
The latest culture methods of perfume grass

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Perfume grass, also known as celestial mustard, foreign jasmine, etc., is a subshrub plant of the genus Artemisia. The flower color is an elegant blue-purple hue, which is very suitable for the configuration of indoor flowers in summer, but its fragrance is a little choking. However, European and American people like this kind of fragrance very much. In Germany

Perfume grass, also known as celestial mustard, foreign jasmine, etc., is a sub-shrub plant of the Artemisia family. The flower color is an elegant blue-purple hue, which is very suitable for the configuration of indoor flowers in summer, but its flower fragrance is a little choking. However, European and American people like this kind of flower very much. It is known as "immortal herb" in Germany and "wood of love" in France. Let's take a look at the breeding method of perfume herb.

Growth habits of Perfume Grass

The perfume grass, which originated in Peru, is suitable for growing in moist and fertile soil and is a general weed in farmland and orchards. Its physiological cycle is stable, and other plants generally need sunlight to blossom, but mustard blossoms even in the dark. Like fertilizer, topdressing once every 10 days or so. The root system is developed, the absorption is strong, and the growth is fast. Core extraction should be carried out at the seedling stage to make the plant shape plump.

Propagation methods of Perfume Grass

1. Cutting: perfume grass can be cut in four seasons, but it is better in spring and autumn, indoor cutting is mostly carried out in February to March, tender wood cutting is generally carried out in Meiyu season, and it takes about 60 days from cutting to flowering.

2. Sowing: the suitable sowing time of perfume grass is autumn, and its seed life is very short, which can only last for one year, so the harvested seeds should be sowed early in order to obtain higher seedling emergence rate. The temperature is 22 ℃ and germinates in about 20-30 days.

Culture methods of perfume grass

1. Soil: the potted soil of perfume grass should use fertile and loose loam with good drainage, which is generally mixed with 4 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of compost soil, 2 parts of sandy soil and 1 part of plant ash. It usually takes 3 months from seedling to flowering. The root system of the plant is well developed, and the fibrous root grows very vigorously, so it is appropriate to change the pot for 1 or 2 times during this period to facilitate the root system development.

2. Heart-picking: after the perfume grass is transplanted into the pot, it is necessary to pick the heart in time from the seedlings to promote its branching and more flowering. Those who need to turn over the basin should also pick the heart to make it form a dense and satisfactory plant shape. If you want to cultivate a larger plant type, you can use pillars to support and kidnap, and peel off all its lateral buds to make the branches grow to height. After the stem grows high, the heart is picked repeatedly to make it grow into an umbrella-shaped plant.

3. Watering: perfume grass likes a humid environment. During the vigorous growth season in spring, the basin soil should be kept moist. Too dry and too wet will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Generally, the leaves will be watered once a day in spring and autumn, and the growth is slow in summer. It is best to water once in the morning and evening. Proper control of moisture in winter should not be too wet, and water should be watered once every 3-4 days.

4. Fertilization: perfume grass is a fertilizer-loving flower, which can be topdressing after a week on the pot. during the growth period, thin and rotten cake fertilizer or fermented chicken manure is applied once a week, and compound fertilizer is applied every 2 to 3 weeks. Low room temperature in winter and hot summer can prolong the interval of topdressing or stop fertilization.

5. Lighting: perfume grass is a light-loving plant, which requires sufficient sunlight. It is easy to grow thin, small branches and flowers, or cannot blossom in the environment of insufficient sunlight. Move it to a sunny place in winter, and put the perfume grass under the shade or shade in summer to block the strong sunlight, otherwise the leaves are easy to burn and yellow, and the perfume grass can get enough sunshine in spring and autumn.

6. Temperature: when the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the plant grows slowly and enters a semi-dormant state. If exposed to the hot sun, the leaves are easy to wither and yellow. Therefore, the flowerpot should be moved to a cool and ventilated place in summer, the suitable growth temperature is 15: 25 ℃, the winter room temperature is above 13 ℃, the greenhouse can blossom all the year round, the overwintering temperature is 5: 7 ℃, and the temperature is about 0 ℃.

7. Replanting: although the perfume grass is a sub-shrub, it is often cultivated in one or two years because of its soft branches, scattered old plants and unbeautiful posture. After several years of culture, the plant is easy to aging, the flowering position continues to move upward, the basal leaves gradually fall off with the Lignification of the stem, and the lower part of the plant is often bald, so new plants are generally cultivated by cutting after 2-3 years of cultivation. It is easy to be harmed by shell insects in the process of growth, so attention should be paid to prevention and control.