
The latest culture method of potted cinnamon

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cinnamomum osmanthus is a kind of sweet-scented osmanthus tree, which is an evergreen tree of the genus Oleaceae. It is native to southwest China. Due to artificial cultivation, natural hybridization and artificial selection, it has formed a rich variety of cultivated varieties. It is now widely cultivated in various places and is often used as a landscape tree.

Cinnamon is a kind of sweet-scented osmanthus tree, which is an evergreen tree of Oleaceae. It is native to southwest China. Due to artificial cultivation, natural hybridization and artificial selection, it has formed a rich variety of cultivated varieties, and is now widely cultivated everywhere. It is often used as a landscape tree species. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of potted cinnamon.

Rational watering

The pot soil of cinnamon should grasp the principle of not drying and watering, but spray water on the leaves once a day to spray all the branches and leaves evenly, and it is appropriate to start dripping water, so as to keep the leaves moist and wash the dust absorbed on the leaves. After the Qingming Festival, the cinnamon was moved to the open air and watered once. It must be watered in the morning and evening in summer and around noon in winter, so that the water temperature is close to the soil temperature, so as to avoid sudden cold and heat, and pay attention to no stagnant water. Keep the basin soil moist in winter.

Timely fertilization

Nitrogen fertilizer could be applied twice to promote the growth of branches and leaves during shoot shooting, while phosphorus fertilizer was mainly applied before flower bud differentiation and flowering. After the cassia was moved to the open air in spring, it began to pour cooked thin bean cakes, sesame sauce, fishy water, etc., once every half month, and once a week from the end of May to before flowering, the concentration of fertilizer and water gradually increased, and 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was applied every half month from July to August. Apply a light fertilizer after flowering so as not to cause autumn branches. It is necessary to apply more organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in winter. Before applying fertilizer, the basin soil should be slightly drier, and the soil should be loosened first so that the fertilizer can be absorbed, and water should be watered once the next day.

Select the basin and pour the basin

The texture of the cassia flowerpot is better with purple sand pottery or glazed pottery, and the color is better with purple or ochre, which can be in sharp contrast with the color of flowers and leaves to increase its ornamental effect. Potted cassia should pour the pot and change the soil every 2 ~ 3 years, cut off part of the old roots and withered roots, and use bamboo sticks to remove part of the old soil. The soil ratio of potted cassia is not very strict, and it can be made of garden soil, barnyard manure and river sand. Water thoroughly after planting in spring, and then move to the shade for about 10 days to make it "take the basin". Do not apply fertilizer during the period of taking the pot, and water and fertilize only after the growth is restored and new leaves grow.

Shaping and pruning

Cinnamon shape to make qu dry type, oblique dry type or floating style is better, plastic generally take the combination of climbing and pruning method, the trunk can be climbed into a curved stem or oblique dry type. It should be carried out after autumn. For plants with high growth, empty lower branches and poor tree shape, the whole top branches can be cut off at 2pm 3 or 3pm 4. For "top heavy" plants, the upper too dense branches should be cut off, leaving only the lower smaller branches, and thinning the plants with too dense branches. After flowering, a pruning should be carried out to cut off the overgrown branches, withered branches, disease and insect branches, dense and thin branches.

Overwintering management

The room temperature should be kept at 5 ℃ and the relative humidity at 50%. Winter cold indoor light should be good, especially before the early spring buds begin to sprout, more sunny is required. In the spring of the following year, after Grain Rain in North China (before and after the sting in the Huang-Huai River Basin), potted cinnamon was arranged to go out. After coming out of the room, first concentrate on the outdoor leeward and sunny place, and then spread it into a row, so that it gradually adapt to the external environment.

Pest control

The common diseases of Cinnamomum cassia are leaf spot, coal pollution, algal spot, root rot, iron deficiency and so on. Leaf spot, coal pollution and algal spot can be sprayed with 0.5 Bordeaux solution or 5% carbendazim 500-1000-fold solution to control root rot. Root rot control should pay attention to keep the soil loose and permeable, not stagnant water. For example, when root rot is caused by fungi, 200-fold solution of ammonium benzoate can be used to irrigate the root. The common pests of Dangui are leaf wasp, whitefly, mite, white scale, yellow moth and so on. Leaf wasps, whitefly and mites can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1500-3000 times solution. In addition to manual brushing, the scale can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times or 40% fenitrothion 500 times solution in the first and second generation nymphs.