
The latest culture method of fire sacrifice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The fire sacrifice, also known as autumn fire lotus, is a perennial herb of the genus crassulaceae, with prostrate or erect stems, clumps of plants, interactive opposite fleshy leaves, closely arranged under normal growth conditions, and the whole plant is quadrangular. Sexual preference for sunny and dry growth environment, leaves

Fire sacrifice, also known as autumn fire lotus, is a perennial herb of the genus crassulaceae, with prostrate or erect stems, clumps of plants, interactive opposite fleshy leaves, tight arrangement under normal growth conditions, the whole plant is quadrangular, sexually fond of a sunny and dry growth environment, and the leaves are light green to bright red in a sunny environment. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of fire offerings.

The growth habit of fire sacrifice

Fire sacrifice originated in South Africa and can be cultivated in many places in the world. Like cool, dry and sunny environment, resistant to drought, afraid of waterlogging, with a certain degree of cold resistance. Although the plant can grow in the semi-shade or shade, the leaves are green, so it is difficult to highlight the characteristics of the variety. Prefer cool, dry and sunny environments and sandy soils with good drainage.

The breeding method of fire sacrifice

There are generally three ways of fire sacrifice propagation: cutting, ramet and sowing, mainly by cutting. Cutting is divided into branches and leaves, branch cutting is to use fire offerings of branches, the lower 2 cm can be buried in the soil, keep the soil moderately moist, can take root within a week, leaf cuttings to pick the area petiole as complete as possible leaves, flat on the loose basin soil surface, keep the soil moderately moist, within a week or two can take root from the petiole, and then grow new buds, and gradually grow into new plants. The advantage of branch cutting is that it grows into new plants quickly, while the advantage of leaf cutting is that the propagation coefficient is high, and each leaf can produce a new plant.

The culture method of fire sacrifice

1. Light: the more sufficient the light is, the greater the temperature difference between day and night is, the brighter the leaf color is. When the temperature permits, it is best to put it outside for maintenance to ensure sufficient light. When the light is insufficient or the soil moisture is too much, the whole plant is light green or dark green, and the leaf sparse spacing elongates, which accelerates the upward growth, which seriously affects the ornamental property, and may even die because of the obstruction of plant photosynthesis.

2, moisture: the fire sacrifice is easy to rot in the excessive humid environment, do not water too much, in order to avoid root water siltation, it is best to choose a basin with a drainage hole at the bottom, and a red pottery basin with good air permeability can be selected for beginners to plant. Usually about once every 10 days, each time can be thoroughly watered, according to the climate differences of different regions and seasons, the watering frequency can be increased or decreased as appropriate.

3. Soil: the fire sacrifice should be cultivated in sandy soil with good drainage and permeability to facilitate the removal of excess water and the growth of plant roots. It can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, sand soil and garden soil. If the basin is changed every 1 ~ 2 years in spring, the necrotic old root can be cut off.

4. Temperature: stop growing or slightly frostbite when the fire sacrifice is less than 5 ℃, and the water frozen cells in the leaves below 0 ℃ are necrotic. When the temperature is too high (more than 35 ℃) or too low (less than 5 ℃) in winter and summer, the plant growth should be reduced or stopped temporarily, and the watering frequency should be restored when the temperature is suitable. Pay attention to ventilation during high temperatures in summer to prevent prolonged exposure to the sun to avoid sunburn.

5, pruning: fire offerings usually need to remove the dry old leaves in time, so as not to accumulate and cause bacteria to breed. When the plant grows excessively or grows too high, it can be molded by pruning the top branches and leaves and controlling the plant height to maintain the beauty of the plant type. The top part of the cut can be inserted into the sandy soil after drying the wound to take root and become a new plant. The stems and leaves at the bottom can sprout more lateral buds.

6, fertilizer: fire sacrifice fertilization should not be too much, especially nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the plant will grow too long and the leaves will not be red. Apply thin fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium once a month.

The red method of fire sacrifice

1. The fire sacrifice will be very red only under the combined action of dry in winter, cold and big sun.

2. The fire sacrifice will turn green and grow wildly in the growing season. It can be cut and cut constantly, and it will become a large pile within half a year. If you don't want to insert it, you can cut it off. After pruning, the plant will be plump and beautiful.

3. After the fire sacrifice nourishes the root system, it thrives. A large amount of water has been stored in the body, and then the water is slowly cut off, dripping a little less each time, until the water is finally cut off, and then the sun will turn red.

4. Fire sacrifice is a horticultural variety, which likes warm, dry and sunny environment. Although the plants can grow in semi-shade or shade, the leaves are not red.

5. Fire offerings should not have too much water and fertilizer, especially too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the plants will grow too much and the leaves will not be red. Wait for the basin soil to be completely dry before watering, and apply thin fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium once a month.