
The latest bellflower language and legend

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Campanula is also called bell flower, tile tube flower, bellflower, etc. It is an annual, biennial or perennial herb belonging to Campanula of Platycodon family. It originates in the north of Eurasia. Its flowers are bell-shaped like bellbells. Its colors are bright and elegant. It is very popular in Europe. It is a small garden in late spring and early summer.

Campanulaceae is an annual, biennial or perennial herb of Campanulaceae. It is native to northern Eurasia with bell-shaped flowers, bright and elegant colors, and is very popular in Europe. It is a common herbal flower in a small garden in late spring and early summer. Let's take a look at the flowers and legends of Campanulaceae.

The value of bluebells

Campanula is suitable for the configuration of small garden as flower bed and flower border material, mainly used as potted flower, can also be used in open field, and is suitable for small garden as flower bed and flower border material. If you use bluebells and ornamental sunflowers as the main materials, with ivy, sea gold sand, carnation basket, the performance of vitality, prosperity of the happy atmosphere. Such as purple bluebells as the main flower, with white lilies, swallows, Tianmen winter flower arrangement, will appear quiet and soft.

The flower language of bluebells

1. Thank you: you are a grateful person who likes this flower, and you will bear in mind the kindness given to you by others. But you are extremely ego, believe in your own feelings, a little indifferent to others, and care about the shortcomings of others, so that your friends dare not easily approach you, gradually isolated.

2. Jealousy: the bluebell, which appeared in Greek mythology, was loved by the sun god Apollo. The jealous west wind threw the disc at the head of the bluebells, and the blood spattered on the ground, and the flowers of the bluebells bloomed. Therefore, its fancy language is jealousy. Those who are blessed by this kind of flower have a strong desire for monopolization and hope that their lovers will be their own for 24 hours. However, this is likely to be counterproductive!

The legend of bluebells

Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a miserable couple. The husband is a blind man, living by telling fortune for others, and the wife is a clever weaver girl. Although the life of the two people is hard, they are also happy.

Because the husband is blind, can not see himself, so the wife will hang a bell on her body every day, with the body swinging, the bell will make a crisp sound. In this way, no matter where the wife is, the husband can find her, and the husband likes to hear the bell ring very much. the wife is busy in the house, and the husband sits in the rocking chair listening to the bell as if he were listening to a melodious tune. In the bell, he recognized his wife's love for him, as well as his wife's tenderness and kindness. When he hears the trance, he will gently tap the beat on the table and become intoxicated with himself.

In the past, when the husband went out as a fortune teller, the wife would weave cloth at home. In the evening, the wife will cook the meal and go to the entrance of the village to wait for him to come home.

One day, my husband went out as usual. Go to a very remote mountain village to help people tell fortunes. On my way home, at a turn on a hillside, I came across a carriage speeding towards me. He took several steps to the side of the road to avoid the carriage, which dodged, but the man fell off the cliff and never appeared again. Many years later, a bridge man found his bones.

However, the wife stood at the entrance of the village waiting for her husband to come back as before. But until the moon hung high, the husband didn't come back, and the wife wanted to go out and look for it, but she didn't know where her husband was going to help people with fortune-telling, and she was worried that her husband would be sad if he didn't see him, so she stood there and waited. She didn't go home sadly until the sun rose.

Several days have passed, there is still no husband, months have passed, years have passed. Seeing how infatuated she was waiting, the people in the village sympathized with her very much and would help her inquire about her husband every time they went out.

One day, a businessman came back from far away and heard that he had brought news of her husband. The wife asked the businessman happily, "when will her husband be back?" Seeing the happy look on her face, the businessman couldn't bear to tell her that her husband had died years ago. But his wife was still there waiting for his answer, so he had to tell her the truth. When the woman heard the news, she did not speak or cry. She walked away quietly.

The wife returned to the entrance of the village, quietly leaned against the boulder and continued to wait for her husband to come back. The people in the village advised her to go home, but she just smiled and never said another word. She stopped weaving and waited day and night against the boulder.

Year after year went by. One day the villagers found that the woman next to the boulder was missing. Somewhere there was a green plant with several bell-shaped things on it. Everyone in the village said that this little green plant was changed by this woman and gave it a nice name-"bluebells".

From then on, "bluebells" has become a token for young men and women to convey their wishes to each other. It represents a promise that I will wait forever and love you only all my life. Receive the beloved send "bluebells", this person will be a happy quilt.