
The symbolism of the latest bamboo

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Bamboo is a general term for perennial plants of the genus Bambusoideae of Gramineae. There are many ancient and modern writers who love bamboo chanting bamboo. Chinese writers endow bamboo with the growth characteristics of hollow, straight and four seasons green to personify the spirit of elegance, purity, modesty, restraint, uprightness and so on.

Bamboo is a general term for perennial grass bamboo subfamily bamboo plants. There are many ancient and modern literati who love bamboo and chant bamboo. The literati of our country endow bamboo hollow, straight, green and other growth characteristics with personalized elegance, purity, modesty, section, upright and other spiritual and cultural symbols. Let's take a look at the symbolic significance of bamboo together!

Symbolism of Bamboo

Bamboo has an unusual meaning of Chinese traditional culture. Evergreen in all seasons symbolizes tenacious life and eternal youth. Hollow represents the character of open-minded valley. Its curved branches are the principle of being soft and rigid. Born with joints and joints must be exposed are the symbols of high integrity and integrity. Bamboo's upright and free, upright and elegant are also the personality pursuit of Chinese literati. The earliest Chinese bamboo plot can be traced back to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, after which bamboo evolved from a cultural significance to a folk image, such as "bamboo peace" is often used to bless peace and good luck.

The Spiritual Quality of Bamboo

Bamboo is the embodiment of a gentleman, is a member of the "four gentlemen", plum blossom and pine are "three friends in cold", pine symbolizes evergreen, bamboo symbolizes the way of a gentleman, plum symbolizes pure jade. For the spiritual quality of bamboo, there are "Ten Virtues of Bamboo":"Bamboo is straight, rather than bent, said integrity." Although bamboo has joints, it does not stop, called progressive. Bamboo outside straight in the middle, mind if valley, said empty mind. Bamboo has flowers buried deep, plain face toward the sky, called simple. Bamboo life a flower, death also regret, said dedication. Bamboo polygonatum in the wind, indomitable spirit, called drow. Although bamboo is called drow, it is not like pine, called good group. Bamboo texture is similar to stone, can be used to form a tool, said that the nature is firm. Bamboo into a talisman section, Su Wu uphold, called integrity. Bamboo carries the text handed down, regardless of hard work, said to bear."

Cultural implications of bamboo

1, bamboo newspaper peace: bamboo refers to bamboo slips, bamboo newspaper is another name of the old family letter, refers to peace family letter. Tang·Duan Chengshi "Chiuyang Zucu sequel·Zhi Zhi Xia""In the north, there is only a bamboo nest in Tongzi Temple, which is only a few feet long. It is said that its temple outline dimension is safe every day."

2, bamboo bud pine luxuriant: the foundation is as solid as bamboo, branches and leaves are as luxuriant as pine trees, used as a tribute to longevity or palace completion, but also a metaphor for family prosperity. "The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Si Gan" such as bamboo bud, such as pine luxuriant." Ming·Fan Shiyan "Mo Zhong Ji""Celebrate birthday, wish bamboo bud pine luxuriant, the sun and moon long."

3, childhood: green plum refers to green plum, bamboo refers to the child when riding a bamboo pole, metaphor for boys and girls playing together, innocent feelings. Tang Li Bai's "Changgan Xing" poem "Lang riding bamboo horse to come, around the bed to get green plum." Living together for a long time, the two children have no suspicion."

4. Maolin Xiuzhu: Xiu means long, dense and tall forest bamboo forest. Jin·Wang Xizhi's Preface to Lanting Collection "There are high mountains here, Maolin Xiuzhu."

5. The momentum is like breaking bamboo: The situation is like splitting bamboo. After splitting the upper end, the lower part will be separated with the blade. It describes victory, no obstruction, and unstoppable momentum. "Jin Shu Du Yu Zhuan""Military prestige has been shaken, such as broken bamboo, after a few sections, solved." Ming·Shi Naian "Water Margin" 99th chapter "Guan Sheng and other people, take advantage of the momentum to drive, momentum, and Ke Dagu County."

6, numerous bamboo difficult to write: exhausted, bamboo is ancient bamboo made of bamboo, used to write, the meaning of writing, the original meaning is to exhaust all bamboo is difficult to finish, the original metaphor is extremely many crimes, write also can not finish, also refers to many facts, difficult to write. "Old Tang Book·Li Mi Zhuan""Qing Nanshan bamboo, book crime infinite, resolve the waves of the East China Sea, flow evil difficult to end."