
How does newest aloe grow black spot to do?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Aloe vera is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Liliaceae, which is native to tropical arid regions of Africa and distributed almost all over the world. Its exudates have been widely used in medicine and daily chemical industry.

Aloe is a perennial evergreen herb belonging to the genus Aloe of Liliaceae. It originates from tropical arid areas of Africa and is distributed almost all over the world. It is a set of edible, medicinal, cosmetic and ornamental products. Its secretion has been widely used in medicine and daily chemical. It has been used as a natural medicine for beauty, hair care and treatment of skin diseases among Chinese people. Let's take a look at aloe vera.

Symptoms of aloe vera black spots

Aloe black spot is a bacterial disease that seriously affects the growth and quality of aloe. It can lead to the failure of aloe planting. At the beginning of the disease, there were filamentous spots on the leaves, which developed into nearly round black brown spots, and the edges of individual spots were radial, surrounded by yellow or yellow-black halo. At the later stage of the disease, there are many black-brown particles on the diseased spot, the leaf surface sinks, and the available mesophyll is completely lost.

The law of aloe vera black spots

Aloe black spot depends on the resistance ability of aloe varieties and the degree of occurrence varies. When the temperature was lower than 20℃ for two hours, the metabolism of most aloe varieties was blocked, the resistance began to decline, and the disease spots appeared locally on the infected leaves. When the temperature was lower than 15℃ for more than two days, the disease spots accounted for about half of the leaves. When the temperature was lower than 12℃, the disease spots appeared on the leaves in a week. When the temperature dropped to 8 - 10℃, the disease spots were basically covered in the leaves, especially in the open field cultivation. In addition, typhoon, foggy weather, hail, rain concentration, day and night temperature difference above 10℃ weather can also cause the disease and can lead to large spread.

How does aloe grow black spot to do?

1. Choose disease-resistant varieties. Aloe sinensis is the most susceptible variety to infected spots, followed by Aloe yuanjiang, Aloe arborescens, Aloe Curacao, Aloe soapatiae, etc. Therefore, Curacao and Aloe yuanjiang with disease resistance and high utilization rate are the best.

2. The newly introduced seedlings must be disinfected. Generally, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times solution can be soaked for 5 to 10 minutes to dry before planting. The whole plant should be buried deeply for serious disease, and the soil in the disease area should be disinfected with 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times solution +70% thiophanate-methyl WP 800 times solution.

3. Ensure that the minimum temperature for aloe growth is above 8℃ during planting, and reduce and control the source of disease at the same time. Single ridge planting is adopted to improve ventilation and light transmission conditions. Under the premise of applying enough base fertilizer, 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.1% zinc were added to enhance the disease resistance of plants. At the same time, do a good job in field drainage to prevent ponding in fields. During the frost period, comprehensive control measures such as smoke fumigation and temperature increase were adopted.

4. At the initial stage of aloe black spot disease, 800 times solution of 75% thiophanate-methyl WP, 1000 times solution of 50% carbendazim WP, or 800 times solution of 70% thiophanate-methyl WP can be used for prevention and control.