
The latest planting method of pansy

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pansy is a common wild flower species in Europe. It is a biennial or perennial herb of the genus Viola of the family Viola, also known as cat face, butterfly flower, cat face flower, grimace flower, etc., often cultivated in parks, usually suitable for open-air planting, regardless of flower beds, gardens and pots.

Tricolor pansy is a common species of wild flowers in Europe. It is a biennial or perennial herb of the genus Viola, also known as cat face, butterfly flower, cat face flower, grimace flower, etc., often cultivated in parks, usually suitable for open-air planting, whether flower beds, gardens, potted plants are suitable, but not suitable for indoor planting, let's take a look at the planting method of pansy!

Growth habits of Pansy tricolor

Pansy tricolor is cold-resistant, cool and sunny, and develops well under the conditions of day temperature 15-25 ℃ and night temperature 3-5 ℃. Avoid high temperature and stagnant water, cold and frost resistant. if the daily temperature is more than 30 ℃, the flower bud will disappear or no petal will be formed. when the daily temperature lasts 25 ℃, only blossom will not bear fruit, even if the seed is fruiting, the seed will not grow well. The root system can tolerate the low temperature of-15 ℃, but the frozen edge of the leaf turns yellow when it is lower than-5 ℃. The influence of sunshine length on flowering is greater than that of light intensity, poor sunshine and poor flowering. The pH of neutral loam or clay loam which is fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter is 5.4-7.4.

Propagation methods of Pansy tricolor

1. Sowing and propagation: Pansy tricolor should be sowed in a loose artificial medium, such as bed sowing, box sowing, and conditional hole plate seedling raising. The pH value of the medium should be 5.5-5.8. After disinfection, the medium temperature should be kept at 18: 22 ℃ after sowing, avoiding light and shade, and the seedlings would emerge one after another in 5-7 days.

2. Cuttage propagation: the cuttage propagation of tricolor pansy was carried out in May ~ June. The sprouting branches at the base of the plant were cut and inserted into peat to keep the air moist. Rooting took root 15-20 days after cutting, and the survival rate was high.

3. Ramet propagation: the propagation of tricolor pansy is often carried out after flowering, and the new rooted branches germinated from the lateral branches or rhizomes with adventitious roots are cut off, which can be planted in pots and restored in semi-shade.

Planting method of Pansy tricolor

1. Temperature: pansy grows well in the temperature range of 12-18 ℃ and can withstand 0 ℃ low temperature. Temperature is the limiting factor affecting the flowering of Pansy tricolor. It develops well under the conditions of day temperature 15: 25 ℃ and night temperature 3-5 ℃. The seedlings must go through a low temperature of 28 to 56 days before they can blossom smoothly. If they are planted directly in a warm environment, the flowering period will be delayed. If the daily temperature is above 30 ℃, the flower buds will disappear or no petals will be formed. If there is a sudden heat, high temperature up to 28 ℃ of the weather, should strive to be well ventilated, so that the temperature decreased, in order to prevent wilting and death.

2. Illumination: tricolor pansy likes sufficient sunlight, which is an important limiting factor for flowering. Sunshine length has a greater effect on flowering than light intensity, and poor sunshine and poor flowering. In the process of cultivation, the plant should be guaranteed to receive not less than 4 hours of direct sunlight every day. However, because the root system is sensitive to light, under the condition of light, the young root can not smoothly penetrate into the soil, so the radicle does not need light before it grows small. When the seedling grows 2-3 true leaves, the sunshine should be gradually increased to make its growth more robust.

3. Watering: tricolor pansy prefers the soil environment of slight tide and is not resistant to drought. Keep the soil moist during the growing period, dry in winter, and see wet every time you are watered. When plants bloom, it is necessary to maintain sufficient water for the increase of flowers and the increase of the number of flowers. We should pay attention to timely watering in the season with high temperature and strong light.

4. Fertilization: pansy should be applied frequently and thinly. When two true leaves are grown, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied, 0.1% urea can be sprayed early, phosphate fertilizer can be increased near flowering stage, thin compound liquid fertilizer can be applied three times before flowering, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be applied twice in bud period, and fertilization can be reduced after flowering. The mature liquid fertilizer was applied once in 10-15 days during the growth period, and once every 20-30 days during the growth period. The leaf deformity and wrinkling of pansy are often caused by lack of calcium, which can be improved by the application of calcium nitrate. It should also be noted that ammonia nitrogen fertilizer will cause root rot of tricolor pansy when the temperature is low.

Pest control of Corydalis tricolor

1. Botrytis cinerea: strengthen ventilation, control planting density, watering to avoid watering, ventilation after watering. Clean up the withered and aging tissue in time to avoid wounds. Use smoke agents and use agents alternately. Ventilation and dampness in time after spraying. At the initial stage of the disease, 1000 times of 50% Sukeling or 500 times of carbendazim, 700 times of chlorothalonil, 500 times of 500 times of thiophanate methyl, and 500 times of thiophanate methyl were sprayed, and smoked agents could also be used.

2. Anthrax: in late autumn and early winter, the remains of diseased plants in the nursery were burned, and diseased leaves and flowers were found and removed in time during the growing period. At the initial stage of the disease, 80% Dysen zinc wettable powder 500 times 800 times or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times, 60% anthrax Fumei 800 times, 50% carbendazim 500 times 600 times.

3. Broken color disease: broken color disease is mainly transmitted by aphids. 50% aldicarb wettable powder 3000 times and 2.5% fish rattan essential EC 800 × 1000 times are sprayed to control aphids, alternately for 3 times and 4 times, once every 7 days. For newly diseased plants, use 1.5% Zhishengling emulsion 700 times or 5% bacteriological water cleaning agent 200 times, once every 7 to 10 days, 3 times for 4 times, before dense and then sparse.

4. Leaf spot: remove the residual body and burn it centrally. With 53.8%, 2000 dry suspension or 47% Carinone wettable powder, 30% copper oxychloride suspension, 27% copper noble suspension and 50% methyl thiophanate sulfur suspension were sprayed.

5. Ring disease: remove the burning of fallen leaves and spray with 27% copper noble suspension or 47% Garinon wettable powder 1000 times, Kangkuning 800 times and 50% methyl topiramate 800 times in the rainy season. In severe cases, spray with 50% prohydantoin wettable powder 1000 times solution or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times solution, 70% Dyson zinc and manganese, 80% spray gram wettable powder 500 times liquid spray, spray once every 10 days, use 2 times for 3 times.

6. Brown spot: when the new leaves are unfolded, add an adhesive with 0.5% Bordeaux solution, once every 10 to 15 days, or spray with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, 40% chlorothalonil suspension 500x, 50% methyl thiophanate sulfur suspension 800x, 50% chlorobromoisocyanuric acid water soluble powder 2000 times.

7. Scab: scab is sprayed with 1000 times of carbendazim glue suspension or 1000 times of methyl thiophanate wettable powder.

8. Curved top disease: diseased plants were found to be removed and burned. Prevent leafhoppers and eliminate dodder.

9. Rot disease: the pathogen is Fusarium oxysporum, the diseased plant is found, it is dug up and burned, the disease hole is replaced with new soil, or the soil is disinfected with 0.1% formaldehyde. At the initial stage of the disease, spray control with 50% carbendan wettable powder or 1500 times of methyl topiramate, 75% chlorothalonil and 0.5% Bordeaux solution.