
Winning the battle against poverty needs the escort of the rule of law

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Judging from some lessons and problems in the previous poverty alleviation work, the lack of the rule of law has prevented the country's good policies from being implemented in a down-to-earth manner, and has also allowed some lawbreakers to take advantage of policy loopholes. Therefore, in order to win the battle of poverty alleviation, we must strengthen the power of the rule of law.

Judging from some lessons and problems in the previous poverty alleviation work, the lack of the rule of law has prevented the country's good policies from being implemented in a down-to-earth manner, and has also allowed some lawbreakers to take advantage of policy loopholes. Therefore, in order to win the battle of poverty alleviation, we must strengthen the rule of law to protect the fight against poverty.

The political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on November 23 to consider and adopt the decision on winning the War against Poverty. The meeting pointed out that party committees and governments at all levels must regard poverty alleviation and development as a major political task, earnestly enhance their sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency, and ensure that the rural poor under China's current standards can be lifted out of poverty by 2020. All poverty-stricken counties take off their hats and solve regional poverty as a whole.

Poverty alleviation and development is related to the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, to the promotion of the well-being of the people, to the consolidation of the party's ruling foundation, and to the long-term stability of the country. Winning the battle against poverty is a major measure to promote all the people to share the fruits of reform and development and gradually achieve common prosperity, and it is also an important way to expand domestic demand and promote economic growth under the new normal of economic development. The Central Committee demands that we must take unconventional measures and come up with excellent measures to resolutely win the war on poverty alleviation. This has put forward more clear objectives and requirements for poverty alleviation work in the future.

The prosperity of the rule of law means the security of the country, and if the rule of law is strong, the cause is guaranteed. The author believes that in order to win this battle of poverty alleviation which has a bearing on the overall situation, it is especially necessary to strengthen the rule of law and let the rule of law play an escort role in the national strategy of poverty alleviation.

In terms of some lessons and problems in the previous poverty alleviation work, most of them are related to the weakness or even absence of the relevant strength of the rule of law. For example, some localities are flexible and disobedient in poverty alleviation and development, and are unwilling to make real efforts and efforts, resulting in the Party and the state's poverty alleviation policies can not go directly to the grass-roots level and the masses, which exposes the problem of insufficient supervision and binding force of the rule of law in some places. For example, in the past, there were some illegal and illegal problems in poverty alleviation, such as false reporting, withholding private points, embezzlement and misappropriation, profligacy and waste, which directly exposed the lack of supervision and supervision by the force of the rule of law. Due to the weakness and absence of the rule of law, the good policies of the country have not been implemented in a down-to-earth manner, and some lawbreakers have also exploited the loopholes in the policies. Therefore, in order to win the battle of poverty alleviation, we must strengthen the rule of law to protect the fight against poverty.

On the one hand, we should give full play to the power of the rule of law to ensure the "precise" implementation of the party's and state's poverty alleviation policies. In fact, the implementation of the party's principles and policies and the correct decision of the party committee and government at a higher level are the embodiment of acting in accordance with the law. Because the relevant poverty alleviation policies formulated by the party and the state are based on the law, and their purpose is to achieve social fairness and justice, which is consistent with the pursuit of the rule of law. Therefore, the rule of law is duty-bound to win the battle to help the poor, to help the poor accurately and to get rid of poverty in an all-round way. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the guarantee function of the rule of law on the implementation of poverty alleviation policies, so that it can witness and supervise the accurate implementation and landing of relevant poverty alleviation policies. In particular, it should be pointed out that the relevant departments should supervise and inspect the implementation of various poverty alleviation policies in relevant areas, relevant departments, and relevant responsible persons in accordance with the law, so as to ensure that the policies fall to the ground safely and prevent them from suffering from "medium obstruction" or "terminal obstruction." those who fail to implement poverty alleviation policies as required or who fail to implement poverty alleviation policies should be held accountable in accordance with the law.

On the other hand, we should give full play to the escort function of the rule of law and maintain the safety of various poverty alleviation funds. Although the current poverty alleviation work advocates "supporting the will" and "supporting wisdom", poverty alleviation funds still play an irreplaceable role. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and supervision of poverty alleviation funds by the force of the rule of law to ensure that "good steel" is used as a "knife". In particular, it is necessary to strengthen financial supervision and inspection, audit and inspection in accordance with the law, establish an accountability system for the illegal use of aid-the-poor funds, and ensure the safe "landing" of aid-the-poor funds. In addition, discipline inspection and supervision organs should resolutely and severely punish illegal and illegal issues such as false claims, withholding private points, embezzlement and misappropriation, and profligacy in the field of poverty alleviation, and judicial organs should intervene in a timely manner if crimes are involved. we will resolutely investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant responsible persons.