
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of asparagus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Asparagus, also known as Pinus yunpingensis, Phyllostachys pubescens, etc., is a perennial plant of Aspartaceae. It is native to South Africa and is distributed in central China, northwest China, the Yangtze River basin and all parts of the south. It is up to several meters high and has extremely high ornamental plants. Can be placed in the living room, books

Asparagus, also known as Yunpian pine, prickly asparagus, cloud bamboo, etc., is a perennial plant of the asparagus family, native to South Africa, distributed in central China, northwest, the Yangtze River basin and all parts of the south, up to a few meters high, with extremely high ornamental plants, can be placed in the living room, study, purify the air and add a scholarly flavor at the same time. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of asparagus.

Growth habits of asparagus

Asparagus likes warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment, can't bear cold and drought in winter, can't pour too much water, root will rot, and avoid direct sunlight in summer. It is better to cultivate loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam rich in humus. It is suitable to keep the room temperature between 12-18 ℃, ventilation and heat dissipation when the temperature is over 20 ℃, the suitable growth temperature is 15-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 5 ℃.

Propagation methods of asparagus

Asparagus is mostly propagated by ramets. Asparagus plants of 3-5 years old grow thickly and can be propagated. Ramet selection is carried out when changing pots in spring. The clump stems and roots are divided into 2-3 clumps with a sharp knife, so that each clump contains 3-5 branches and buds. Then plant it on the pot respectively. When ramet, damage the root system as little as possible, water thoroughly after planting, put it in a semi-shady place, and pay attention to moisturizing and shading. Watering should be controlled properly in the future, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves.

Culture methods of asparagus

1. Potted soil: fertile sandy loam should be used in the basin soil of cultivated asparagus, which should be warm and humid, rich in rotten branches and good drainage. Generally, it can be prepared in the proportion of 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 1 part of sand, and the soil should be changed and fertilized regularly. If excessive fertilization causes "watering roots", it is necessary to pour the pot to remove the fertilizer, irrigate the soil with clean water, and then put it into the new soil for breeding.

2. Watering: watering is the key point of asparagus cultivation and culture. too much watering and too wet basin soil can easily cause root rot, and too little watering will lead to scorched and yellowed leaf tips. Therefore, in the process of watering, it depends on the weather, growth and the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, so that if it is not dry, it will be watered thoroughly. When the weather is hot and dry, water spraying can be used to humidify and cool the leaves, but less watering is needed in winter.

3. Fertilization: asparagus is not good at fertilizer, but it can not be short of fertilizer. Limited by potted soil, asparagus culture must replenish nutrients in time to meet the growth requirements. In the process of fertilizing asparagus, it is necessary to apply more times and less amount, and do not apply thick fertilizer, otherwise it will cause leaf yellowing. Generally, you can choose to apply rotten thin liquid fertilizer once a month, and after the plant grows and finalizes, you can properly control and reduce fertilization. During the growing period, thin fertilizers containing ammonia and phosphorus should be applied once or twice a month to promote the growth of branches and leaves, as well as other liquid fertilizers. It should be noted that not too much fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage, and liquid fertilizer should be applied twice in May-June and September-October respectively.

4. Lighting: asparagus culture can not be exposed to the hot sun, hot season, should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. At the same time, asparagus flowering is not only afraid of wind, but also afraid of rain, should pay attention to good ventilation, good weather can be properly placed outside to receive sunlight. The temperature of potted asparagus in winter should be kept above 5 ℃ to avoid freezing.

5. Display: asparagus loves a clean and well-ventilated environment. If stimulated by harmful gases such as smoke, gas and pesticides, the leaves will turn yellow, curl and even die. Therefore, asparagus should be placed in a clean, well-ventilated environment, away from marble decorative materials that release mercury gas.

Matters needing attention in asparagus culture

1. Asparagus is not cold-resistant and cannot survive the winter outdoors in the north. When the temperature drops, asparagus should be moved indoors in time, and a growing environment of more than 15 degrees Celsius should be provided in winter.

2, should not water frequently, should often spray water to the leaf surface. Spray water once or twice a day in summer and once every 3 or 4 days while keeping the soil moist in winter.

3. To keep the basin soil semi-dry and wet, too dry basin soil will cause asparagus leaves to turn yellow or branches and leaves to scorch.

4. Do not water the flowers directly with tap water. Place them 1 to 2 days in advance and keep the water temperature not too cold.

5. do not apply raw fertilizer (some people raise asparagus and pour the boy's urine directly into the root of asparagus, resulting in burning to death), raw fertilizer should be mature.

6. Apply thin fertilizer once a week in spring and autumn and once every half a month in winter. It is best to use compound fertilizer.

7. Asparagus does not like smoke and dust. If you use a coal stove or charcoal fire for heating in winter, you should be properly ventilated every day.

8. Asparagus should stay away from marble decoration items. Asparagus has a strong ability to absorb gaseous mercury, it should be noted that asparagus absorbs mercury gas, which will also do harm to itself. Therefore, when placing asparagus, you should stay away from the decorative materials that release mercury gas.

9. Asparagus should be pruned in time, the branches are too dense to affect ventilation, daylighting and ornamental, and should be pruned in time. If the sinful root multiplies too much, it should be divided into pots in time.

10. Binding asparagus can make the posture of asparagus more beautiful, but it is not suitable to use rope with too thick or too different color. Bamboo strips and wood strips should not be too thick, otherwise, the slender asparagus will be set off too weak.