
The latest culture method of Saussurea involucrata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The thin snow perennial grass, also known as Ji Xiaosong, is a perennial herb of the Sedum family, which is widely distributed from southern Europe to Central Asia. Because of its good drought tolerance, it can grow in places with less soil, especially suitable for decorating mountain bonsai or directly planting on rocks. Small pots can also be used.

Thin snow perennial grass, also known as Ji Xiaosong, is a perennial herb of the Sedum family, which is widely distributed from southern Europe to Central Asia. Because of its good drought tolerance, it can grow in places with less soil, especially suitable for decorating mountain bonsai or directly planting on rocks, and can also be planted in small pots to decorate sunny courtyards, balconies, windowsills and other places. Let's take a look at the breeding method of thin snow perennial grass.

Propagation method of Euphorbia angustifolia

Thin snow Wannian grass likes full sunshine and can grow in half a day, but the leaves will be arranged loosely, have strong drought tolerance, grow rapidly, be afraid of heat and cold, and are not easy to blossom in Taiwan. Propagation can be combined with changing pots to split the plants, the method is to separate the tufted plants and plant them separately, or they can be cut in the growing season. If the length of the cuttings is not strict, the soil can take root and survive.

Culture method of thin snow perennial grass

1. Watering: thin snow perennial grass is drought-resistant and moisture-resistant, as long as it is not long-term drought or long-term moisture, it can grow well, but it can be watered when the medium is slightly dry. In the case of long-term non-watering, the leaves will obviously shrink and look listless. As long as they are fully watered at this time, they will generally be restored in a few days. If the plant type is not compact and is suspected of being overgrown, attention should be paid to increasing sunshine time and reducing watering appropriately.

2. Light: thin snow perennial grass can shine all day except for proper shade in midsummer. The plant type is loose, the leaves are not compact, and the color is lighter, which is a sign of insufficient light.

3. Ventilation: all succulent plants like ventilation, which can effectively avoid the growth of germs. During the slow seedling period, you can use fluvo-aquic soil to plant, put the thin snow perennial grass in a bright and ventilated place for a few days, you can gradually increase the light, or even full light.

Temperature: when the summer temperature is 35 degrees, it should be shaded properly, ventilation should be strengthened, and watering should be controlled. If the winter temperature is lower than 5 ℃, watering should be controlled. if it is lower, consider moving indoors for the winter, and try to choose sunny ones.

5, change the basin: the thin snow perennial grass grows rapidly, we should pay attention to pinch off the branches that affect the beauty in time, and divide the basin when the growth is too dense, in order to maintain the beauty of the plant type. Its fleshy stem is brittle and easy to break, so you should be careful when changing the basin to avoid breaking the longer branches and affecting the ornamental effect.

Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Perennial Grass

1. Thin snow perennial grass can be maintained in a sunny place outside during the growing period, and do not block the light even in the hot summer season, so as to make the plant type compact and beautiful. Although it can also grow in the semi-shade, the plant type is loose, affecting the ornamental.

2. The lack of light of thin snow and ten thousand years of grass will cause the plant to grow too long, which will lengthen the distance between the leaves and look loose and ugly, and the plant growth is weak, which can easily cause diseases such as black rot, causing the whole plant to rot and wipe out the whole army. Keep the soil moist during the growing period, avoid stagnant water, and don't get drenched for a long time, all of which are to avoid plant decay.

3. Thin snow perennial grass is resistant to barren, and the requirement of fertilization in cultivation is not strict. Put it in a place with plenty of light in winter, control watering and keep the soil from freezing. Summer high temperature season requires good ventilation to avoid muggy and humid environment, so as to avoid plant decay.

4. The thin snow perennial grass grows rapidly, we should pay attention to pinch off the branches that affect the beauty in time, and divide the basin when the growth is too dense, in order to maintain the beauty of the plant type. Its fleshy stem is brittle and easy to break, so you should be careful when changing the basin to avoid breaking the longer branches and affecting the ornamental effect.

Summary: the breeding method of thin snow perennial grass is introduced here. Generally speaking, thin snow perennial grass is a very easy species to raise, and there are also flower friends who summarize the four key points of outdoor ventilation, exposure to the sun, crazy watering and proper fertilization to know the degree of easy cultivation.