
The latest culture method of Brazilian iron tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Brazilian iron tree is a beautiful, regular, world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants, also known as fragrant dragon blood tree, Brazilian millennium tree, middle spot dragon blood tree, etc., is an evergreen tree of Liliaceae, with a height of more than 8 meters and a potted height of 50 centimeters and 150 centimeters.

Brazilian iron tree is a beautiful, regular, world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants, also known as fragrant dragon blood tree, Brazilian millennium wood, medium spot dragon blood tree, etc., is an evergreen tree of Liliaceae, with a height of more than 8 meters. Potted plants are 50cm high and 150cm high, with a very high ornamental value. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Brazilian iron trees.

The Culture value of Brazilian Iron Tree

1. The Brazilian iron tree has a stout trunk, sword-shaped leaves, green and glossy leaves, and is known as the "new star of foliage plants". It is a very popular indoor large-scale potted flower and tree. especially in the wider living room, study, living room display, elegant, simple, and with southern flavor, is a beautiful, regular, world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants.

2. The Brazilian iron tree plant is tall and straight, elegant, full of tropical flavor, several different stem groups are planted into large potted plants, and use it to decorate the meeting hall, living room and lobby, showing dignified and elegant, full of natural interest. Small potted plants or water-raised plants adorn the windowsill, study and bedroom of the bedroom, making it more beautiful and elegant.

The growth habit of Brazilian iron tree

The Brazilian iron tree likes the environment with sufficient light, high temperature and high humidity, as well as shade and dryness, and grows well in the bright scattered light and dry environment in the north. In the process of storage and transportation, the temperature is 16: 18 ℃, the relative humidity is 80% 90%, and it can endure 15 days in the dark environment. However, plants with temperature lower than 8 ℃ during storage and transportation are vulnerable to freezing injury, and low air humidity will cause serious necrosis of leaf margin tissue.

The Propagation method of Brazilian Iron Tree

Brazilian iron tree is commonly propagated by cutting, and the temperature should be kept above 22 ℃ during cutting. high temperature is beneficial to rooting as soon as possible. Cut the top branch of the old plant into 8-10 cm segments and insert it into a plain sand bed (basin) to maintain a certain humidity and root after 1 month. Can also be propagated by water insertion, cuttings in the water depth of 2 to 3 centimeters is better, water insertion attention do not put the upper and lower ends of the cuttings upside down, otherwise affect rooting.

The Culture method of Brazilian Iron Tree

1. Soil: Brazilian iron tree is suitable for the loose, well-drained and humus-rich sandy loam of the Feiwo River. The potted Brazilian iron tree can be mixed with vegetable garden soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil, river sand according to 3RV 2RV 2RV 3, or fertile pond mud dried and finely crushed 2max 3 and coarse river sand 1max 3 mixed to form culture soil. If the thick stem is selected for planting, the culture soil can be made of vermiculite, peat soil or vegetable garden soil and river sand.

2. Fertilization: Brazilian iron tree needs to consume some of its own nutrients in the process of growth, at this time, if it is not fertilized in time, it will cause lack of stamina and gradual degradation. During the growing period, organic fertilizer was first applied at the base or edge, and then liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer was applied once or twice every 15 to 20 days to ensure the luxuriant growth of branches and leaves. Fertilization should be thin fertilizer, do not thick fertilizer, fertilizer application period is from May to October every year. Stop fertilizing in winter and move indoors for the winter.

3. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Brazilian iron tree is 20 ℃ to 28 ℃, the dormancy temperature is 13 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 5 ℃. If the temperature is too low, chloasma will appear at the tip and edge of the leaf, and in serious cases, the shoots or the whole plant will be damaged by freezing. Therefore, it is necessary to move to the greenhouse for maintenance in winter in the north. If it is placed indoors, it should be placed in a place with light, and it is better to keep it above 6 ℃ to 8 ℃ at room temperature. When the temperature is low at night, you can put on a plastic bag to keep warm. When the sun comes out during the day, when the room temperature rises, you should remove the plastic bag in time in order to cool down and prevent stuffiness. If there is heating equipment in the room, put the basin farther away to prevent blowing-drying or damaging branches and leaves. Also pay attention to indoor air flow, but when opening doors and windows, do not let the cold wind blow directly on the branches and leaves, and do not move outside to bask in the sun at will to prevent freezing.

4. Watering: the Brazilian iron tree does not need much water, but it has a high requirement for humidity. Pour enough water on the basin and place it in a brighter indoor or shade shed for maintenance. The basin soil should be kept moist and should often spray water to the leaves to improve the air humidity of the surrounding environment, but it is not suitable for basin soil to accumulate water, so as to avoid rotting roots caused by poor ventilation. The northern growing period should be maintained in spring, summer and autumn, watering once every 2 to 3 days in sunny days, and spraying water to the leaf surface once or twice a day. It is appropriate to control the amount of watering after the end of autumn and keep the basin soil slightly wet. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the basin soil should be kept semi-dry and semi-wet, such as excessive watering will rot roots and scorch leaves.

5. Change the basin: the Brazilian iron tree should change the basin once a year. When changing the basin, the old soil should be replaced by 1 big 3, and then replaced with new sandy soil to trim the aged and scorched leaves of the leaf stem and the lower part of the stem. Most of the potted Brazilian iron trees on the market are fine sandy soil, which are used by producers in order to fully root plants. Long-term use will not be conducive to plant growth. In order to make plants thrive, they must be replaced into peat soil by stages.

What if the leaves of the Brazilian iron tree turn yellow?

1. Soil and water partial alkali: the mixed soil of rotten leaf soil, culture soil and coarse sand is the best for Brazilian iron tree potted plants. if the selected soil is not suitable and the soil is lack of soluble iron and other elements that can be absorbed by it, the leaves will gradually turn yellow. Suitable soil should be selected when planting, and alum and fertilizer water should be often watered during the growth period.

2. Too much watering: Brazilian iron tree needs not much water and requires high humidity in the surrounding air, but it is not suitable for pots to accumulate water, so as not to cause rotten roots caused by poor ventilation. Too much watering will make the Brazilian iron tree basin soil too wet for a long time, resulting in lack of oxygen in the soil, rotting part of the fibrous roots, hindering normal breathing and absorption of water and nutrients, causing leaves to turn yellow and fall off. The solution to this situation is to control watering immediately, suspend fertilization, and often loosen the soil to make the soil well ventilated.

3. Too little watering: the Brazilian iron tree has a relatively high requirement for the wettability of the surrounding space environment. If the Brazilian iron tree is watered too little, the surrounding air is also relatively dry, and it is also easy to cause the leaves to be dull and dull, the leaves wilting and drooping, withering and falling off. The solution to this situation is to water and spray a small amount of water so that it can gradually recover and then turn to normal watering.

4. Air dryness: Brazilian iron tree has relatively high humidity requirements for the surrounding environment. If the indoor air is too dry, the leaf tip of the Brazilian iron tree will often turn yellow. At this time, we should pay attention to take water spraying, plastic film cover and other methods to increase air humidity to give Brazilian iron tree a better humidity growth environment.

5, lack of light: Brazilian iron tree likes the sun, if the Brazilian iron tree is placed in shade or lack of light for a long time, it will cause the branches and leaves to turn yellow. At this time, you need to plant in a late place with plenty of light but not strong light.

6. Lack of ventilation: if the Brazilian iron tree applies too much nitrogen fertilizer, its branches and leaves will grow luxuriantly, coupled with long-term unpruned, resulting in insufficient light in the inner chamber branches and leaves, which is easy to cause leaves to yellowing and falling off. Reasonable fertilization should be applied and pruning should be strengthened to make it ventilated and transparent.

7. Insufficient fertilization: Brazilian iron tree needs to continue to fertilize continuously, without applying ammonia fertilizer or changing soil for a long time, and the lack of nitrogen and other nutrient elements in the soil, resulting in thin branches and leaves and yellow leaves. The solution at this time is to replace the new loose and fertile culture soil in time and gradually apply rarefied mature liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer.