
The latest course on Seedling techniques and methods of Pinus elliottii

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, White bark pine is an endemic tree species in China, with graceful posture and peculiar bark for viewing. Wood can be used for building, furniture, stationery and other materials. It is generally used for sowing and propagation in the process of cultivation, and the nursery land should choose sand with good drainage, flat terrain and deep soil layer.

White bark pine is an endemic tree species in China, with graceful posture and peculiar bark for viewing. Wood can be used for building, furniture, stationery and other materials. It is generally used to sow and breed in the process of cultivation, and the nursery land should be well drained. The sandy loam soil with flat terrain and deep soil layer is better. Let's take a look at the seedling raising technology of Pinus elliottii.

White bark pine nursery site selection

Pinus elliottii seedlings are afraid of waterlogging, and flat plots with drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected for raising seedlings. Heavy clayey land, saline-alkali land and low-lying waterlogged land are not suitable for raising seedlings. Fine soil preparation, seedling land should be deeply turned and leveled and raked fine, and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied, such as rotten ring compost and compost. Calcium superphosphate can also be mixed with cake fertilizer or soil fertilizer, the effect is better. Before soil preparation, 10 kg ferrous sulfate powder per mu was sprinkled and turned into the soil for sterilization and disinfection. After the land is consolidated, it is made into a north-south border, with a ridge of 25 cm high and a width of 1 m, in preparation for sowing.

Pinus elliottii seed sowing

1. Seed germination: the seeds of Pinus bungeana should be soaked in Bordeaux solution for disinfection, soaked in warm water (50 ℃ to 60 ℃) or stratified with mixed sand before sowing. The seeds can be sowed when the number of grinning seeds reaches 50% of the total number of seeds. In this way, the seedlings are strong and neat, and they can be unearthed and germinated in 15 to 20 days.

2. Seed sowing: sowing is generally the best 10 to 15 days after soil thawing (from late March to early April). Before sowing, the border surface is watered thoroughly, sowing 1 to 1.5kg every 10 square meters, and about 1500 seedlings can be produced, sowing or sowing with wide strips. Cover fine sand 1 to 1.5 cm after sowing, use 125 grams of promethazine per mu plus 250 grams of wettable herbicide ether to 25 kilograms of water, and sprinkle weeds on the seedbed with a sprayer. Finally, a small arch shed was set up on the border surface to increase temperature and moisture, improve the seedling emergence rate, and do not need watering before emergence.

3. Post-sowing management: because rats love to eat pine nuts, they should sprinkle some rat poison on the border before building the arch shed to cover the film. In seedling management, after the seedlings came out, the ventilation time of the seedling bed was gradually increased, and the resistance was enhanced by refining seedlings. White bark pine likes light, but the seedlings are more tolerant to shade. After removing the film, the shade net should be covered immediately to prevent the harm of high temperature sunburn and blight.

Seedling Management of Pinus elliottii

1. Watering and weeding: if there is no rain for a long time or high temperature in summer, it should be watered in time, and the principles of early, small and clean weeding should be mastered, weeding among plants should be pulled out by hand to prevent damage to seedlings, sowing seedlings should be properly covered with soil to prevent cracks, strip sowing should be combined with weeding and loosening soil, interseedling and seedling replenishment should be carried out at the same time, and timely drainage should be carried out.

2. Rational fertilization: Pinus elliottii seedlings should be based on base fertilizer and supplemented by topdressing. From the middle of May to the end of July, topdressing should be carried out 2 to 3 times, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, 3 piculs per mu of rotten human manure or pig manure, about 20 piculs of water, 5 to 15 kilograms of mature cake fertilizer per mu, and 4 kilograms of urea per mu. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer in the later stage of growth, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote Lignification of seedlings, and spray leaves with 0.3% to 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.

3. Timely transplanting: Pinus bungeana seedlings grow slowly and should be planted densely. If you need to continue to cultivate large seedlings, you will have to transplant 2 or 3 times before planting. The two-year-old seedlings can be transplanted with soil before the terminal buds germinated in early spring, with a row spacing of 20 to 60 cm without harming the terminal buds, watering twice after planting and watering again after 6 to 7 days. The 4-to 5-year-old seedlings can be transplanted for the second time with soil balls, and the row spacing is 60 to 120 cm. After survival, it is necessary to keep the soil around the roots loose, apply 100 to 120 kg of rotten organic fertilizer per plant, pour water through the soil after burying the soil, and then strengthen management, promote growth and cultivate strong seedlings.

4. pest control: after sowing, attention should be paid to the damage of seed fly larvae to seedlings, and the basic fertilizer must be fully rotten and mashed. Pine aphids damage shoots and needles of seedlings, easily lead to black mildew, causing tree weakness and even death. 50% phoxim emulsion can be sprayed at the initial stage of damage, adding 2000 kg of water per kilogram.