
How to plant the latest cockscomb seeds

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Celosia cristata is an annual herb, which blossoms in summer and autumn, mostly red and in the shape of a cockscomb, so it is called Celosia cristata, which is native to Africa, tropical America and India. It likes plenty of sunshine, damp and heat, is not resistant to frost, and likes loose, fertile and well-drained soil.

Celosia cristata is an annual herb, which blossoms in summer and autumn, mostly red and in the shape of a cockscomb, so it is called Celosia cristata, native to Africa, tropical America and India. It likes sufficient sunshine, hot and humid, not resistant to frost, loose, fertile and well-drained soil. It has high ornamental value and medicinal value. Let's take a look at how to plant cockscomb seeds.

Seed harvesting of Celosia cristata

Cockscomb seeds generally blackened and matured gradually before and after White Dew, the flower moss can be cut off in time, put in a ventilated place for drying and threshing, the flowers and seeds are managed separately, and they are used as medicine, generally yielding 300jin of seeds per mu and spending about 1000 jin. Flowers in the sun should go out early and return late, do not make night dew, so as not to deteriorate and reduce the efficacy. Seeds should be cleaned and stored in bags to prevent mildew and insects.

How to plant cockscomb seeds

1. Seed sowing: the propagation of Celosia cristata is commonly used in seed reproduction, such as selecting plots during the Qingming Festival, applying sufficient basic fertilizer, ploughing fine rakes evenly, leveling the border, spreading our seeds evenly on the border, slightly covering the seeds, and watering thoroughly. Generally, seedlings can emerge in 10 to 15 days when the temperature is 15: 20 ℃. After sowing in summer in Grain in Beard, it can be interplanted with Paeonia lactiflora, peony or other crops.

2. Seedling stage management: seedling height 2 inches, row spacing 1 foot, plant spacing 8 inches, seedlings can be transferred to other fields, must be watered after transfer. Weeding and loosening the soil must be done at the seedling stage, and when it is not too dry, water as little as possible, and the height of the seedling may be fertilized once. After sealing off the old leaves, when blooming and heading, if the weather is dry, water should be properly watered to prevent stagnant water in low-lying areas in the rainy season. After heading, the flower buds between the lower leaves and viscera can be erased to facilitate the growth of the main ear at the top.

Management and maintenance of Celosia cristata

1. Cockscomb should be planted in sandy loam with high dry, sunny, fertile and well-drained soil.

2. Cockscomb should not be watered too much during the growing period. Watering should be controlled after flowering, properly watered when the weather is dry, and drained in time on cloudy and rainy days.

3. Celosia cristata must remove all axillary buds from the seedling stage.

4. After the chicken crown was formed, the chicken crown was treated with thin compound liquid fertilizer every 10 days (2-3 times).