
The latest planting method of thousand-day red

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Thousand-day red, also known as hundred-day red, fireball, etc., is an erect annual herb of the genus Amaranthaceae. It is native to tropical America and is a common tropical and subtropical flower with bright and shiny flowers that do not wither after drying and remain unchanged for a long time. It is not only used as a flower bed and bonsai, but also

Thousand-day red, also known as hundred-day red, fireball, etc., for the amaranth family thousand-day red annual erect herbs, native to tropical America, for tropical and subtropical common flowers, bright and shiny flowers, flowers dry but not withered, unchanged for a long time, in addition to being used as flower beds and bonsai, can also be used as wreaths, flower baskets and other decorations, let's take a look at the planting method of thousand-day red!

The growth habit of Qianrihong

Qianrihong is a common flower in tropical and subtropical areas, which is widely planted in the south of the Yangtze River in China. It is not strict to the environment, likes sunshine, is strong, early, resistant to dry heat, drought and cold, afraid of stagnant water, likes loose and fertile soil, the optimum temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃, and grows well in the range of 35-40 ℃. The plants below 10 ℃ in winter grow poorly or suffer frost injury. Strong sex, resistant to pruning, pruning after flowering can sprout new branches and continue to bloom. The florescence is from July to October.

The breeding method of thousand-day red

1. Sowing and propagation: the seeds were collected from September to October, sowed from April to May, and planted in June. The seedlings grew slowly and were sown on the open field seedbed from April to May in spring, and the optimum sowing temperature was 20-25 ℃. Because the seeds are covered with hairy hair, so the emergence of seedlings is slow, in order to promote its fast emergence, it is necessary to carry out germination treatment before sowing, and it is better to choose sandy soil with sufficient sunshine, high groundwater level, good drainage and loose and fertile soil as the seedbed. After sowing, the soil is slightly covered, the temperature is controlled at 20: 25 ℃, and the seedlings can emerge in about 10: 15 days.

2. Cuttage control: from June to July, the sturdy shoots of red cuttings were cut, which were about 3-6 cm in length, that is, 3-4 nodes were suitable. The internodes inserted into the soil layer were cut off to reduce the evaporation of leaf surface water. Insert into the sand bed, the temperature is controlled at 20: 25 ℃, 18: 20 days after insertion can be transplanted into the pot. If the temperature is below 20 ℃, the days of rooting will be delayed by 5-7 days.

The planting method of thousand-day red

1. Timely fertilization: in addition to using rotten chicken manure as base fertilizer during planting, Qianri Red should also apply thin liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus, potassium and potassium every half a month in the stage of vigorous growth.

2. Rational watering: thousand days of red light tide, dry soil environment, more drought-resistant. Therefore, when the seedlings grow new leaves, it is necessary to properly control watering and increase the amount of water after flower bud differentiation, so as to facilitate the normal growth of flowers.

3. Light management: thousands of days of red happy sunny environment, the cultivation process, should ensure that the plant not less than 4 hours of direct sunlight every day. The cultivation site should not be too hidden, otherwise the plant will grow slowly and the flower color will be dim.

4. Timely coring: the seedlings of Qianrihong are coring once when the height is 15 centimeters, in order to promote branching, and the second coring can be decided according to the growth situation.

5. Shaping and pruning: Qianrihong should pay attention to finding a circle to reshape the plant when pruning, so that Qianrihong has a higher ornamental value. When the plant is formed, the flowering period can be effectively controlled by coring the branches.

6. Florescence management: keep the potted soil slightly moist after thousands of days of red flowers blooming, be careful not to spray water on the flowers, stop topdressing fertilizer and maintain normal light. It should be pruned in time after flowering in order to branch and blossom again.

7. Disease control: the disease is easy to occur in the thousand-day red seedling stage. 5-6 days before sowing, the seedling bed is treated with 1500-fold Likuning, and the diseased plant can be irrigated with 1000-fold Likuning.