
Classification and appreciation of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In the face of such strange flowers as Cuixiang, Meilan Cuixiang has to lament the creation of nature. In order to maintain the strength of the bluegrass, so that she can sprout as soon as possible, so the flower stem was cut off. Although you can't continue to appreciate her beauty, the nine flowers that have come out so far are enough for you to appreciate and experience the magic of "Cuixiang".

Huilan (scientific name: Cymbidium faberi) is a terrestrial herb of the genus Orchidaceae. The root is thicker and shorter, the base is slightly thicker than the front end of the root, and there are no branches. The pseudobulb is inconspicuous, clustered and oval in shape. Flowers are often yellowish green with deep purplish red veins and spots; flowers are usually rich in fragrance. One stem has many flowers, often 6-12, fragrant. Huilan is native to China and is one of the oldest and most popular orchids in China. In ancient times, it is often called "Hui". "Hui" refers to the central "Huixin" of Chinese orchids, and is often named "Huizhi" with Angelica dahurica. Cymbidium is a rare species in China, and it is a national second-class key protected wild species. Cymbidium was originally distributed in the south of Qinling, north of Nanling and southwest, and is one of the more hardy orchid varieties. The method of reproduction is usually propagated by the method of dividing plants. The ramet time is longer than that after flowering and before the new bud grows, this short dormancy period takes place. It should be properly dried before ramet and operated when the roots are slightly whitish and soft. Those with strong growth usually split once in 2-3 years, and each clump of orchid seedlings should have 2-3 pseudobulbs, one of which must be newly formed in the previous year. To avoid wound infection, you can apply sulfur powder or carbon powder. Put it in a dry place for 1-2 days and then plant it separately, that is, it will become a new plant. After planting, it should not be watered immediately. It is found that if it is too dry, a small amount of water can be sprayed to the leaf surface and basin surface to prevent the leaf from drying up, falling off and the false bulb from shrinking seriously. Wait for the new bud base to produce new roots before watering. Cymbidium can use 2 parts of fern root, 1 part of charcoal moss or a piece of bark with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm as pot substrate, and some granular materials such as broken bricks and charcoal can also be added. Flowerpots should choose high tube flowerpots with a diameter of 15-20 cm, with 2-4 seedlings in each pot. Cymbidium likes higher air humidity. In spring, summer and autumn, while giving sufficient water to the roots, Cymbidium should often spray water on leaves. However, during the short dormancy period after flowering in early spring, Cymbidium must be watered less and more watering only when the new buds grow larger and new roots. Cymbidium has large plants and luxuriant growth, and needs more fertilizer than the general national orchid, so fertilization should be strengthened in the growing season. Generally, the fermented cake fertilizer and so on can be mixed with 1x3 clay, then add water to make a ball about 2 cm in diameter, dry and set aside. Put in the basin in spring, there is a certain distance from the new bud, fertilizer can slowly release nutrients for orchid growth. Can be applied twice a year, several grains in each basin, can also be used to apply fermented liquid farm fertilizer, every 1-2 Mondays, can also be sprayed to the leaves and basin at 1:1:1 nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, the concentration should be 3-5%, 1-2 times a week. Stop fattening at the end of autumn. Cymbidium is more resistant to diseases and insect pests than ordinary Chinese orchids, but it is still attacked by various diseases in the process of growth. therefore, strengthening prevention is an important measure to cultivate Cymbidium. Generally, 1000 times diluted solution of "chlorothalonil" or "carbendazim" was sprayed on both sides of orchid leaves alternately every 10 days. Traditionally, according to the color of flower stem and sheath, Cymbidium is usually divided into red shell, green shell, red green shell, white green shell, etc.; in flower shape, it is also divided into lotus petals, plum petals and daffodils; there are no other colors on the flowers, and those with the same color and luster are also called "vegetarian hearts". After the emergence of the theory of appreciation and self-petal type of Cymbidium, special attention was paid to the petal type of flowers, such as plum petal and daffodil petal, round, tight and thick tongue, wide round and waxy sepal, and most of its famous products were such petal type. The lotus petals of Cymbidium are very few, and similar lotus petals have been found in recent years, which are also very popular. The general bamboo leaf petals of Cymbidium are as common as Artemisia grass. Except for a few bright colored flowers, they are rarely appreciated. In recent years, the butterfly petals and strange flowers of Cymbidium are colorful and dazzling, especially those with many petal tongues and bright colors, and the bidding price is very high. Vegetarian hearts are also popular. Scarcity is precious, because Cymbidium is mostly yellow-green flowers, such as the emergence of red flowers, purple flowers, black flowers, milky flowers, Cymbidium is also highly valued, and those with bright colors are better. Petal calyx petal thick, waxy, jade is also often a good product. Cymbidium has large branches and many flowers, so we should also pay attention to whether the layout of the flowers in the pruning flowers is staggered and whether the aroma is mellow. The beauty of its leaf art is also a good product, and those who occasionally see leaf art, flower art and petal shape are favored. There are eight traditional famous products of Huilan: freshman, Cheng Mei, Shanghai Mei, Guanding, Yuan character, dyed character, Pan Green, Dang character; the traditional eight are: Lou Mei, Cui Calyx, Best, Qinghua Mei, Jiangnan New Best, Duanmei, Cui Mei, Rongmei. The famous products of the new varieties are: Tianjiao Peony, Sixi Peony, Green Cloud Peony, far East Qi Butterfly, Lu Yi Butterfly, Lou Tai Butterfly, British Butterfly, Bubugao, gathering of heroes, Xianhe, the Beauty of Jianhu, Quanzhou Mei, Cuitao Xianshou, Lion Butterfly, Lingnan White Crane, Golden Ling, Cymbidium Crystal Flower, Purple Cuckoo, Yuewangmei, Juhua element, Duoyun, Zhejiang Ding, Huidanmei, Duanxiumei, Diicui, Chunhui Qianshou Guanyin and so on. Introduction of famous products 1. Petal type: history of large lotus-shaped daffodil petals of green shells: according to "A brief account of Lan Yan", it was selected by Hu Shaomei in Jiashan, Zhejiang Province during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, and by Hu Shaomei in the early years of Jiaqing according to the Lan Hui Tongxin record. Features: five-petal nest, emerald green, waxy petal, large soft silkworm moth, as big as the tongue. It is regarded as the crown of lotus-shaped daffodils in Cymbidium and is listed as the first among the eight traditional species of Cymbidium. two。 Xie Peimei: petal type: history of red shell green plum petals: selected by Shanghai's surname Zhang at the beginning of the Republic of China. Features: three-petal emerald green, tight edge short foot round head, white jade heart, as large as the tongue, scape slender. When the bud is just relaxing the petal, the flower shape is slightly smaller, and then it is bigger and bigger, the flower posture is strong, the leaf is thin and narrow, arched, the reproduction is fast, and the flower is healthy. 3. Duan Huimei: petal type: history of red shell green plum petals: selected by Changsheng, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Features: outer three-petal head round, tight edge, long foot root, shoulder flat, semi-hard holding, as large as tongue, straight pattern, slender scape. The leaves are half-hanging. 4. Xianlu: petal type: history of green shell plum petal: selected by Yixing Yilan in the early years of the Republic of China. Alias Yixing plum, because the flower shape is very similar to the old Shanghai plum, it is also known as the later Shanghai plum. Features: three round heads, long and narrow, divided into nests, sheep's horn holding the heart, the tongue is not curled. Some people often sell it as an old Shanghai plum. The bracts are green. Plum-shaped daffodils are often opened. 5. Old best: petal type: green shell green plum petal history: Qing Dynasty Guang Xu Xin Chou year was selected by Feng Changjin of Hangzhou Gongcheng Garden. Features: three-petal round head, long foot root, divided nest, hard pocket heart (sometimes split head close back type), dragon swallowed large tongue, shoulder flat. The bracts are green. It is listed as the new eight species of Huilan. 6. Guanding: petal type: red shell plum petal history: it was selected by Jiangsu Huguan Wanhe hotel owner during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, so it was named Wanhe. Features: five-petal short round, bean shell holding, divided nest, large round tongue, shoulder flat. Ye Kuo. It is one of the eight kinds of Christine. 7. Meta character: petal type: red shell green plum petal history: selected by Hu Guan Yilan during the Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty. Features: three-petal head round long feet, tight edge, color green, sub-nest semi-hard heart, flat shoulders, awe-inspiring tongue, scape stout and tall, one of the old eight kinds of Christine. 8. Old dye word: petal type: red shell plum petal history: Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty was selected by the surname Ruan of Jiashan, Zhejiang. Also known as the word Ruan. Features: three lobes are short, narrow and deep, shoulders are flat, nests big Guanyin holds the heart, large round tongue, and sometimes flowers bloom; the tip of the lip is inlaid, warped or skewed, so it is commonly known as the old dyed word of the scale hook head. The scape is slender. It is one of the eight older species of Cymbidium. 9. Cui Mei: petal type: red to green shell petal history: selected by Cui Yiting in Hangzhou before the Anti-Japanese War. Features: the outer three lobes are round and large, with fine roots, thick waxy flesh, semi-hard support, split nest or split head and close back, dragon swallowing tongue. Green, flat shoulders. It is listed as one of the new eight species, and it is also a famous product in Cymbidium. 10. Cheng Mei: petal type: history of red shell plum petals: selected by the surname Cheng of Changshu, Jiangsu Province during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Features: three-petal tight edge short round, split head close back or sub-nest to hold, dragon tongue, scape stout tall, broad leaves arched. It is the first of the eight kinds of Christine. 11. Zheng Xiaohe: petal type: history of green shell lotus valve: selected by Zhejiang before the Anti-Japanese War. Features: outer three long feet, angle root, clam shell holding, bangs tongue, green color. twelve。 Qing Huamei: petal shape: history of green shell plum petals: selected by Lannong Cheqing in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in 1911, it was sold to Wu Enyuan in Hangzhou. After six years of cultivation, it was time to overthrow the Manchu Dynasty. For celebration, thinking that che Qing found this flower in Huaxing Hotel, so contact its person, its place, then named Qinghua. Features: three-petal short foot round head, tight edge, thick petal, divided nest silkworm moth, as big as tongue, one word shoulder. It is listed as one of the eight new species of Huilan. 13. Old Shanghai plum: petal type: green shell plum petal history: selected by Li Liangbin at the beginning of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty. It is called the old Shanghai plum. Also known as the former Shanghai plum. Features: three long feet round head, half-closed hard holding, wearing cheeks as small as tongue, emerald green, one word shoulder. After blooming, the sidelobe occasionally turns back. The leaves are half-hanging. The scape is slender. The bracts are green. Is listed as one of the old eight. 14. The new best in Jiangnan: petal type: history of red shell plum petals: brought to Yang Ganqing's home in Wuxi by Qian Arau in Shaoxing in 1915. At that time, Mr. Yang Towrong Wenqing examined the flower buds and determined that good flowers would be produced in the future, and then Yang Ganqing bought them. Features: the flower shape is similar to that of the old best. Three-petal round head root, nest semi-hard pocket micro-he, dragon swallowed big tongue, shoulder flat, slender scape, charm is very good, is listed as one of the new eight species of Huilan. 15. Su XVIII: produced in the Wudang Mountains, purchased by Shanghai Dai Xianqian and Shen Xinbao in 1996, and named by Wu Yingxiang. 16. Mingzhou Mei: also known as "Tianwanghui" Ningbo Lanyou Shen Qingfa was found and selected in a mountain farmer's grass during a visit to Xianxiang Mountain area during the Spring Festival in 2000. The flower is about 45 cm high and about 1pm 2-1 wide. 5 cm, leaves obtuse tip dew-like, the shape is great. The pedicel foundation is bluish, round, tall and straight, about 4-5 mm thick, and about 50 cm high. Small flower handle and inner coating purplish red without green, centipede forceps head-shaped, flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter. The outer three lobes are short and wide, the roots are closed, the edges are tight, and the ends of the valves are round to form an arch. The shoulder of the word is also slightly flying, the soft and hard stick is open for a long time, the lower side of the stick flap can hold the tongue (root), the tongue flap is shaped like bangs, spit but not reversed, the length is not out of the holding flap, the back of the tongue without a red block. The nose is as small as a matchstick, no matter looking down until the flowers are shedding. The number of flowers of this variety is generally small, and the number of compound flowers several times is 7 murmur. however, the overall layout is extremely organized, with a sparse and evenly divided space between the flowers, the orientation of the flowers is considerable enough to be painted on all sides, and the overall momentum is dignified. The grading standard is different, the character is different, the grading standard is also different, but generally follow the following grading standard: class A: plant height 80 to 120 cm, 4 to 5 flower arrows, each arrow 15 to 20 flowers. Class B: plant height 60 to 80 cm, 3 to 4 flower arrows, each arrow 10 to 14 flowers. Class C: plant height 40 to 50 cm, 1 to 2 flower arrows, each arrow 6 to 9 flowers. It can also be divided into large flower series (flower diameter 8 to 10 cm), medium flower series (6 to 8 cm) and floret series (4 to 5 cm) according to the size of flower diameter.