
How to raise the latest potted Guanyin lotus?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Guanyin lotus is also known as long grass, Guanyin lotus, Buddha lotus and so on. It is a succulent plant of the genus Sedum. The meat, as its name, is like a lotus pedestal. The leaf color is varied and the purplish red leaf tip is very chic. It is suitable for small and medium-sized potted plants or combinations of potted plants.

Guanyin lotus is also known as long grass, Guanyin lotus, Buddha lotus and so on. It is a succulent plant of the genus Sedum. The meat, like its name, has a general shape such as a lotus seat, the leaf color is rich in variety, and the purplish red leaf tip is very chic. It is suitable for small and medium-sized potted plants or combinations of potted plants. The ornamental effect varies greatly with different shapes of flowerpots. Let's take a look at how to raise the potted Guanyinlian.

Growth habits of Guanyinlian

Guanyinlian is an alpine succulent plant, which likes sufficient sunshine and cool and dry environment. It is suitable for all kinds of acidic, neutral and alkaline soils. Except for proper shading and avoiding hot sun exposure in summer, Guanyinlian should be fully sunny in other seasons. It can withstand the low temperature of-20 ℃, and the plants are dormant in high temperature in summer and cold in winter. The cooler spring and autumn seasons are its main growing season, which requires sufficient sunshine. If the light is insufficient, the plant type will be loose and not compact, affecting its appearance and ornamental appearance. The plants growing in the places with sufficient light have thick and plump leaves, compact plant type, beautiful leaf color and look very beautiful.

The breeding method of Guanyinlian

1. Cuttage: Guanyin lotus can remove the small rosette around the big lotus in the growing season, put the rootless ones on the pot directly, and dry the rootless ones for a few days before planting. You can also cut off the small rosette at the front of the stem, dry it for a few days, cut it in sand or vermiculite, and keep the medium slightly moist after cutting, making it easy to take root. Leaf cuttings can survive occasionally, but the success rate is very low.

2. Sowing: if the seeds of Guanyin lotus can be collected, they can be used for reproduction. When sown in a cold bed in early spring, it usually takes 2 to 6 weeks to germinate at a temperature of 10 ℃. When the seedlings are big enough, they are transplanted into pots, but the seedlings that reproduce grow slowly.

3. Tissue culture: Guanyinlian can propagate rapidly by tissue culture, the required materials are easy to obtain and have a large success rate of reproduction, and it can produce many varieties, so it is a promising method of reproduction.

How to raise potted Guanyin lotus?

1. Soil: the basin soil of Guanyinlian is required to be loose and fertile, with good drainage and air permeability. You can add 1/3 of humus to the basin soil, 1/3 of river sand or coal cinder, and a little bone powder. Because the soil is moist, the newly planted plants do not need to irrigate too much water to maintain their semi-dry state to facilitate the restoration of roots.

2. Temperature: Guanyinlian prefers warm, humid and semi-overcast growth environment, the optimum growth temperature is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 15 ℃. In winter, when the temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ at night and above 15 ℃ during the day, the plant can continue to grow and can be watered normally and fertilized properly. If watering is controlled to make the plant dormant, it can also withstand the low temperature of 0 ℃.

3. Illumination: Guanyin lotus plants are dormant in high temperature in summer and cold in winter, and the main growth period is in the cooler spring and autumn seasons. Sufficient sunlight is required during the growth period. If insufficient light will lead to loose plant shape, not compact, affecting its ornamental, while the plants growing in the place of sufficient light, the leaves are plump, compact and beautiful.

4. Watering: Guanyinlian watering follows the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly" to avoid long-term stagnant water to avoid rotting roots, but not too dry, otherwise the plant will not die, but the growth is slow, the leaf color is dim, and there is a lack of vitality. In the period of high temperature in summer, the leaf water evaporation is large and the water demand is more, such as the lack of water is very easy to make the leaf wilt, so it is necessary to spray water to the leaf surface frequently and keep the environment moist at the same time, but the stagnant water in the basin must be avoided, otherwise it will cause root rot.

5. Fertilization: Guanyinlian should apply mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus and potassium every 20 days. do not splash fertilizer and water on the leaves during fertilization, usually in the morning or evening when the weather is sunny, and water once in the evening of the same day or the next morning to dilute the residual fertilizer in the soil.

6. Change the basin: Guanyinlian turns the basin every 1 to 2 years in spring or autumn, pruning the roots to remove withered or overgrown roots. Basin soil requires loose and fertile, with good drainage and air permeability, can be used after mixing rotten leaf soil, coarse sand and vermiculite at 2:1:1, and add a small amount of plant ash and bone powder as base fertilizer.

Points for attention of Guanyinlian

1. Spring: change the basin when the spring temperature is more than 15 ℃, and when the outdoor temperature is more than 20 ℃, the Guanyin lotus can also be moved to the semi-shady balcony. When the temperature is high at the end of spring, the soil should be kept moist and fertilized properly. When the plant cluster is dense, some of the old leaves can be cut off to promote the growth of new leaves.

2. Summer: Guanyin lotus likes the environment of high temperature and high humidity. Summer is the peak season for its growth, so the basin soil should be kept humid. Not heat-resistant, plant growth gradually stopped after May, entered the summer dormancy period, the family can be placed in the corridor or the inside of the balcony and other places without direct sunlight, good ventilation, rain maintenance, and control watering, stop fertilization, so as not to cause plant rot due to muggy, humid, soil water.

3. Autumn: after the temperature is cool in autumn, it can be gradually moved to a place with morning and evening light, keep the basin soil moist, spray water around it and leaves several times a day, and stop fertilizing. As the temperature drops at the end of autumn, the water supply should be gradually reduced to make the basin soil dry. When the temperature dropped below 15 ℃, the aboveground part wilted gradually and went into dormancy. If the indoor temperature can be kept above 18 ℃ in autumn and winter, Guanyin lotus can grow slowly without dormancy.

4. In winter, Guanyinlian is not tolerant to low temperature, and the tuber is dormant when the temperature is low in winter, so the pot should be placed above 10 ℃ indoor to overwinter. The basin soil should be kept dry but not dry. when the humidity of the basin soil is high, the tuber is easy to rot. If the indoor temperature is kept above 18 ℃, Guanyinlian is not dormant and still ornamental, it should be arranged on the windowsill with morning and evening light, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray around its leaves to improve air humidity.