
The latest culture method of tiger tail orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tiger tail orchid, also known as tiger skin orchid, thousand-year-old orchid, tiger tail palm, etc., is a perennial herbaceous foliage plant of the genus Liliaceae, with many varieties, great changes in plant shape and leaf color, and strong adaptability to the environment. It is suitable for decorating study, living room and office space.

Tiger tail orchid, also known as tiger skin orchid, thousand-year-old orchid, tiger tail palm, etc., are perennial herbaceous foliage plants of the genus Liliaceae, with many varieties, great changes in plant shape and leaf color, and strong adaptability to the environment. It is suitable for decorating study, living room and office space, which can be watched for a long time. Let's take a look at the breeding method of Tiger tail Orchid.

The growth habit of Cymbidium

Tiger tail orchid is native to western Africa and southern Asia, distributed in tropical Africa and India, and is cultivated all over the country. Strong adaptability, warm and humid sex, drought resistance, light and shade tolerance. The requirement of soil is not strict, and the sandy loam with better drainage is better. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃.

The Propagation method of Cymbidium

1. Ramet: the method of plant division is to cut the overgrown leaf clusters into several clumps, each with leaves, but also a section of rhizome and sucking buds, which can be planted in pots. This method is suitable for all species of tiger tail orchid, which can raise seedlings all the year round, but it is the best in spring and summer, and it can be combined with changing pots in spring.

2. Cutting: the cutting method is suitable for mass propagation, but it is only suitable for varieties with no golden edge or silver vein, otherwise the yellow and white markings on the leaves will disappear and become a common species of tiger tail orchid. The seedlings propagated by leaf cuttings of Phnom Penh and variegated varieties are green seedlings, and the shapes of Phnom Penh and stripes disappear, which reduces the ornamental value, so these varieties should not be propagated by cutting, but can only be propagated by ramets.

The culture method of tiger tail orchid

1. Soil: Tiger tail orchid has lax requirements on soil, extensive management, loose sandy soil and humus, and resistance to drought and barren. Potted plants can use 3 parts of fertile garden soil, 1 part of cinder, and then add a small amount of bean cake crumbs or poultry dung as base fertilizer. The growth is so strong that it does not inhibit its growth even if it is full of pots. The basin is usually changed once every two years and carried out in spring.

2. Lighting: the tiger tail orchid grows well under the condition of sufficient light, except in midsummer to avoid direct sunlight, other seasons should accept more sunlight, if placed in the indoor light is too dark for a long time, the leaves will be dark, lack of vitality. But indoor potted plants can not be suddenly moved to the sun, should first adapt to the dark light, so as not to burn the leaves. If indoor conditions do not allow, you can also put it closer to the sun.

3. Temperature: Cymbidium is native to western Africa and southern Asia, distributed in tropical Africa and India, the suitable temperature for growth is 20: 30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃. The winter temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ for a long time, otherwise the base of the plant would rot and the whole plant would die.

4. Moisture: the tiger tail orchid should be watered properly and grasp the principle that it would rather be dry than wet. Usually scrub the foliar dust with clean water to keep the leaves clean and bright. When sprouting new plants at the root neck in spring, the basin soil should be properly watered to keep the basin soil moist, and the basin soil should always be kept moist in summer high temperature season. The amount of watering should be controlled after the end of autumn, and the basin soil should be kept relatively dry to enhance cold resistance. During the dormant period in winter, watering should be controlled, the soil should be kept dry, and watering should be avoided into leaf clusters.

5. Fertilization: Tiger tail orchid does not have high requirements for fertilizer. If only nitrogen fertilizer is applied for a long time, the markings on the leaves will become dim, so compound fertilizer is generally used. Fertilization should not be excessive. In the peak growth period, fertilizer can be applied once or twice a month, and the amount of fertilizer should be less. Standard compost can be used when changing pots, and dilute liquid fertilizer is applied once or twice a month in the growing season to ensure that the leaves are green and thick. You can also bury 3 holes of cooked soybeans evenly in the soil at the edge of the basin, each hole is 7-10 grains, be careful not to come into contact with the root. Fertilization was stopped from November to March of the following year.

Disease and pest control of tiger tail orchid

1. Bacterial soft rot

[symptoms] after infection, the leaves changed from green to light yellow to grayish yellow, water-immersed soft rot appeared at the base of the stem near the ground, and the infected leaves were easy to reverse in the later stage. The rhizome is infected with disease, showing grass yellow soft rot, and the root is rotten and withered. The roots also died in the form of black rot when they were flooded. Especially in spring and summer, the weather of high temperature and heavy rain and typhoon rain is more serious. The pathogen is caused by bacteria.

[prevention and control] more than 10 ℃ should be maintained in winter and spring, watering should be controlled, and high temperature in midsummer should be slightly shaded. The growth period of spring and autumn is prosperous, so we should increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to improve the ability of disease resistance. It is best to choose disease-free soil or burning soil or after thermal sterilization before planting. Diseased leaves should be cut off and burned in time. At the initial stage of the disease, medical streptomycin sulfate 2000 times solution, 47% Garinon wettable powder solution or 30% green suspension solution can be selected, sprayed once every 5-7 days for prevention and treatment.

2. Fusarium spot disease

[symptoms] Fusarium spot, also known as leaf spot, is the first round spot found in leaves, which can be enlarged to 12 mm in diameter. Slightly sunken, light reddish brown, with yellowish edges. The disease spot is scattered, spread all over the leaf, and the central part of the spot dries up and falls off, forming a perforation. Several disease spots fuse with each other, and if the leaves are cut around, the disease will die above the disease. The pathogen is semi-known subphylum coccidiomycetes. It is easy to get sick in high temperature and rainy season.

[prevention] reduce soil moisture. At the initial stage of the disease, Bordeaux solution, 53.8% can kill 2000 dry suspension agent 1000 times or 47% Garinon wettable powder 700x solution, spray 2 times 3 times, once every 5-7 days.

3. Anthrax

[symptoms] the spot begins at the tip or edge of the leaf, brown, with obvious or inconspicuous wheel lines, and small black spots with scattered or regular arrangement are formed on the diseased leaves. The pathogen is a subphylum fungus, called Alternaria alternata. In the south, the high temperature weather is favorable to the disease under shady and humid conditions, especially from April to June.

[control] cut off the diseased leaves and withered leaves in winter and spring, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and spray 1000 times of 50% anthrax Fumi wettable powder in the early stage of the disease, or 1000 times of 75% chlorothalonil + 70% tophan wettable powder (1:1).

4. Sagittal scale

[symptoms] Adults and nymphs gather twigs and leaves to suck juice, making the leaves turn gray-green or yellow, causing the whole plant to wither.

[control] in the period of dispersion and transfer of nymphs, the application was the best, the insect had no wax powder and shell, and the resistance was the weakest. 40% dimethoate EC 500 × 1000 times or 50% malathion EC 600 times 800 times, 80% dichlorvos EC 800 times, 25% imidophos or Shachongjing or 30% benzophos EC 400 times 600 times, 50% Daofengsan EC 1500 times 2000 times.