
The latest course on modeling techniques and methods of Luohansong

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Luo Hansong is also known as Luohanshan, Taxodium, Golden Pine and so on. The purpose of modeling is to use superb means of artistic expression to dig out the highest artistic realm from the ordinary tree shape, to maximize the ornamental value, and to use common modeling techniques.

Luo Han Song is also known as Luo Han Sequoia, Taxodium, Golden Pine, etc., the purpose of modeling is to use superb artistic expression techniques to dig out the highest artistic realm from the ordinary tree shape, and maximize the ornamental value. the commonly used modeling techniques are cutting, binding, pressing, binding, hanging and so on. Let's take a look at the modeling technology of Luohansong.

Modeling technology of Luo Hansong

1. Scissors: various shapes can be made by using the characteristics of resistance to pruning and small leaf shape, such as spherical shape, conical shape, multi-layer spherical shape, etc., only need to be trimmed according to the pre-designed graphics. If the trimming design is a three-layer sphere with a total height of 2 meters, the height of the lower layer is about 50 cm, the middle layer is about 40 cm, and the top layer is 30 cm high. all branches between the first and second layers of 45 cm and the second and third layers of 35 cm need to be cut off, and then trim three spheres.

2. Binding: strong bamboo sticks and strong hemp ropes can be selected for modeling, the bamboo sticks and branches can be fastened and fastened with hemp ropes, and then one end of the bamboo stick can be fixed on the trunk, thus by adjusting the direction of the bamboo stick, so that the branches grow in a specific direction according to the wishes of the stylist to achieve the purpose of modeling. It should be noted that the Zafa modeling is suitable for the younger tree, while the older one is difficult and ineffective because of its stout branches.

3. Pressure: pressure modeling is mainly through the method of bending and tilting the trunk, so that the tree body on the slope presents a completely different artistic aesthetic feeling from the vertical plane. Because the branches of Luo Hansong are like human arms, and the clusters of hemispherical leaves grow on the top of the branches like the palms of human hands, coupled with bent trees, it is as if a usher is bending his arms to welcome the guests, which is very vivid.

Luohansong pruning method

The main results are as follows: 1. Thinning pruning: the branches are cut off from the base, through thinning, the stump can be ventilated and transparent, the nutrition supply is concentrated, the growth is exuberant, and the young trees can be thinned as soon as possible, which is beneficial to the normal development and growth. Thinning and cutting during plastic surgery can make the remaining modeling branches get sufficient nutrition and speed up the forming. The formed tree stump bonsai can balance nutrition by thinning and cutting, making it old and unfailing. Cut off the branches of diseases and insect pests when thinning, and burn them immediately to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests, and cut off the branches that hinder their appearance in time.

2. Short shearing: the short shearing of Luohansong is about to cut the long branches to stimulate the axillary buds under the clipping mouth to germinate and form strong lateral branches, so as to promote its branching and facilitate modeling. After thinning and pruning the excess branches in plastic surgery, it is necessary to cut short the remaining modeling branches to promote the sprouting of the styling branches 2 or 3 times a year. If a bud is sent for a short cut, the branch grade of the modeled branch will be rapidly increased, and the branch order of each grade can be shortened without lengthening the branch.

3. Shrinking pruning: the shrinking pruning of Luohansong is the retraction and pruning of perennial branches, which is not only an effective measure to reduce the size of trees, but also an important means to promote the sprouting of new branches and restore the tree momentum. For the stump plants with large crown and long main branches, the short and thinning shears of annual branches alone can not meet the requirements of pile modeling, and the big trees can become smaller by shrinking, which is beneficial to pile modeling. For some tree species with strong sprouting power, the amount of shearing can be larger, that is, trimming branches and leaves, leaving only the skeleton of the stump to stimulate the germination of new branches under the shearing mouth.

Culture method of Luohansong

1. Soil: the cultivation of Pinus elliottii requires slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, loose and fertile, and good drainage. In alkaline soil, the leaves are yellowed, the growth is slow, and the life span is long, up to hundreds of years, or even more than a thousand years.

2. Watering: Luohansong is not a plant of Pinaceae and is not resistant to drought. On the contrary, Luohansong is resistant to Yin and dampness, so it should be watered frequently during the growing period, but it should not be watered. Shunde area should pay attention to regular watering when it is sunny in summer, generally watering once in the morning and evening, and often spraying foliar water to make the leaves bright green and grow well. Rain Water is usually more in summer. Luo Hansong is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to prevent stagnant water for a long time.

3. Sunshine: Pinus elliottii is a neutral and negative tree species, which can not only accept strong light, but also grow in a shady environment. Although the temperature is high and the sun is strong in summer, it is not necessary to shade the tree in summer because the tree is propitious to maintain its leaf shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light. Because of the tender tissue, the seedlings of Luohan pine should not be exposed to strong light for a long time, so it is suggested that they should be preserved in the shade.

4. Temperature: Luohansong is suitable for potted plants in the north. When the outdoor air temperature is stable at about 10 ℃, leave it outside in a leeward and sunny place, and move to a semi-shady place after summer. When the temperature does not drop to 5 ℃ in winter, you should enter the room and control the watering after entering the room, so that you can survive the winter safely without freezing.

5, fertilization: Luohansong likes fertilizer, should be thin fertilizer frequently, fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, can add appropriate amount of black alum, retting into alum fertilizer water. During the growing period, fertilization can be applied once every two months, and fertilization can be combined with watering at the same time (the ratio of water and fertilizer is 9:1).

6. Insect pests: Luohan pine is mainly harmful to leaf spot and anthracnose, and is sprayed with 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 500 times. Pests are harmful to shell insects, red spiders and coir moths, which can be sprayed with 1500 times omethoate EC.