
The latest culture method of Clematis paniculata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Clematis is a semi-trailing or recumbent perennial plant of the genus Nelumbo nucifera of the family Nelumbo nucifera. It can be cultivated perennially in southern China, while in North China, it is often planted in pot plants in autumn. 2012 flowers are often cultivated in the north. Under suitable environmental conditions, it can blossom all year round. Incense

Clematis is a semi-trailing or recumbent perennial plant of the genus Nelumbo nucifera of the family Nelumbo nucifera. It can be cultivated perennially in southern China, while in North China, it is often planted indoors in autumn, and flowers are often cultivated in the north in 2012. under suitable environmental conditions, it can blossom all year round, fragrant and colorful, which has won the love of the people. let's take a look at the breeding methods of Trollius.

Growth habits of Clematis paniculata

Dry Trollius likes mild climate, can not tolerate severe cold and heat, suitable temperature is 18 to 24 degrees Celsius, can bear short-term 0 ℃ like warm and humid, overwintering temperature above 10 ℃. It is not easy to blossom at high temperature in summer, and the growth is inhibited above 35 ℃. Sufficient light is needed in winter, spring and autumn, and hot sun exposure is avoided in pot planting in summer. Potted plants need loose, fertile, permeable soil, like moist and afraid of waterlogging.

Breeding methods of Clematis paniculata

1. Sowing: generally speaking, the sowing time is from March to June and the florescence is from August to December. It is also possible to sow seeds in late August or early September in autumn, which will blossom during New Year's Day and Spring Festival. The suitable temperature for germination is 18-20 degrees, covering soil about 1 cm after sowing, watering thoroughly and keeping moist, sprouting for 7 days. Pick the heart and put it on the pot when you have 3 true leaves, properly arrange the leaves and branches to facilitate ventilation and make the flowers exposed.

2. Cuttage: the cuttings were carried out from April to June, and the tender stems were selected as cuttings, the lower leaves were removed, shaded and kept humid, and rooting could take place in 2-3 weeks. With the growth of stem vines, bamboo should be used in time to set up the stand and bind the branches. Topdressing once every 10 to 15 days should maintain sufficient moisture and high air humidity throughout the growth period.

The Culture method of Clematis paniculata

1. Soil: potted lotus plants prefer soil that is easy to drain, adequate nutrients and conducive to root respiration. They are afraid of waterlogging and can not accumulate water. Potted soil can be mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil, compost soil and sandy soil according to the ratio of 4-4-4-1-1-1.

2. Lighting: Hanjin Lianxi needs enough light. It is not acceptable to be exposed to direct sunlight in summer. It is placed in a cool and ventilated place. North China is put indoors in mid-October and placed in a place where the sun can shine. The dry lotus will grow with the light, and the plant should be turned constantly to receive uniform light.

3. Watering: Hanjinlian likes to be wet because it is not resistant to waterlogging, and the soil moisture should be controlled at 50%. It should be watered less many times during the growth period. It should be watered every 1-2 days in spring and autumn, once every day in summer, and the leaf surface should be sprayed in the evening. Reduce the watering times at the flower bud stage and increase the amount as appropriate.

4. Temperature: the most suitable temperature is 18: 24 ℃, afraid of high temperature, it is difficult to blossom if the temperature is too high in summer, and slow down or stop growing when it is higher than 35 ℃. Golden lotus is not resistant to cold, 0 ℃ can only survive in a short time, and the winter temperature should be higher than 10 ℃ to facilitate overwintering. When the winter temperature is controlled at 12: 16 ℃ and suitable fertilizer and water, the growth of Clematis can be maintained.

5. Fertilization: during the growing period, 20% rotten bean cake water can be applied once a month, 0.5% superphosphate or rotten chicken and duck dung water should be applied every half a month, and 30% rotten bean cake water should be applied once after flowering. Golden lotus does not need to apply fertilizer in summer, and a compound overwintering fertilizer is applied at the end of autumn, which is beneficial to cold resistance and growth in the coming year.

Disease and pest control of Clematis paniculata

1. Leaf miner

[symptoms] the larvae sneak into the new shoots and tender leaves of the plant, forming circuitous insect paths in the disaster layer of the upper and lower epidermis, so that the whole new shoots and leaves can not stretch, and are easy to fall off. in serious cases, all autumn shoots can be withered and yellow.

[control] the larvae and pupae that spent the winter on the late autumn shoots and winter shoots were cut off in winter, and the sporadic larvae and pupae were removed in spring and early summer, so as to reduce the insect source of the next generation.

2. Mosaic disease

[symptoms] there are yellow-green and dark green protomosaic symptoms on the susceptible leaves, the leaves become smaller, and the whole plant looks atrophied.

[control] spraying insecticides to control virus-transmitting aphids, diseased plants were pulled out and burned in time.

3. Ringspot disease

[symptoms] annular mosaic or necrotic spots were formed on the affected leaves.

[prevention and control] to prevent aphids in time, the commonly used pesticides are 1000 times of 50% malathion EC, 1000 times of 40% dimethoate EC, 2000 times of 3000 times of compound fruit EC (dichlorvos 40%, omethoate 10%), or 3000 times of 20% methotrexate EC. At the same time, pay attention to the weeds around the lotus and remove other poisonous plants.