
The latest Culture method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Melon-leaf chrysanthemum is one of the main ornamental plants in winter and spring, also known as rich chrysanthemum, cucumber flowers, etc., is a perennial herb of Compositae, often cultivated for 1-2 years, divided into tall species and dwarf species, bright flowers, can be planted in flower beds or potted plants

Melon is one of the main ornamental plants in winter and spring. It is also called rich chrysanthemum, cucumber flower, etc. It is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Melon of Compositae. It is often cultivated for 1~2 years. It is divided into high-growth species and dwarf species. The flowers are bright. It can be planted as flower beds or potted plants arranged in the corridor of the court, giving people a fresh and pleasant feeling. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Melon!

The growing habits of melon

Melon like warm, humid and well ventilated environment, not resistant to high temperature, afraid of frost, generally cultivated in low temperature greenhouse, temperature at night is not lower than 5℃, but seedlings can also withstand 1℃ low temperature, daytime does not exceed 20℃, with 10~15℃ most suitable. The room temperature is too high and easy to grow, resulting in internode elongation and lack of commodity value. The temperature is too low, affecting plant growth, flower development small. Melon is a light-loving plant with plenty of sunshine, thick leaves and bright colors, but the sun is too strong, which will also cause leaves to curl and lack vitality. Because the leaves of melon are large and thin, it is necessary to keep sufficient water, but it cannot be too wet, so it is appropriate to keep the leaves from wilting.

The cultivation value of melon

1. Decorative application: Melon is a greenhouse flower, which is contained in pots as indoor furnishings. Its flowering period is early, and it is especially precious in winter. The color is rich and bright, especially the blue flower, which shines with velvety luster and is elegant and moving. Orderly flowering, flower-shaped fullness, can be displayed on a few low frames indoor, can also be used to form a multi-basin pattern layout hotel court or venue, theater vestibule, flowers, jubilant.

2, ornamental value: melon leaves chrysanthemum color complex, the main varieties are Europe's "red flowers", Africa's "pink flowers", Mediterranean "red inlaid spots" and so on. Melon is one of the main ornamental potted flowers during New Year's Day and Spring Festival. Melon cross-pollination, so horticultural varieties more.

Breeding method of melon

1, sowing method: melon seeds are generally carried out in late July, from sowing to flowering about half a year. Sowing time can also be determined according to the time required to spend, such as New Year's Day flowers can be selected in late June sowing. Flower buds can occur earlier when the sunshine is longer, but the stems are slender and the plants are smaller, which affects the overall ornamental effect. Early sowing is luxuriant flower shape, so the sowing date should not be delayed until after August.

2, cuttage method: melon double-petal varieties are not easy to bear fruit, can be used for cuttage, usually in January to June cut root bud or flower axillary bud as cuttings inserted in the sand, about 20 to 30 days can take root, Beiyu 5 to 6 months can bloom, can also be used for root bud propagation.

Culture method of melon

1, soil: melon like rich humus and good drainage sandy loam, avoid drought, afraid of water, suitable for neutral and slightly acidic soil. The pot soil for planting melon can be prepared by mixing 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 2 parts of river sand, and adding cake fertilizer and calcium superphosphate base fertilizer.

2, watering: melon leaves are large and thin, need to maintain sufficient water, but can not make the pot soil too wet, in order to maintain the leaves do not wither as appropriate. Usually watering should be determined according to the dry and wet conditions of the basin soil. After drying, irrigate it again. It takes about 2 to 3 days to irrigate once. Water can be sprayed on the leaves once a day. In hot weather, water can be sprayed twice to reduce the temperature and increase the air humidity. After the bud appears, it should be watered as much as possible, and the pot should be placed in a cool environment of 8~12℃ during flowering, which can extend the flowering period to 30~40 days.

3. Sunshine: Melon is a short-day light-loving flower. Sufficient light conditions can not only make the plant crown neat and compact, flowers and leaves luxuriant, but also enhance the disease resistance and reduce the occurrence of diseases and pests. Insufficient light will make the flower stem grow slender, and the color is shallow and not correct, which will affect the appearance. 8 hours of sunshine a day, avoid direct sunlight in summer, otherwise it will make the leaf tip yellow, to be placed in a well-ventilated scattered light conservation, winter snowy days should prevent insufficient light.

4, temperature: melons like warm and not resistant to high temperature, in the conditions of 15~20℃ growth best. When the temperature is higher than 21 ℃, the phenomenon of excessive growth can occur, which is not conducive to the formation of flower buds. When the temperature is lower than 5℃, the plant stops growing and developing, when the temperature is lower than 0℃, the plant will be frozen, the suitable temperature for flowering is 10~15℃, when the temperature is lower than 6℃, the flower can not be opened, and when the temperature is higher than 18℃, the flower stem will grow slender and affect the ornamental value.

5. Fertilization: In addition to applying base fertilizer when planting, thin cake fertilizer should be applied every 7~10 days during the growth process, and diluted chemical fertilizer can also be used. After flower buds appear, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1000 times solution can be added 1~2 times, and fertilization continues until flowering (stop in rainy season). When fertilizing, such as contaminated leaves should be washed in time.

6, pests: melon common insect diseases are aphids and red spiders, for aphids and red spiders more serious harm, available 2000 times dimethoate diluent spray kill. Because red spiders generally occur on the back of the leaves, and aphids generally occur on the top of the tender melon, spraying should focus on the back of the leaves and the top of the plant, and the front of the leaves should also be properly sprayed.