
How to raise the latest potted triangular plum?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Trifoliate plum, also known as trifoliate plum, towel, rhododendron, etc., is a rattan shrub plant of the family Araceae, native to Brazil, planted in courtyards and parks in the south of China, and cultivated in greenhouses in the north with various varieties and strong plant adaptability.

Triangulated plum, also known as trifoliate plum, towel, rhododendron, etc., is a rattan shrub plant of the family Araceae, native to Brazil, planted in courtyards and parks in the south of China, and cultivated in greenhouses in the north. It is widely distributed not only in the south, but also in the cold north. Let's take a look at how to raise potted triangular plums.

Growth habits of Prunus mume

Triangular plum likes warm and humid climate, is not cold-resistant, and likes plenty of light. It has a variety of varieties and strong plant adaptability, which is not only widely distributed in the south, but also cultivated in the cold north. It's just that the design and color is relatively simple in the north. Potted flowers go into a state of forced dormancy because the temperature drops to a certain extent, and abnormal falling flowers occur due to lack of light in the non-dormant period, coupled with sufficient water, and flowers die early. The triangular plum in the sleeping state is not sensitive to the intensity of light, but it has a long life because of low temperature and long life because of low moisture.

The Propagation method of Prunus mume

Triangular plum is commonly used for cutting propagation and easy to raise seedlings. In May and June, mature woody branches, 20 cm long, are inserted into a sand basin, covered with glass and kept moist. They can take root in about a month and blossom in two years. The flowering period of the whole plant is very long, up to three or four months. There are more fallen flowers and leaves during flowering, which need to be removed in time to keep fresh and beautiful.

How to raise potted triangular plum?

1. Soil: Triangle plum is not strict on soil, but it is afraid of stagnant water and is not resistant to waterlogging, so it is necessary to choose loose and well-drained culture soil. Generally, 4 parts of humus soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sand can be selected. Sun-dried pond mud can also be mixed with some coal cake residue as basin soil.

2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Prunus mume is 15: 30 ℃, among which it is 19: 30 ℃ from May to September and 13: 16 ℃ from October to April of the following year. It can withstand the high temperature of 35 ℃ in summer, and when the temperature is above 35 ℃, proper shading or measures such as water spraying and ventilation should be taken. In winter, the ambient temperature should be maintained at no less than 5 ℃, otherwise the long-term temperature below 5 ℃ will be easy to freeze and fall leaves. Flowering needs a temperature of more than 15 ℃. In order to prolong the flowering period, it should be moved indoors in time before the arrival of the cold spell at the beginning of winter and placed in a sunny place to maintain a high ambient temperature.

3. Illumination: triangulated plum is a positive flower. Lack of light in the growing season will lead to plant growth weakness, affecting pregnant buds and flowering. Therefore, seedlings except fresh pots should be placed in the semi-shade place all the year round. Winter should be placed in front of the southward window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours, otherwise a large number of fallen leaves are easy to appear. Short-day flowers, the light time every day is controlled at about 9 hours, and it can bud and blossom after one and a half months.

4. Watering: at ordinary times, we should master the principle of "no dry, no watering, but thorough watering". However, in order to bloom neatly and more, water control must be carried out before flowering. The watering of Pueraria lobata has been controlled since September. Each watering can be carried out repeatedly for half a month after the basin soil is dry and the branches and leaves are soft and sagging, and the normal watering can be resumed after half a month. Do not apply fertilizer during the water control period, so as not to burn the root system. In this way, it takes about a month to bud and blossom, and the flowers bloom neatly and flourish.

5. Pruning: triangular plum grows rapidly, and attention should be paid to shaping and pruning during the growing period, so as to promote the growth of lateral branches and produce more flowering branches. The number of pruning is generally 1-3 times, should not be too much, otherwise it will affect the number of flowering. After each flowering, the residual flowers should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption. After the flowering period, the overdense branches, bore branches, overgrown branches and weak branches should be thinned, and other branches should not be pruned or only slightly trimmed, so it is not suitable for heavy pruning, so as to shorten the growth period of the next round and promote them to bloom early and blossom many times.

6. Change the basin: due to long-term watering, fertilization and Rain Water erosion, the basin soil is easy to consolidate, so it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly and remove weeds in the basin soil at the same time to facilitate the growth of Pueraria lobata. Otherwise, basin soil hardening, stagnant water, easy to cause root rot or poor growth. In addition, the glabrous cotyledon grows faster, the root system is well developed, and there are many whisker roots, so the pot needs to be changed once a year.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Prunus mume

1. Leaf spot

[symptoms] at first, the spot is yellowish brown, surrounded by a yellowish-green halo, and then expands into a nearly round or irregular spot with dark brown edges, and in the later stage, small black spots appear on the spot.

[prevention and treatment] it is found that a small number of disease spots can be smeared with Dakening cream ointment to cut off the branches with more disease. at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wet powder can be used for prevention and treatment, once every 7 to 10 days, and in serious cases, according to practical experience, it is sprayed again on the fourth day, and then every 7 days. The control effect was good for 3 or 4 times in a row.

2. Brown spot

[symptoms] the injured leaves produced yellowish brown to light brown spots with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.5 cm.

[prevention and treatment] A small number of diseased leaves were removed and burned in time. At the initial stage of the disease, 400 times of 70% mancozeb wettable powder was sprayed every 10 days for 3 times in a row.

3. Scale insects

[symptoms] in the environment of poor light, poor ventilation, high temperature and high humidity, many kinds of scale insects are easy to occur.

[prevention and control] it can be sprayed with 45% malathion EC 1000 times.