
The latest flower words and legends of mimosa

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mimosa is also called Mimosa, etc., which are perennial herbs or subshrubs of Leguminosae. Because the leaves respond to heat and light, they close immediately when touched by external forces, so they are named mimosa.

Mimosa, also known as Mimosa, etc., are perennial herbs or subshrubs of Leguminosae. Because the leaves respond to heat and light, they are immediately closed when touched by external forces, so they are named mimosa and are easy to survive. They are suitable for potted flowers on balconies and indoors. Let's take a look at the flower words and legends of mimosa.

The flower language of mimosa

Shy, sensitive, polite. If the leaves of mimosa are touched, watered or in case of a typhoon, they will curl up as if they are bowing to people. they are polite plants. Therefore, fancy language is "politeness". The person who is born with the blessing of this kind of flower is a person who behaves regularly and is loved by the elderly.

The moral of mimosa

When you gently touch the mimosa, its leaves will immediately close and droop, even if a gust of wind blows, the mimosa will also occur, in this case, the mimosa is like a shy girl, so the mimosa language is also shy above. And the person who is blessed by this kind of flower is very shy and timid, and is very afraid of life. The feeling is particularly sharp, and the self-esteem is strong. However, if you are with people who know you well, you will be much more relaxed and comfortable, making friends with quality rather than weight, and like the feelings of long-flowing water.

The legend of mimosa

According to legend, a long time ago, there was a young man who was very beautiful and kind-hearted. He made a living by fishing and rowed a small boat to the depths of the sea to fish every day, but he didn't come back with a full load every day, and sometimes he got nothing.

Every day, the young man can see an old man sitting by the sea fishing, and the old man muttered to him, "fishing!" Fishing! fishing! The little fish can't get to the big ones! " After reading, I saw the bigger fish swimming towards the old man. The young man said to the old man, "Old man, can you teach me how to fish?" The old man slowly looked up at the young man for a moment and said, "I think you look like an honest man. Don't learn fishing from me. Let me tell you one thing." You walk along the seaside, walk through a lake, and then walk through a river, and you will see a lotus pond, where you will encounter a good thing. " The old man put away the fishing rod as he spoke, and it disappeared all of a sudden.

The young man was very strange. He thought, "this old man must be a fairy. I'll do what he says and see what good things will happen." So the young man went home and prepared some dry food and set off.

He walked along the seaside, to the lake, to the river, and then to the river, and finally saw a turquoise in front of him. He thought, "this is what the old man said about the lotus pond!" So he stepped on, but he saw that the lotus pond was not far away, but he could not get there anyway. the young man walked from noon to sunset, from sunset to stars, and finally came to a pond full of lotus flowers. The scenery here is beautiful, one by one the lotus leaves cover the whole pond, the lotus leaves are full of lotus flowers, the flowers are beautiful, the posture is different, and the moon looks very quiet and soft. The young man was tired of walking, so he sat down against a tree by the pond and fell asleep before he knew it.

When he woke up, the young man found that everything had changed. he was no longer by the lotus pond, but in a mulberry forest where the stars floated down from the sky and floated among the mulberry trees. there was a cabin with lights in it, and the door was open. So the young man went over and saw a girl sitting there spinning. The girl is wearing a long green dress and a pink blouse, which looks like a graceful lotus from a distance. There is a fresh lotus flower in the girl's jet-black hair. The young man said, "Girl, what is this place?" The girl looked up and said, "you must be tired from walking. Come in and have a rest." The young man entered the room happily, and the girl did not speak to the young man again, but bowed her head and spun yarn. The young man saw that the girl was spinning so fast that he could only see the white light from the silver ring on her finger. After sitting for a while, the young man offered to leave, but the girl didn't ask him to stay, so she sent him out the door.

The young man was a little disappointed because the girl didn't keep him. If only he could marry this girl, he thought. So instead of leaving the mulberry woods, he went to rest a little further away from the hut. But unexpectedly, at dawn the next day, the young man woke up to find that he was still sleeping by the lotus pond, the sun shining on the water, and the lotus blossoms very beautifully.

Finally, when it was dark, the young man found the cabin again, and the girl was much more enthusiastic than yesterday. She cooked for the young man and mended his clothes. After a while, the young man said he was leaving again, but the girl still had no intention of retaining her.

The young man sat by the lotus pond all night, and he thought: be sure to make things clear to the girl. Early in the morning, the sun came out, the fog on the lotus pond dispersed, the water was clear, and dew was still rolling on the lotus leaves. When the young man saw a very big lotus, he thought to himself, maybe this is the girl. The young man was about to pick the lotus when suddenly the lotus disappeared and became the girl. The girl said: "my father does not allow me to associate with mortals, from now on we do not see each other." The young man was stupefied for a moment and burst into tears sadly. "is there nothing he can do about it?" he said. The lotus girl saw him so sincere and said, "as long as you are good to me, I will go away with you." The young man said happily, "then go now!" Lotus girl said, "Don't worry, look at me." So she pulled out the lotus hairpin from her head and blew it. The hairpin turned into a big walking stick. The lotus girl pulled up the young man and sat on it, "whoosh", and went up to heaven.

The young man dared not open his eyes to see how high he was, but he only felt the wind swishing in his ears. After a while, they stopped on a hillside. There were mountains everywhere, and the young man was worried and said, "there is nothing here. What should we do?" Lotus girl said: "Don't worry, look at me." With that, she pointed with the lotus hairpin, and suddenly saw a small piece of fertile land in front of her eyes, and then pointed to another house. The young man was so excited that he quickly ran into the house to have a look. There were pots and pans and a loom. The lotus girl said, "from now on, when you hunt and farm, and I spin and weave, we won't have to worry about food and clothing."

The next day, when the young man was going out hunting, the lotus girl drove out the door and said, "take this lotus hairpin with you and meet any wolf, worm, tiger and leopard. As long as you point it, it will not dare to touch you, but you must not give it to anyone else!" When the young man had the treasure to protect himself, he boldly went hunting in the mountain. when he climbed the mountain, he saw flocks of rabbits, pheasants, goats, wild horses, and so on. As soon as the young man got home, he saw a lot of cloth on the bed. He knew that the lotus girl must have been knitting all day. The young man said, "have a rest!" Lotus girl smiled and said: "We want to start a family here, I want to speed up the work."

Day after day in this way, the lotus girl was not as handsome as she used to be because she worked too hard. The young man always said, "Oh!" You are tired and old! " The lotus girl was silent.

One day, the young man went out hunting and walked a long way without meeting his prey, so he walked on and on until he came to a dark hole. Out of curiosity and relying on the lotus hairpin, the young man boldly went in. The more you go inside, the darker you go, and the more you go inside, the worse the smell will be. Suddenly there is a lot of green light in front of your eyes. It turned out to be a pack of wolves. The young man hurriedly took out the lotus hairpin, and the wolves disappeared. As he walked, another tiger sprang out, and the young man pointed again and again, and the tiger was gone. he had the courage to continue to walk in. there seemed to be a little light in front of him, which gradually became brighter and brighter, and it turned out to be a light from the Golden Gate. The young man opened the door and went in. He saw a beautiful little woman inside. The young man asked, "what are you doing here?" The woman said, "I used to live at the foot of the mountain, but one day a strange wind brought me here, and I dared not go out." With that, he began to cry. The young man felt sorry for her and said, "Don't be afraid. I'll take you home." The woman said, "there's no hurry. You've been gone all day. Have a rest first." With that, he took out good wine and good food to eat with the young man, who completely forgot about the lotus girl. He did not know how long he had been with the little woman in the cave, but the lotus girl could not wait for the left and the right at home, and he had a premonition that something had happened to the young man. Angry and sad, she sighed and thought, "Let's go and save him!"

Besides, the little woman turned out to be a witch. She was afraid of the lotus hairpin, so she tried every means to get it. So she said to the young man, "how about showing me your precious hairpin?" The young man was off guard, so he gave it to her. Unexpectedly, as soon as she got the hairpin, she ran out of the door. The young man was surprised when suddenly the two doors slammed shut. The room was dark. The young man felt left and right, and there were stones everywhere. He was scared to death.

The lotus girl knew that the young man was in trouble, so she rushed to save him. She climbed one mountain after another and finally arrived at the demon cave. But the entrance of the cave was blocked by a big stone. The lotus girl took off the silver ring on her hand and pointed it at the big stone. The ring gave a silver light and pierced the big stone like a sword all the way to the young man. The young man was worrying in the cave when he suddenly saw a bright light, and then the lotus girl appeared in front of him. The young man was ashamed and said, "I'm sorry, I really deserve to die!" Lotus girl said: "you really let me down, I have two treasures-one is a lotus hairpin, the other is a silver ring." The lotus hairpin can keep me young forever and let me go to heaven and earth. A silver ring can make a difference and go through fire and water. Now you. " The lotus girl was too sad to go on.

The young man saw that the lotus girl was really getting old, and it was getting uglier and uglier. Just then, the little witch came back. She laughed proudly with the lotus hairpin and said, "well, you can't beat me now!" The lotus girl knew that her magic power was getting worse and worse due to aging, so she took the young man and ran out of the cave with 36 tricks. The witch was also in hot pursuit, chasing and shouting, "Young man, you just left. You don't remember me!" The lotus girl said, "Don't look back, or I can't save you!" But the witch was still chasing and screaming, and the young man thought, "it doesn't matter to secretly look back!" So he stole a glance, but the young man ran quickly to the witch as if he were possessed, and he couldn't hold it. The lotus girl was completely disappointed and had to go by herself.

The lotus girl cried bitterly when she got home. Suddenly, the fairy who was fishing by the sea appeared and said, "Don't be sad, son, come with me." With that, he took the lotus girl and flew to the demon cave. Then, the immortal read a few mantras, and immediately saw a black gas floating out of the cave, and there was a lotus hairpin in the black gas. The fairy said, "the evil has turned into light smoke. Give it back to you." The lotus girl inserted a hairpin and suddenly became young again. She found the boy's clothes and shoes in the cave and buried it in front of her house.

After a long time, the lotus girl has turned the barren mountain into a green forest and made her home beautiful and rich. I don't know when a strange little grass suddenly grew in front of my house. As long as someone touched it with his hand or even blew on it, he would bow his head in shame. Later, people called it "mimosa". It is said that because the young man was sorry to the lotus girl, he became such a grass after his death to show his repentance and guilt.