
How to breed the latest poinsettia?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Poinsettia, also known as ivory red, Christmas flower, Christmas red, poinsettia, etc., is a shrub plant of Euphorbiaceae, native to the Tasco region of Central America and Mexico, and is now widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. It is cultivated in most provinces, autonomous regions and cities in China. Common in the public

Poinsettia, also known as ivory red, Christmas flower, Christmas red, poinsettia, etc., is a shrub plant of Euphorbiaceae, originally from Tasco, Central America and Mexico, and is now widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. Most provinces, autonomous regions and cities in China have cultivation. Common in parks, botanical gardens and greenhouses for viewing, let's take a look at how poinsettias are best!

Culture function of poinsettia

1. Ornamental effect: poinsettia has beautiful branches and leaves, bright colors and long flowering period. it is the time of Christmas, New Year's Day and Spring Festival. the red color increases the festive atmosphere. Poinsettia is decorated in the form of patterns during festivals and holidays.

2, decorate the home: in the family room, in addition to the beautiful furniture and some furnishings, if the potted flowers, bonsai and flower arrangement can be used as indoor decoration, it will have a unique flavor, which can not only bring a strong flavor of life to the living room, but also make people feel good and feel at ease. Poinsettia unique delicate and beautiful red bracts eye-catching and attractive, decorating windowsill, balcony or study, shop red Zhanchui, charming and moving.

3. Fengshui function: poinsettia is colorful. Because it blossoms at the time of New Year's Day and Spring Festival, it has the beautiful meaning of celebrating the whole world and wishing freshmen together. At this time, it is used to decorate in the home living room and other places. It is easy to bring good luck to the family on fengshui.

4. Medicinal value: poinsettia is cold in nature, bitter in taste, has the functions of regulating menstruation and stopping bleeding, promoting blood circulation and resolving phlegm, bone grafting and detumescence, and mainly treats menorrhagia, wind-cold cough, fall injury, traumatic bleeding, fracture, fall and pain. Choosing the right amount of poinsettia can treat functional uterine bleeding, and it also has a certain effect on swelling and pain.

How does poinsettia reproduce?

1. Semi-hardwood cuttings: poinsettia semi-hardwood cuttings are mostly carried out from March to May in spring, and the temperature is generally above 15 ℃. When cutting, cut the annual lignified or semi-lignified branches, about 10 cm long, cut off the leaves and the top of the branches on the cuttings, and cut the base of the cuttings into a slope and near the nodes, dip them in plant ash, wait for the cuts to dry, then insert them into fine sand, pour them thoroughly after cutting, keep the temperature at 22 ~ 24 ℃, and then take root after 20 days.

2, tender wood cutting: when the annual branch of poinsettia grows to 6-8 leaves, take a tender shoot with 6-8 cm long and 3-4 nodes, cut it flat under the node, remove the large leaves at the base, immediately put it into clear water to prevent milk outflow, and then cut, after cutting, you should ensure that the young stems and leaves are moist, and take measures to block the sun. Most varieties of softwood cuttings can take root in 14-18 days.

3. Old root cutting: poinsettia, which has been cultivated for many years, can also be propagated into new plants with its roots. Because in March and April of spring, when poinsettia leaves the house, it is necessary to turn the basin and change the soil for planting to supplement the nourishment of the potted soil and to trim the stem and root.

4. Striping propagation: striping propagation is a method of pressing the branches close to the ground into the soil, and the higher branches wrap the cut parts with moist materials such as moss, wait for them to take root, and then separate from the mother plant to form a new plant. The root system of poinsettia can grow in about two months after pressing, and at this time it can be cut off and planted in a basin to form a new plant. the appropriate time for striping is from April to July.

How to raise poinsettia?

1. Soil allocation: the sandy soil with loose, fertile and good drainage is the best for poinsettia cultivation, and the mixture of culture soil, rotten leaf soil and sand is the best for potted soil. Generally speaking, 3 parts of vegetable garden soil, 3 parts of humus soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of rotten cake fertilizer are used in poinsettia cultivation, and a small amount of slag is added.

2. Temperature: poinsettia likes warmth and is not cold-resistant. The suitable temperature for its growth is 1825 ℃, 1824 ℃ from April to September, and 1316 ℃ from September to April of the following year. Poinsettia should be maintained indoors in the middle and last ten days of September every year, and ventilation should be strengthened to make the plants gradually adapt to the indoor environment. The winter room temperature should be kept at 15: 20 ℃. If the winter temperature is too low, it is easy to make the flowers and leaves of poinsettia underdevelop.

3. Illumination: poinsettia is a short-day plant with sufficient light and strong phototropism. It should have sufficient light throughout the year, especially in the growing period of stems and leaves. If the light is not enough, the branches are easy to grow and get sick, they will not blossom in the dark for a long time, and the leaves will fall in winter. If you want to bloom earlier or later, you can control the light, give 8 hours of light every day, and blossom in 40 days.

4. Fertilization: poinsettia likes rich sandy soil. When potting and changing pots, add organic fertilizer and horseshoe slices as base fertilizer, and apply 5 times diluted sesame paste residue liquid fertilizer every 10 to 15 days during growth and flowering. After autumn, 0.3% compound fertilizer can be applied once a week for 3 to 4 times in a row to promote the discoloration of bracts and flower bud differentiation of poinsettia.

5. Watering: poinsettia is not resistant to drought and humidity, and the control of moisture is directly related to the growth and development of poinsettia. Poinsettia watering should be flexibly controlled according to the weather, pot soil and plant growth conditions, generally watering to keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water, when dry, it is easy to fall off because of its yellow leaves, and watering should be reduced after poinsettia blossoms.

6, plastic surgery: poinsettia dormant before and after Ching Ming Festival, when the basin should be changed, cut off the old roots and weak branches, so that its germination of new skills, the growth process needs to be heart-picked twice, the first late June, the second mid-August. When the branch of poinsettia grows to 20-30cm, it begins to be shaped and bent, so that the plant shape is short, the flower head is neat and evenly distributed, so as to improve its ornamental. Plant growth regulators should be used to dwarf the plant height in order to meet the requirements of high consistency of commercial flowers.

7. Diseases and insect pests: poinsettia is easily infected with Botrytis cinerea, root rot, stem rot, leaf spot and other diseases and insect pests in the greenhouse cultivation process. Usually maintenance should pay attention to more ventilation, often loosen the soil, control fertilizer and water, etc., in order to prevent diseases and insect pests, if diseases and insect pests have occurred, corresponding measures should be taken, such as spraying corresponding pesticides to control pests.