
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cymbidium, also known as weeping pot grass, hanging orchid, fishing orchid, orchid, Cymbidium, etc., is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Liliaceae, with a flowering period of May and a fruiting period of August. it is native to southern Africa and is widely cultivated all over the world.

Hanging orchid, also known as hanging pot grass, hanging orchid, fishing orchid, orchid, Cymbidium, etc., is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Liliaceae, flowering in May and fruiting in August, originating in southern Africa and widely cultivated all over the world. It has a high ornamental value, and the plant can purify the air. The whole plant can be used as medicine. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

Growth habits of Cymbidium

Cymbidium prefers warm, humid, semi-overcast environment, strong adaptability, drought tolerance, not very cold resistance, no choice of soil, and grows better in well-drained, loose and fertile sandy soil. Light requirements are not strict, generally suitable for growth in medium light conditions, but also resistant to weak light. The suitable temperature for growth is 1525 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 5 ℃. When the temperature is 20-24 ℃, the growth is the fastest, and it is easy to produce stolons. When the growth stops at more than 30 ℃, the leaves often turn yellow and dry. The plant can grow normally and blossom at room temperature of more than 12 ℃ in winter. If the temperature is too low, the growth is slow or dormant. If the temperature is less than 5 ℃, cold injury is easy to occur.

Propagation methods of Cymbidium

1. Cutting method: Cymbidium cuttings can be carried out at any time from spring to autumn. Cut the clustered stems and leaves on the stolon of Cymbidium (in fact, it is a new plant larva, with leaves on the top and air roots at the bottom), plant it directly into a flowerpot and keep it in the shade. Be careful not to bury it too deep when cutting, otherwise it is easy to break your heart. When potted orchids are planted, the number of cuttings depends on the size of the pot. Generally, small pots can cut 2 to 3 trees, medium pots to about 3, and large pots to 5 to 6.

2. split method: when the plant is divided, the plant can be lifted out of the basin, the old soil and rotten root can be removed, and the old root can be cut open, so that there are three stems on the split plant, and then transplanted and cultured respectively. The clustered stems and leaves on the stolon of Cymbidium can also be cut (in fact, it is a new plant larva, with leaves on the top and air roots on the bottom), and can be planted directly in the flowerpot.

3. Sowing method: the seed propagation of Cymbidium can be carried out in March every year. Because its seed grain is not big, after sowing the seed, the covering soil above should not be thick, generally 0.5 cm. Under the condition of 15 ℃, the seeds can germinate in about 2 weeks, and then transplant and culture after the seedlings take shape. When the varieties with leaf art were propagated by seeds, the offspring were degenerated into all-green varieties.

The Culture method of Cymbidium

1. Soil selection: the cultivation of Cymbidium is suitable for easy and fertile sandy loam, which requires that the soil contains humus and strong permeability. Potted plants can use rotten leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand mixed with a small amount of base fertilizer as the substrate. After changing the basin, we should pay attention to the re-preparation of new soil.

2. suitable lighting: hanging orchid likes semi-shady environment, and hanging orchid is very sensitive to light. if the summer and autumn sun is direct, the leaves will wither and yellow, or even the whole plant will die, so it should be kept in a cool and ventilated place, and pay attention to maintain environmental humidity. at most, you can only see some oblique light sooner or later. In winter, because the sun is not strong, we can let the orchid accept some direct sunlight properly.

3. Culture temperature: Cymbidium prefers warm and humid climate and is not resistant to severe cold and heat. The optimum growth temperature of Cymbidium is 1525 degrees Celsius, and the room temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃. Avoid strong light in high temperature season, need to keep shade sparse, low temperature and cool time should see more sunlight, in order to keep the leaf color bright. In Guangdong Province, China, the temperatures in spring, summer and autumn are all suitable for the growth of Cymbidium, but attention should be paid to cold prevention and heat preservation when the winter temperature is lower than 5-7 degrees Celsius.

4. Watering: Diaolan likes water, because its fleshy root has developed water storage tissue and strong drought resistance, but it needs more water during the peak growth period from March to September, so it should be watered and sprayed frequently to increase humidity and keep the basin soil completely moist. During the dormant period in winter, the basin soil can be watered after it is dry at a depth of about one centimeter. It should be noted that if the soil is too dry, it will cause the leaves to fade temporarily, although the primary color will be restored after rewatering, but the leaf tip may turn brown permanently. Spray water on branches and leaves around noon and in the evening

5. Fertilization management: Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant plant. If there is not enough fertilizer and water, it is easy for the scorched head to grow old, the leaves turn yellow and lose ornamental value. For Cymbidium which has begun to grow plantlets, nitrogen topdressing can be applied once every half a month. If the orchid grows well, it can be done without fertilization.

6. Change soil and basin: Cymbidium culture usually changes the basin once every 2 to 3 years, but in order to achieve luxuriant stems and leaves, the soil and basin can be changed in March every year.

7. Reasonable pruning: in the aspect of pruning, the yellow leaves should be cut off at any time at ordinary times, and the basin can be turned once every March to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. The old leaves of Cymbidium can be cut off in the first and middle of May, which will promote the germination of more new leaves and small Cymbidium.

8. Hydroponic hanging orchids: hydroponic culture can also be used for hydroponic culture. when hydroponic culture is to be carried out, potted orchids can be poured out of the basin, wash the soil with water, cut off old leaves and roots, put them in hydroponic utensils, and then pour clean water. Be careful not to have too much water, just to the root and stem. In order to grow vigorously, you can drop a few drops of nutrient solution into the water. Wide-mouth glass bottles, glasses and other containers can be used for utensils. The water in the container can be changed every few days, or some water can be added.