
How tall can the latest rich bamboo grow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fugui bamboo is also known as Wanshou bamboo, Kaiyun bamboo, Fugui tower, ribbon tree, etc. It is a perennial herb belonging to Dracaena of agave family. It is native to Cameroon in western Africa. Now it is a common ornamental plant in China. It means great wealth and nobility. Many people like to cultivate it in

Rich bamboo, also known as longevity bamboo, open bamboo, rich tower, ribbon tree, etc., is a perennial evergreen herb of the tequila family, originated in Cameroon in western Africa, and is now a common ornamental plant in China, implying great wealth and nobility. Many people like to breed at home and give themselves positive encouragement. Let's take a look at how tall the rich bamboo can grow.

How tall can rich bamboo grow?

There is no fixed number of how tall rich bamboo can grow. It is possible to grow more than ten centimeters or even dozens of centimeters in a good year. If it is not raised well, it may grow a few centimeters. Under normal circumstances, the plant height of rich bamboo can reach more than 1.5 to 2.5 meters, but it is suitable for commercial ornamental cultivation of 80 centimeters and 100 centimeters. If it is too high, it can be trimmed, if it is planted in a basin, it can be woven, and it can be cut off.

Will the rich bamboo blossom?

Rich bamboo can blossom, umbels have 3-10 flowers in leaf axils or opposite flowers to upper leaves, perianth 6, Corolla campanulate, purple. Berries subglobose, black. The flowering of rich bamboo is the same normal stage of growth and development as other plant flowering, but it is seldom flowered in our country, so once flowering is meant to be good luck, it is people's good expectation and blessing.

Is the rich bamboo poisonous?

Fugui bamboo is non-toxic, everyone can rest assured to breed, and the juice of Fugui bamboo is also non-toxic. Bamboo leaves and stems contain developed fiber tissue, which will be attacked by red spiders and caterpillars in the process of growth. Red spiders feed on the juice of its leaves, while caterpillars eat leaves.

Culture methods of rich bamboos

1, soil culture: rich bamboo cut at least 10 cm stout stem, with leaves, the cut oblique cut, conducive to gas roots, inserted into the sand bed, and maintain the temperature at about 25 degrees, a month can take root and survive.

2. Hydroponic culture: the hydroponic propagation of Fugui bamboo is also to cut the stout stem of 10 cm, with leaves, cut the oblique mouth, and then insert it into the water. Pay attention to 1/3 of the whole plant immersed in the water, and due to the scarcity of nutrients in the water, nutrient solution needs to be added to improve the survival rate.

3. Bottle cultivation: bottle cultivation of rich bamboo should be said to be the most ornamental method, and most people use this method, but it should be noted that the nutrients in the water are not as rich as those in the soil, and it is necessary to increase the nutrient solution, otherwise there will be yellow leaves.

4. Temperature: rich bamboo is a plant in the south, which likes high temperature. The temperature suitable for the growth of rich bamboo is 20-28 degrees. For low temperature, rich bamboo also has a strong ability to adapt, generally 2-3 degrees low temperature rich bamboo can accept.

5. Humidity: rich bamboo likes shade and dampness, resistant to waterlogging, watering frequently, soil cultivation can not dry soil, should be watered in time, hydroponics should often change water to ensure the nutrients of water.

6. Soil: rich bamboo should have good permeability, often loosen the soil and fertilize, it is best to sprinkle a little sand, and some rotten leaves can be used as organic fertilizer.

7. Lighting: rich bamboo prefers semi-shady environment, and its light requirements are not strict, but it can not be irradiated by strong light for a long time, otherwise yellow leaves will grow slowly.