
Why don't the latest sweet-scented osmanthus trees bloom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sweet-scented osmanthus trees are elegant, green branches and green leaves, evergreen all the year round, thin branches and pleasant fragrance. 3-5 grow in the axils of branches with a strong aroma, a large reunion into an umbrella-shaped, very fragrant, so beautiful that they can't help but want to pick one, but some sweet-scented osmanthus trees also look at it.

Sweet-scented osmanthus trees are elegant, green branches and leaves, evergreen all the year round, thin branches and pleasant fragrance. 3-5 grow in the axils of branches with a strong aroma, a large reunion into an umbrella-shaped, very fragrant, so beautiful that they can not help but want to pick one, but some sweet-scented osmanthus trees can not see the figure of flowers, let's take a look at why sweet-scented osmanthus trees do not blossom!

When does the sweet-scented osmanthus tree bloom?

The common cultivated varieties of sweet-scented osmanthus are cinnamon, cinnamon, silver cinnamon and four seasons osmanthus. The flowering time of different varieties of sweet-scented osmanthus is different, and the color of the flowers is also different. The flowering period of cinnamon is from September to October, and the color is often golden yellow. The flowering period of cinnamon is from September to October, and the color is white or yellow-white. Cinnamon florescence in October, the color is mostly orange red or orange yellow. Four seasons cinnamon blossoms, every month there are a small number of flowers, the color is white.

Why don't sweet-scented osmanthus trees bloom?

1. Improper selection of seedlings: there is a kind of purple cinnamon that can not blossom until it grows into a tree, but it is difficult to blossom if it is mistakenly cut into seedlings. Osmanthus fragrans seedlings should be grafted with mature branches of improved varieties as scions, or obtained by high pressure method on flowering branches or even at the base, which is not only of good quality, but also easy to blossom after survival. This is very important, the selection of sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings in the training process will be more convenient, and do not worry about why sweet-scented osmanthus trees do not bloom.

2. Improper cultivation: sweet-scented osmanthus tree likes sand soil is the most suitable, and it rarely blossoms in the soil with high alkalinity. If it is rooted or frozen when transplanting, it will weaken its growth and will not blossom in 3 to 5 years. Sweet-scented osmanthus trees prefer light to avoid temperature, long-term lack of light may not blossom. Too wet and rotten roots or long-term high temperature drying will also affect flower bud differentiation, which is also the reason why sweet-scented osmanthus trees do not blossom.

3. Fertilizer imbalance: sweet-scented osmanthus is a fertilizer-loving plant, but the more fertilizer, the better. Each plant has the proportion of fertilizer components that balance the domestic demand of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, the branches will flourish, but the branches and leaves will grow, but they will not blossom. Without leaves, yellow branches are thin, which affects the absorption of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and does not blossom. Therefore, the plan should try not to use chemical fertilizer and use more farm manure. Sweet-scented osmanthus trees especially like pig manure. As the proverb goes, "make sweet-scented osmanthus fragrant and break the pig poop jar."

4. disease: sweet-scented osmanthus trees are afraid of chlorine and are not resistant to oil fumes. If the lampblack is large, the growth is poor, the leaves become smaller and fall off, and cannot blossom. Sweet-scented osmanthus trees are also vulnerable to anthracnose, shell insects and other diseases and pests, not timely treatment, also affect flowering. In addition, mistakenly cutting spring shoots will affect the flowering of the same year. If there are too many branches of sweet-scented osmanthus in full bloom, it will weaken the growth and affect the later flowering.

How can sweet-scented osmanthus blossom more?

1. Select the basin soil: sweet-scented osmanthus likes slightly acidic soil. Pot culture can choose 5 parts of mountain mud, 3 parts of humus soil, 2 parts of sandy soil or half of rotten leaf soil and sandy loam soil as culture soil. If the soil is too acidic, the growth is slow and the leaves are withered and yellow. If alkaline soil is used, it can lead to leaf withering and even death after 2-3 months.

2. timely watering: sweet-scented osmanthus watering should be mastered "two less and one more", that is, less watering before the occurrence of new shoots, less watering in rainy days, and more watering in dry weather in summer and autumn. Usually watering is appropriate to keep the water content of the basin soil about 50%. Drainage should be carried out in time on cloudy and rainy days to prevent stagnant water in the basin from rotting roots, otherwise it is easy to "drown".

3. Skillfully applying topdressing: sweet-scented osmanthus likes pig dung, and the flower proverb is "to get sweet-scented osmanthus, prepare more pig manure tanks". If the rotten and thin pig manure is applied once every 10 to 15 days from April to May, once every 10 to 10 days from June to July, and the last time at the beginning of August, the sweet-scented osmanthus will grow luxuriantly, bloom more and taste fragrant. There is no pig manure in the city, so rotten cake liquid can be used. If there is not enough fertilizer, there will be fewer branches, fewer flowers, and no fragrance.

4. Proper pruning: Osmanthus fragrans have developed root system and strong germination. Adult sweet-scented osmanthus trees shoot twice a year. Therefore, in order to make sweet-scented osmanthus blossom flourish, it is necessary to prune properly to maintain the physiological balance between reproductive growth and vegetative growth. In general, long branches, weak branches, disease and insect branches should be cut off to facilitate ventilation and light, nutrient concentration, to promote sweet-scented osmanthus to give birth to more and fuller flower buds, then bloom luxuriantly.