to 3 years. The basin change can be carried out when the spring temperature is above 12 ℃, or in September. Before changing the basin should stop watering, so that the basin soil dry after the basin, off the basin should be handled gently, to avoid touching the plant. After removing the pot, remove the old soil outside the root, trim the dead root and cut the root, put it in a semi-shady place after planting, do not water it temporarily, and water it slightly after 2 days to keep the basin soil dry.