
The latest culture method of Begonia in four seasons

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Begonia is the most common and cultivated species of begonia, also known as Begonia, clam and so on. Begonia of the family Begonia is a succulent herb with graceful posture, delicate and bright leaves and clusters of flowers. open and slightly fragrant throughout the year.

Begonia is the most common and most common species of Begonia plants, also known as Begonia, clam meat Begonia, Begonia family Begonia is a succulent herb, beautiful posture, delicate and bright leaves, flowers into clusters, open all seasons and slightly fragrant, one of the main pot flowers for indoor and outdoor decoration, let's take a look at the cultivation method of potted Begonia together!

Growth Habits of Begonia gigas

Begonia like sunshine, slightly shade, afraid of cold, like warm, slightly humid environment and humid soil, but afraid of heat and waterlogging, pay attention to shade in summer, ventilation and drainage. It is very sensitive to sunlight. In summer, it is necessary to adjust the lighting time to create an environment suitable for its growth, and to shade it. Indoor plants should be placed in a place with scattered light and air circulation. Windows should be opened at night for ventilation.

Breeding method of Begonia sinensis

1. Sowing: The seeds should be evenly removed and sown on the fine mud in the basin, and then the sowing basin should be soaked with water by the basin bottom absorption method, and then covered with a piece of glass and placed in the semi-shade. After 10 days, they can germinate.

2, cuttage: cuttage can be carried out all year round, but after the seedlings branch less, in addition to double petal varieties, generally do not use this method of propagation.

3. Plant division: perennial old plants of Begonia can be divided into plants, and pruned at the same time to promote new lateral branches to form intact plant shapes.

Breeding method of Malus asiatica

1. Basin soil, the best mixed modulation of river sand, rotten leaf soil and snake sawdust is the basin soil of Begonia in all seasons. Begonia four seasons fear heat, summer should be placed in a cool place maintenance.

2. Temperature: Begonia flowers are afraid of cold all the year round. Before frost falls, move the basin indoors to keep warm. If the indoor temperature continues above 15℃, it can still continue to bloom.

3, watering: summer morning and evening watering, winter watering around noon. Do not water too much, avoid soil do not accumulate water, otherwise excessive moisture will lead to rotten roots, leaves will turn yellow.

4, light: the four seasons begonia flowers like sunshine, should be placed in the sunny, ventilated and breathable site, such as insufficient light, poor growth, color is not bright enough.

5. Fertilization: In the growing season, apply thin liquid fertilizer once every 10 days or so, apply quick-acting phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, apply less or stop fertilization in summer and winter with slow growth, and avoid decay due to tender stems and leaves and weakened heat resistance and cold resistance.

6. Pests and diseases: The common pests of Begonia in all seasons are leaf rollers, which are not particularly serious and can be caught manually. For serious diseases, they should be sprayed with dimethoate diluent.

Four seasons of attention.

1. Begonia likes warm conditions, so during the growth period, it should be watered according to the plant growth and temperature changes. Water less during germination and keep the pot soil slightly dry. If it is too wet, it will lead to rotten roots. Water the plant every two days during the growing season, and spray water around the plant frequently to increase air humidity. Another thing to note is that when watering, do not pour the leaves and stems from the top, along the edge of the flowerpot, otherwise the stems and leaves are easy to rot.

2. During the growth period, fertilizer should be applied according to the leaf color and leaf growth of the plant, and too much fertilizer should not be applied, otherwise it will lead to excessive leaf growth and affect flowering. Appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied before flowering to improve flowering quality.

3. When winter comes, it is necessary to dig up the bulb and hang it in a dry and ventilated place or place the potted flower in a warm indoor place for winter.

4. Root rot and stem rot are easy to occur during high temperature and dryness. At the early stage of discovery, watering should be controlled in time, and carbendazim should be sprayed for control. Continuous use for a period of time visible efficacy.

5, the four seasons Begonia must remember to remove the heart in time after the flower withers, remove the residual flowers, so that it can grow more luxuriantly.

6, the four seasons Begonia should usually be placed on the balcony or courtyard semi-shade maintenance, must not let direct sunlight come in, and pay attention to ventilation.

7, four seasons begonia planting half a month after the application of a decomposed fertilizer water, after the growth period every 20 to 30 days of light fertilizer water, winter to move indoors placed in sufficient sunlight, and the minimum temperature shall not be lower than 10 degrees.