
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of tea plum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Camellia is a small tree of the genus Camellia of the Theaceae. It is distributed in Japan and is cultivated. There are cultivated varieties in China, with diverse flowers and colors, long flowering period, magnificent colors, light and elegant, beautiful tree shape, most of the branches are horizontally expanded, full posture, and a large amount of flowers. so it's very suitable for pots.

Tea plum is a small tree belonging to Camellia family, distributed in Japan, multi-cultivated, China has cultivated varieties, diverse colors, long flowering period, magnificent colors, elegant, beautiful tree shape, branches mostly horizontal expansion, full posture, a large number of flowers, so it is very suitable for potted appreciation, let's take a look at the cultivation methods and precautions of tea plum!

The growth habits of tea plum

Chamei likes yin and dampness, and it is most suitable for half yin and half yang. Summer light may burn its leaves and buds, causing the leaf rolls to fall off. But it also needs proper lighting to bloom luxuriantly and brightly. Like warm and humid climate, suitable for growth in humus-rich, humid slightly acidic soil, pH 5.5~6 is appropriate. It is cold-resistant, but potted plants are generally not lower than ~2℃, and the optimum temperature is 18~25℃. Strong resistance, fewer pests.

The propagation method of tea plum

Tea plum can be used cuttage, grafting, layering and sowing methods of propagation, generally multi-use cuttage propagation. Cuttings in May, cutting selection of more than 5 years on the mother plant of healthy branches, the base with ears, cut off the lower redundant leaves, retain 2~3 leaves can be. Can also cut a single bud short ear for cutting ears, with the cut with the plug. Cutting bed to shade, about 20~30 days can take root, morning and evening gradually transparent.

Cultivation method of tea plum

1, soil: tea plum suitable for fertile loose, good drainage acid sandy soil, alkaline soil and clay should not be planted, lime soil is more taboo, northern potted should be selected to rot leaf soil or peat soil, plus a small amount of river sand culture soil.

2, watering: tea plum watering to keep the pot soil moist and not ponding is appropriate, summer morning and evening irrigation once a day, winter can be a few days irrigation once. In addition to winter, but also every few days to spray 1 time water leaves to keep clean, watering must be watered thoroughly.

3, sunshine: tea plum is a semi-shade plant, avoid strong light irradiation. Generally, it should be cultured in shade from May to September every year. If it is exposed to direct sunlight, it is easy to burn leaves and buds, causing leaves to curl and fall off when it is serious. Late autumn and winter need more sunshine.

4, temperature: tea plum likes warm environment, growth temperature is 18~25℃. The temperature cannot be too high, when the temperature exceeds 35℃, the tender leaves are prone to sunburn. At the same time, the cold resistance of tea plum is strong, and it can be placed in a cold room above 2℃ in winter.

5. Fertilization: The fertilization of tea plum should be light and fully decomposed. The application of raw fertilizer or concentrated fertilizer will burn the root system, especially one or two years old seedlings. Generally, thin nitrogen fertilizer is applied once in February to March to promote the growth of branches and leaves. April to May, apply a thin cake fertilizer water to facilitate flower bud differentiation. Applying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate once from September to October can make flowers bigger and more colorful.

6. Pests: There are few diseases and insect pests of tea plum, the main diseases are gray spot disease, soot disease, anthracnose, etc., which should be prevented and treated early. Once the disease occurs, it can be sprayed with 300 times of Bordeaux mixture. If there are scale insects, red spiders and other harm, available artificial brush in addition to red spiders occur, available bubble tobacco water mixed with pepper water spray kill, the effect is also very significant.

7, pruning: tea plum and camellia also need to timely thinning buds and cut off residual flowers, in order to reduce nutrient consumption. Under normal circumstances, each branch leaves a bud, the rest are thinned, so that nutrients are concentrated, and the flowers are big and colorful. Cutting off residual flowers in time can not only keep the plant shape beautiful, but also facilitate the germination of new branches, but also promote the healthy growth of plants.

Tea notes.

1, avoid room temperature is too high: family potted tea plum in the cold winter and early spring in a semi-dormant state, the appropriate temperature is 2~10℃. When the average temperature exceeds 10℃, it promotes vegetative growth, thus competing for nutrients needed by developing buds, causing them to gradually wither.

2, avoid poor air: winter family window closure cold, whether to keep the air fresh is also the key to prevent and control domestic tea plum stiff bud stiff flower. It is necessary to open the window regularly for ventilation. It is best to open the window for ventilation every morning and evening for about ten minutes each time to keep the indoor air fresh and avoid contact with harmful gases.

3, avoid frequent change of position: potted tea plum in winter after moving into the indoor, belong to stop vegetative growth into the bud expansion of the semi-dormant period, need to have a stable cool and humid environment, at this time the most taboo temperature fluctuates, light fluctuates, especially when it is about to bloom should be paid more attention to.

4. Avoid leaving too many buds: tea plum needs to consume a lot of nutrients during the period from bud pregnancy to flowering. If it is not timely and large amount of bud thinning, it is difficult to ensure enough nutrients for the development and flowering of late buds. Not only can a normal flower not be seen, but also the plant will be injured and even lead to death.

5, avoid fertilization before flowering: tea plum flower bud development and flowering season although a lot of nutrients, but if fertilization before flowering will be large to open the flower bud "top" off, so generally do not fertilize after winter into the room, focus on strengthening the vegetative growth period of fertilizer management, can be divided into spring and summer two stages of fertilization.