
The latest Culture method of Dryopteris Dryopteris

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pteridopteris, also known as pteridophyte, small-leaf pteridophyte, etc., is a fern of the genus Pteridaceae. Its tender leaves are edible and are called bracken. Potted plants can decorate desks, coffee tables, windowsills and balconies. It is also suitable for hanging or mosaic layout in living rooms, study and bedrooms.

Pteridopteris, also known as pteridophyte, leaflet pteridophyte and so on, is a fern of the genus Pteridaceae. Its tender leaves are edible and are called "bracken". Potted plants can decorate desks, coffee tables, windowsills and balconies. It is also suitable for living room, study and bedroom to do hanging or mosaic layout. The whole grass can be used for medicinal purposes. Let's take a look at the breeding method of Phoenix tail fern.

Growth habits of Dryopteris Dryopteris

Dryopteris is produced in China, Europe, Africa and other places, born in bamboo forests, river valleys, walls, wells, stone crevices and wet mountain forests. It likes warm, moist and dark environment and avoids waterlogging. It requires shade, moist air, good soil permeability and cold resistance. The suitable temperature for growth is 10: 26 ℃, and the overwintering temperature can be as low as 0: 5 ℃.

Propagation methods of Dryopteris Dryopteris

1. Spore reproduction: Dryopteris has no seeds and usually propagates with asexual spores. Because the fresher the spores are, the faster they germinate and the higher the germination rate is, so they are collected and sown as soon as possible after the spores mature. The planting containers and substrates were disinfected and kept clean before sowing. It was found that the seedling rate was the highest when 1/2MS was selected and sucrose with a concentration of less than 2% was added as the medium. After spore germination, the seedlings could be cultivated in pots when the seedlings grew to a certain extent.

2. Ramet propagation: ramet propagation is the most common way of reproduction of pteridophytes. This method is simple and easy, but the survival rate of reproduction is low. It is generally used when the amount of reproduction is small, so it is not suitable for large-scale production. The family potted pteridopteris is usually planted in April and May, and the watering is reduced before the split in order to remove the soil. after removing the soil, the plant is divided into 3-4 clumps with a sharp weapon, and then planted in a small pot and carefully protected until the tuber produces primary leaves to form a new plant.

Culture methods of Dryopteris Dryopteris

1. Water and fertilizer: the Phoenix tail fern should keep the basin soil moist, and the water supply should be sufficient in the growing season. Generally, it can be watered once every 2 or 3 days. Although it is necessary to keep the soil moist, it is not harmful for Phoenix tail ferns to dry slightly during the watering interval. Phoenix tail fern can not be watered too much, too much water can lead to leaf shedding.

2. Temperature: the suitable temperature of Dryopteris is 16: 28 ℃, the growth is poor when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃ or less than 15 ℃, not less than 5 ℃ in winter, heating equipment is needed for maintenance in winter, double-layer heat preservation facilities can be used if heating facilities are not used, and the shed should be sealed in time when the temperature drops to 22 degrees 24 degrees in winter afternoon. Summer maintenance requires cooling equipment (exhaust fans and water curtains).

3. Humidity: Dryopteris prefers high humid environment and is not resistant to dryness. During maintenance, water should be sprayed frequently to the plant and growth environment. The suitable humidity is about 75-80%. Too dry will cause withered and yellow edges of leaves, or even whole leaves.

4. Illumination: Dryopteris prefers warm semi-shady environment, suitable for scattered light, can not let direct sunlight, otherwise it is easy to wilt and curl, 15 days after planting, 2000~3000Lux is more suitable for seedling growth, the first month after planting, the overall light control is 3000~4000Lux, the second month, the overall light control is 6000~7000Lux, the third, fourth and fifth months, the overall light control is about 7000~8000Lux.

5. Pruning: during the period of rapid growth, the growth of Dryopteris is fast, the leaves are too dense, the growth is weak, the old leaves in the bottom layer are ventilated and the light is poor, the leaves wither or the leaves accumulate water droplets for a long time, and the leaves are prone to rot. Therefore, during the period of rapid growth, the basin should be pruned and changed in time. It is best to prune in autumn to remove dead leaves and yellow leaves to ensure that it can not only promote smooth ventilation between plants, but also maintain the overall beauty of plants.

6. Diseases and pests: the growing period of Dryopteris is not easy to be affected by diseases and insect pests. However, if the growth environment temperature is too low, ventilation, poor light, and air humidity is too high, it is very easy to be infected with Botrytis cinerea and blight, accompanied by red spiders, shell insects, slugs and other pests, resulting in leaf wilting, drooping and even death.