
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Ditang Flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ditang flower, also known as bee tang flower, Huangdu plum, Huangyu plum, etc., belongs to the deciduous shrub plant of Rosaceae. Its branches and leaves are green and soft, golden flowers are full of trees, and it has a sheltering effect when planted in the corner of the wall and beside the pipeline. it is suitable to be used as a flower hedge and flower diameter group planted in front of evergreen trees.

Ditang flower, also known as bee tang flower, yellow plum, Huangyu plum, etc., is a deciduous shrub plant of Rosaceae. Its branches and leaves are green and soft, and its golden flowers are full of trees. It has the effect of shielding when planted in the corners of walls and pipes. It is suitable to be used as a hedge and flower diameter group planted in front of evergreen trees, beside ancient trees and in cracks between mountains and rocks. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Diitang flowers.

The growth habits of the flower of Tangeria latifolia

Ditang is a deciduous shrub native to North and South China, distributed in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Beijing, Tianjin and other places. It prefers warm, humid and semi-shady environment, poor cold tolerance and lax soil requirements, and the fertile and loose sandy loam soil grows best.

The Propagation method of the Flower of Potentilla paniculata

1. Ramet: in early spring and late autumn, the new plant with 1 / 2 branches was separated from the mother plant directly in the soil with a knife or shovel, and the new plant was taken out and transplanted, and the mother plant left in the soil was replanted the next year.

2. Cuttings: the hardwood cuttings of Ditang in March use unsprouted annual branches, and in June or so, use tender wood cuttings. In brown soil, ripe soil or sandy soil, shade should be used if planted in the open field to prevent dryness.

3. Sowing: the method of sowing and propagation is only used when the original seeds are propagated in large quantities. After the seeds are harvested, they should be stored in low temperature sand for 1-2 months at 5 ℃, sown in the next spring, covered with fine soil, covered with grass, and shaded in a shed after emergence.

Planting techniques of Diantang Flower

1. Soil: the planting land of Ditang flower should choose warm and humid, soft soil, good drainage and non-alkaline soil.

2. Transplanting: base fertilizer, compost, barnyard manure, rotten acquaintance feces and urine were applied on the transplanting site, mixed evenly and evenly, and transplanting in the open field or pot before spring germination or in October.

3. Water and fertilizer: the flowers of Ditang generally do not need to be watered frequently. Potted plants should be watered with cake and fertilizer in the afternoon, so it is not easy to water more. It is necessary to water more in summer and apply liquid fertilizer twice in the whole growing period according to the seedling potential.

4. Pruning: cut off the dead branches as soon as they find any retreating branches, otherwise they will spread to the roots and lead to the death of the whole plant. Leave 50 cm high after flowering and cut off the upper branches to promote underground bud germination.

5. Change the pot: the potted tang flower is planted in the cold area for about 3 years to change the pot, combined with root pruning, ramet, and regeneration of old and weak branches.