
The latest culture method of purple duck metatarsus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Purple metatarsal grass, also known as purple bamboo plum, purple leaf grass, purple golden grass, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Prunus of the family Caryophyllaceae, native to Mexico and other places, and is now widely cultivated. The whole plant is purple-red throughout the year, branches or vines or drooping, distinctive features, with a higher view.

Purple duckfoot grass, also known as purple bamboo plum, purple leaf grass, purple golden grass, etc., is a perennial herb of the family Commelina, native to Mexico and other places, and is now artificially cultivated widely, the whole plant is purple-red throughout the year, branches or vines or drooping, distinctive features, with high ornamental value, let's take a look at the breeding methods of purple metatarsus grass!

Growth habits of Rabdosia angustifolia

Purple duck metatarsus showed semi-trailing after elongation, creeping ground cover, flowering in spring and summer, dark purple stems and leaves and large flowers under the condition of sufficient sunshine. Like warm, moist, not cold-resistant, avoid sun exposure, like half-shade, have a strong ability to adapt to drought, suitable for fertile, moist loam. Use white, blue or other flowerpots when potting. The basin soil can be slightly moist in winter, and the weak and disorganized plants will be trimmed in March next year to promote the emergence of new branches.

Propagation method of purple duck metatarsus

The propagation methods of purple duckweed are mainly cuttage and split plants. cutting is carried out in combination with renewal and pruning when turning pots in spring, cutting shoots with a length of 7 cm and 10 cm, slightly drying them and then cutting them. Under semi-shade, moist and 15 ℃ conditions, the cuttings can take root in 1 week and 2 weeks, and the survival rate is high, or the cuttings can be directly cut into a pot with a diameter of 15 cm and 20 cm, with several plants in each pot, or branches can be cut and inserted into the water. The root system can survive in a few days. Ramet should be combined with turning the basin in April, and the overdense plants can be divided into several clumps and then planted separately.

Culture method of purple duck metatarsus

1. Temperature: purple duckweed likes warm climate, the optimum growth temperature is 18: 30 ℃, avoid cold frost, the overwintering temperature needs to be kept above 10 ℃, when the winter temperature drops below 4 ℃, it will go into dormancy. If the ambient temperature is close to 0 ℃, it will die of frostbite. In winter, you can wrap it outdoors with a film to survive the winter, but uncover the film every two days when the temperature is high at noon to let it breathe.

2. Lighting: purple duck metatarsus likes light, and only under the condition of sufficient sunshine can it keep the leaf color bright and the internodes thick and strong. But not resistant to strong light exposure, when the hot sun, the leaves will become dim, short and withered yellow curl, the plant will also become short. Keep enough light in order to keep the color bright, if it is too overcast for a long time, the color will be dim, and the internodes will become longer, the branches are not strong, and lack of vitality.

3. Watering: purple duckweed has certain drought resistance because its branches and leaves are slightly fleshy, so even if it is not shallow for a few days, it will not die. But only when the basin soil is wet can the plant grow well. Watering during the growth period should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly" to keep the basin soil moist and not dry. In winter, it is necessary to control watering to keep the basin soil relatively dry.

4. Humidity: purple duckweed likes a humid climate, but it has a strong ability to adapt to drought. The relative temperature of the air in the growing environment is required to be 60-75%. During the growing season, water should be often sprayed to the branches and leaves and the surrounding environment to improve the relative humidity of the air. when the air relative humidity is high, the plant grows luxuriantly, delicate and lovely.

5. Fertilization: in the growing season, the purple duck plantar grass is topdressing with the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium once every two weeks in the growing season. It is most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and simple application of nitrogen fertilizer, although the branches and leaves grow sturdy, but not bright. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer in September and only apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in order to survive the winter safely. Stop fertilizing in winter.

6. Pruning: coring should be carried out at the young plant stage to promote branching and make the plant shape plump. If the plant is planted for a long time, the leaves at the base will wither and make the shape of the plant worse, so the plant should be strongly cut and re-cut in spring, so that the base of the decayed plant can sprout and renew. If the growth potential of the old plant is too weak, cuttage renewal should be considered.

7. Turning the basin: purple duckweed usually turns the basin every 1-2 years in the process of culture. it prefers loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. the substrate can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, garden soil, rice chaff ash or plain sand. After changing the basin, the purple duck metatarsus is watered once and maintained in a shaded environment.