
The latest culture method of golden perennial grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden perennial grass is a natural variety of Rhodiola, a perennial herb of Sedum family, distributed from southern Europe to Central Asia, and naturalized in the United States and Japan. China is cultivated in many places and can be planted in small pots. decorate sunny courtyards, balconies and windowsills

The golden perennial grass is a natural variety of the thin snow perennial herb. it is a perennial herb of the Sedum family, distributed from southern Europe to Central Asia, and also naturalized in the United States and Japan. China is cultivated in many places and can be planted in small pots. decorated in the sunny courtyard, balcony, windowsill and other places, natural and elegant, verdant, bring people green enjoyment, let's take a look at the cultivation method of golden perennial grass!

The culture value of golden perennial grass

Golden perennial grass is a kind of elegant and wild small succulent plant, which can grow in places with less soil because of its good drought tolerance, especially suitable for embellishing bonsai or directly planting on mountains and rocks, with rich layers. or like a distant view of the miniature coniferous forest, or like a green stream ups and downs between the peaks and ravines, showing a different elegant demeanor, giving people a feeling of vitality. Can also be used as a stump bonsai potted embellishment plants, full of green, but also elegant and pleasant.

The propagation method of golden perennial grass

The propagation of golden perennial grass basically uses ramets, and the tufted plants can be separated and planted separately. Healthy and sturdy branches can also be selected in spring or autumn, cut off and put directly on the breathable soil surface, do not water, the wound will basically heal after 3 to 5 days, and the basin soil can be sprayed at this time. In the process of reproduction, the soil surface should be slightly moist, so that it is conducive to rooting, giving water after rooting, slowly entering the normal growth state, keeping the soil surface slightly wet after rooting, and growing up faster.

The culture method of golden perennial grass

1. Watering: during the growing period of golden perennial grass, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist, avoid stagnant water, and do not get drenched for a long time, all in order to avoid plant decay, and can be watered in accordance with the watering principle of "no dry, no watering". When the temperature is lower than 5 degrees or higher than 30 degrees, attention should be paid to water control to prevent water accumulation in basin soil from causing plant root rot. It can be placed in a place with sufficient light in winter to control watering and keep the soil from freezing.

2. Pruning: the bottom of the golden perennial grass can be cut short when attending the naked phenomenon of the shedding stem of the leaf, and the fleshy stem is brittle and easy to break. Be careful when changing the basin to avoid breaking the longer branches and affecting the ornamental effect. Then branch again, and the cut stem can be reproduced.

3. Dividing the basin: the golden perennial grass grows rapidly, and when the growth is too dense, it should be divided into pots to maintain the beauty of the plant type. the medium can use sandy loam or general culture soil, it can be barren, there is no need to fertilize, long-term growth, there will be the phenomenon of basal leaves falling off so that the stem is exposed.

4. Lighting: the golden perennial grass should be maintained in a sunny place during the growing period, even if it is high temperature in summer, the plant type will be more compact and beautiful under sufficient light. Although it can also grow in the semi-shade, the plant type is loose, which affects viewing. The most important thing is that the lack of sunlight of the golden perennial grass with insufficient light will only grow, the distance between the leaves will be lengthened, and the plant looks loose and ugly, and the plant growth is weak. It is easy to cause diseases such as black rot, causing the whole plant to rot and wipe out the whole army.

Matters needing attention of golden perennial grass

1. Loose soil: Golden perennial grass does not have high requirements for soil, sandy loam or general cultivated soil can, it is more resistant to barren, of course, it is OK to use peat, usually watering water as dry and thoroughly as possible, do not accumulate water, the soil will grow faster if it is slightly moist, but we should pay attention to its overgrowth. But to put it this way, novice flower growers know everything, but they are always poor in operation. You know, if the soil is not properly selected, the gold will die very quickly.

2, do not blow cold wind: Golden perennial grass likes a warm environment, between 5-30 ℃, can grow well, but in winter it is best not to put it on the edge of the window, and then closed windows also have ventilation, you are not careful, open the window, gold will suffer!

3, appropriate shading: when the summer temperature is 35 degrees, it should be properly shaded, ventilation should be strengthened, and watering should be controlled. If the winter temperature is lower than 5 ℃, watering should be controlled. if it is lower, consider moving indoors for the winter, and try to choose sunny ones.