
How to raise the latest potted Artemisia mongolica?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Money grass, also known as falling money, Qian Qianjin, even money grass, etc., is a small perennial herb of Primulaceae, with kidney-shaped to round leaves, 4mm in diameter, solitary leaf axils, flower stalks shorter than petioles, green leaves, yellow florets, potted culture has a certain degree.

Lysimachia christinae, also known as landing money, Qian Qian Jin, Lian Qian Cao, etc., is a perennial small herb of Primulaceae, kidney shaped to round leaves, 4~25 mm in diameter, flowers solitary leaf axils, flower stalks shorter than petioles, green leaves, open yellow flowers, potted culture has certain ornamental value, let's take a look at how potted Lysimachia christinae is raised!

Growth Habits of Lysimachia christinae

Lysimachia christinae is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres in all provinces south of the Yangtze River and Taiwan Province. It has strong adaptability to pH of water body, but it is best to control it between 6.5 and 7.5. It likes warm temperature, avoids high temperature, bears low temperature, grows well in the temperature range of 16~24℃, overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5℃, and plant growth will be inhibited when the room temperature exceeds 30℃. Like wet, there is a flowing water source longer see.

The breeding method of Lysimachia christinae

Lysimachia can be used for seed propagation or cuttage propagation, but because Lysimachia seeds are small, not easy to collect, and seedlings grow slowly, so more cuttage propagation. Every year from March to April, the Diandian stems are cut off and cut into a section every 3 to 4 nodes for cuttings. In the whole good ridge surface, in the ridge surface on both sides plus cm each open a shallow ditch for strip planting, ditch depth 6~8 cm, 2 rows per ridge seed. In the open shallow ditch, according to the plant spacing of 10 cm cuttings, soil 2~3, planting cover a layer of thin soil gently compacted, irrigation fixed root water.

How do potted plants grow?

1. Soil: Lysimachia christinae is not strict with soil requirements. Whether it is yellow loam, red loam or black loam, it can grow even on barren soil, but its drought resistance is not strong. It is suitable for fertile and loose soil with large water absorption and good water retention. It can also be cultivated in moist river banks, swamps, grasslands or fresh water with low hardness. The cultivated soil can be mixed with rotten leaves, river mud and garden soil in a ratio of 5:2:2.

2. Fertilization: Lysimachia has more demand for fertilizer. In the vigorous growth stage, Lysimachia applies topdressing every 2~3 weeks. When planted in potted plants or containers, a small amount of fertilizer is required, such as quick-acting fertilizer Huabao No. 2, which can maintain fertilizer efficiency for a long time in water and ensure that the water quality is slightly acidic or neutral.

3, watering: Lysimachia likes a relatively humid growth environment. Because of its many leaves and large transpiration, it is often necessary to spray water to the plants in summer to maintain a high air humidity, and the leaves should be kept clean to facilitate photosynthesis. Winter basin soil to partial dry is appropriate, watering follow the principle of wet rather than dry, avoid ponding, otherwise easy to rot roots.

4, temperature: Lysimachia love warm and humid environment, but not cold, in the temperature environment of 10~25℃ grow well, summer temperature rises to 32℃ above, will stop growing, winter temperature should not be lower than 5℃, room temperature exceeds 30℃ when plant growth will be inhibited.

5. Light: Lysimachia christinae is shade-tolerant, preferably in semi-sunshine or shade, avoiding direct sunlight, and the more shade the environment is, the more likely it is to cause plant leaves to rot. Lysimachia does not compete for glory, but if you let Lysimachia receive 4 to 6 hours of scattered light every day, or give it 8 to 10 hours of artificial light, it will make Lysimachia grow better.

6. Pests and diseases: Lysimachia christinae has very few pests and diseases. The main pests are clams and snails biting stems and leaves. 90% crystal trichlorfon 1000 times solution can be used for irrigation, or 8% Miewuling granules or 10% polyacetaldehyde granules can be spread, 1.5 grams per square meter, or 1.5 kilograms per mu. In the evening of sunny days, it can kill adults or young snails.