
Breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of the latest good luck

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hongyundang is a kind of flower of pineapple family, also known as Mitou, round fruit vine, torch pineapple and so on. Because the flower core is bright red, it is called Hongyundang. The leaf is broad-band, curved, dark green, spike is vertebrate, bracts are dense, bright red, tip yellow, flowers.

Hongyun head is a kind of pineapple family flower, also known as Mitou, round vertebra fruit vine, torch pineapple and so on, because the flower core is bright red, so it is called Hongyun head, leaf wide band shape, outward bend, dark green, spike is round vertebra-shaped, bracts dense, bright red, tip yellow, flowers open at the top or middle of the plant, let's take a look at Hongyun's breeding methods and points for attention!

The breeding method of good luck

1. Ramet propagation: after the Hongyundang plant blossoms, it will produce 1 to several tillering buds from the base of the mother plant. When the tillering buds grow to the size of the mother plant, the tiller buds can be cut off from the base of the buds with a knife, the lower leaves are removed, the cut is dried, and inserted into a basin of rotten leaf soil and plain sand. Under the conditions of slightly dry soil, 25 ~ 28C, ventilated and humid environment, it took root in about 12 ~ 15 days. After the new leaves begin to grow, normal cultivation and management can be carried out. If it is propagated separately, it can blossom in 1-3 years.

2. Sowing and reproduction: when Hongyun blossoms, artificial pollination must be carried out to bear fruit, and the seeds are very small. When using seeds to propagate, it is generally required that the temperature should be stable above 16C before sowing, and acid basin soil should be used. Cover with chopped moss or plastic film to moisturize after sowing. Under the temperature of 25 ~ 30C, the seedlings can emerge 20 ~ 25 days after sowing. When the seedlings grow to about 4 cm, they can be divided into shallow plates, then planted separately with the growth of the seedlings, and finally planted in the flowerpot. It takes 3 to 4 years for seed propagation to blossom.

The aquaculture method with good luck

1. Lighting: if you want to see bright leaves and blossom regularly, light plays an important role. You need at least 4 to 5 hours of sunshine every day in the cold season. If it is cloudy, light can be used instead of sunlight. It is not suitable to be exposed to the sun, so it is appropriate to put it in a cool place in summer.

2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for Hongyundang is 15 ℃ to 22 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the plant will suffer frost damage, make the leaf color turn yellow, and affect the healthy growth of the plant.

3. Soil: Hongyun is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humus soil. Friends who plan to grow at home can choose 2 parts of peat soil mixed with 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil. (hint: because many flower lovers bring dirt when they buy it, there is no need to change the soil, unless what they buy is a very small one.)

4. Fertilizer: when Hongyun blossoms in winter, there must be enough fertilizer. Thin organic liquid fertilizer, such as bean cake and sesame sauce residue soaking solution (20% concentration is suitable), can also be used every two weeks. Soy bean soaking solution or fermented rice washing water can also be used. (hint: flowers are suitable for thin fertilizer to avoid too much at one time.)

5. Moisture: Hongyun prefers a humid environment, keeping the basin soil moist on weekdays, and generally does not water on rainy days. Family maintenance, it is best to use pure water after drying, not directly irrigated with tap water. Hongyun is a flower that can enjoy both flowers and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright. at the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants. (hint: although Hongyun likes a high humidity environment, it doesn't mean a lot of watering, such as foliar spraying.)

6. Diseases and insect pests: pineapple flowers are prone to diseases and insect pests in the environment of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation, such as soot disease, red spider, shell insects and so on. If diseases are found, carbendazim can be sprayed in time, and pests can be sprayed with omethoate. No matter which solution is sprayed, it must be carried out outdoors to prevent pollution of the indoor environment. (hint: most flower friends' good luck is bought directly from the flower market, generally disposable flowers, so there are not many opportunities to encounter diseases and insect pests.)

Matters needing attention at the head of good luck

1. In daily maintenance, when Hongyun is in bloom, remember not to apply fertilizer, otherwise it will lead to nutritional prosperity. And the flowers can be cut off in time after blooming, and then fertilized. Generally, cuttings are selected in the growing period of small plants.

2. Hongyun blossoms only once, and cuttings or transplants should be carried out in time after flowering. Flowering usually occurs in the third year after the mature plant.

3. At the head of Hong Yun, the growing environment should be placed in a semi-shady and long-term ventilated place, which is always moist. Because it is a parasitic plant, it will not take root very deeply in the soil. If too much fertilizer is harmful, it will lead to root rot. Therefore, home cultivation is suitable for small pot planting.

4. Watering is usually watered before noon or in the morning and evening, and needs to be watered thoroughly. If photosynthesis cannot be carried out after watering at night, it is easier to survive germs. And if the temperature is too high, insect pests will occur, so it is recommended to control the temperature.

Conclusion: the breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of Hongyun are introduced to you first. In fact, Hongyudang can be said to be the boutique of flowers, showing the high taste of the owner, cooperating with the furnishings of the home, and adding a beautiful scenery. next we are going to take a look at the role of Hongyun in breeding.