
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of gem flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Gem flower is a general term for succulent plants in the shape of lotus flower, such as winter beauty, jade butterfly, obscure moon, black prince, peach beauty, etc., fleshy thick leaves are shaped like precious stones, and many branches are overlapped and clustered together. Rosette leaves

The gem flower is a general term for a kind of succulent plants, which generally refers to the succulent plants in the shape of the lotus, such as winter beauty, jade butterfly, obscure moon, black prince, peach beauty, etc., the fleshy thick leaves are shaped like precious stones, and the multi-branch leaves overlap and cluster together. the rosette-shaped leaf disk is named for its unique shape and simple maintenance, which is very suitable for family cultivation.

Growth habits of gem flowers

Gem flowers like warm, dry and ventilated environment, like sunshine, like humus-rich sandy loam, can also adapt to barren soil, are very resistant to drought, and can grow without watering them for several weeks. because each leaf is like a small reservoir, the water is stored in the leaves for use in case of drought, and it is also resistant to cold, shade and indoor air. When the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃, the plants placed in the shade for a long time are easy to grow and the leaves are sparse, so it is feasible to be cultivated in the open field in the south of the Yangtze River.

Propagation method of gem flower

1. Leaf insertion: lay the complete mature leaves on the moist sandy soil with the leaves facing up and back down, without covering the soil and placing them in a cool place. Leaflets and new roots can grow from the base of the leaves in about 10 days, and the roots can be buried in the soil. In the future, let it bask in the sun, properly water and fertilize, and it will gradually grow into a strong new plant.

2. Cuttings: single leaves, tillers or apical branches can be used. The length of cuttings cut is unlimited, but after the cut is dry, the lower leaves are removed and then inserted into the sand bed. It usually takes about 20 days to take root after insertion. Insert soil should not be too wet, otherwise the cut is easy to yellow rot, the root length of 2 cm to 3 cm on the basin. Leaf cuttings can also be used.

Culture method of gemstone flower

1. Soil: gem flowerpot soil is required to be loose and fertile, with good drainage and air permeability. Half of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, coarse sand or vermiculite can be used, mixed with a small amount of bone powder and other calcareous materials. Because the soil is moist, the newly planted plants do not need to irrigate too much water to maintain their semi-dry state to facilitate the restoration of roots.

2. Temperature: gem flowers prefer warm, humid and semi-shady growth environment, the optimum growth temperature is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 15 ℃. In winter, when the temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ at night and above 15 ℃ in daytime, the plant can continue to grow and can be watered normally and fertilized properly. If watering is controlled to make the plant dormant, it can also withstand the low temperature of 0 ℃.

3. Illumination: gem flowers are dormant in high temperature in summer and cold in winter, and the main growth period is in the cooler spring and autumn seasons. Sufficient sunlight is required in the growth period. If insufficient light will lead to loose plant shape, not compact, affecting its ornamental, while the plants growing in the place of sufficient light, the leaves are thick and plump, compact and beautiful.

4. Watering: gemstone flowers should master the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly" to avoid long-term stagnant water so as not to cause rotten roots, but it should not be too dry, otherwise, although the plant will not die, it will grow slowly, the leaf color will be dim, and lack of vitality. In the period of high temperature in summer, the leaf water evaporation is large and the water demand is more, such as the lack of water is very easy to make the leaf wilt, so it is necessary to spray water to the leaf surface frequently and keep the environment moist at the same time, but the stagnant water in the basin must be avoided, otherwise it will cause root rot.