
How can the latest sweet-scented osmanthus grow well?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sweet-scented osmanthus is one of the top ten famous flowers in Chinese tradition. It is an excellent ornamental and practical tree species with greening, beautification and fragrance. Bonsai made with sweet-scented osmanthus is evergreen all the year round, the flowers are numerous and fragrant, and the ornamental value is high. If properly managed, it can flourish and bloom.

Sweet-scented osmanthus is one of the top ten famous flowers in traditional China. It is an excellent ornamental and practical tree species with greening, beautification and fragrance. Bonsai made with sweet-scented osmanthus is evergreen all the year round, fragrant flowers, and high ornamental value. If properly managed, it can flourish, blossom and fragrance. Let's take a look at how sweet-scented osmanthus can grow well.

How to grow sweet-scented osmanthus?

1, timely watering: sweet-scented osmanthus pot soil should grasp the principle of whether it is dry or irrigated, but spray fresh water to the leaves once a day. After the Qingming Festival, the sweet-scented osmanthus should be watered once in the open air, which should be watered in the morning and evening in summer and around noon in winter, so that the water temperature is close to the soil temperature, so as not to cause sudden cold and heat, and pay attention not to stagnant water.

2. Rational fertilization: sweet-scented osmanthus is mainly ornamental, and sufficient fertilizer should be provided. Nitrogen fertilizer can be applied twice during shoot sprouting, and phosphorus fertilizer is mainly applied before flower bud differentiation and flowering. The basin soil should be a little drier before fertilization, and it is appropriate to loosen the soil first so that the fertilizer can be absorbed, and water should be watered the next day.

3. Pour the basin and change the soil: the sweet-scented osmanthus should change the soil once every 2 ~ 3 years, cut off part of the old and withered roots, cover the bottom of the basin with a layer of river sand or vermiculite to facilitate ventilation and drainage, and place rotten cake fertilizer as the base fertilizer, the fill must be compacted. The ratio of soil to soil is not very strict, and it can usually be made of garden soil, barnyard manure and river sand.

4. Pruning and shaping: Osmanthus fragrans generally adopt the method of combination of climbing and pruning, which should be carried out after autumn. Plants with poor tree shape can cut off the whole top branch at 2 / 3 or 3 / 4, and plants with too dense branches should be thinned. After flowering, they should also cut off overgrown branches, withered branches, disease and insect branches, dense and thin branches.

5. Overwintering management: sweet-scented osmanthus overwintering room temperature should be kept at 0: 5 ℃ and relative humidity at 50: 80%. Winter cold indoor light should be good, especially before the early spring buds began to sprout, but also required sufficient sunshine, the following year Grain Rain arranged potted sweet-scented osmanthus to come out of the room. After leaving the room, first concentrate on the outdoor leeward to the sun, so that it gradually adapt to the external environment.

6. disease control: the common diseases of sweet-scented osmanthus are leaf spot, coal pollution, algae spot, root rot, iron deficiency and so on. Leaf spot, coal pollution and algal spot can be sprayed with 0.5 Bordeaux solution or 5% carbendazim 500-1000 times. Root rot should pay attention to keep the soil loose and permeable, do not accumulate water.

7. pest control: the common pests of sweet-scented osmanthus are leaf wasp, whitefly, mite, white scale, yellow moth and so on. Leaf wasps, whitefly and mites can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1500-3000 times liquid, and Changbai scale can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times solution or 40% fenitrothion 500 times solution in the first and second generation nymphs except manual brushing.

What are the varieties of sweet-scented osmanthus?

1. Four seasons cassia varieties: four seasons cassia tufted shrubby, tree-shaped low, short and dense branches, round crown. The new leaves are deep red and the old mature leaves are green or yellowish green. The leaf is oval in shape, and the intersection angle between the main vein and the lateral vein of the leaf is very large, close to the vertical state. The flowers bloom in batches from September to March every year, and the fragrance of the flowers is not as strong as that of cinnamon, cinnamon and cinnamon. Common varieties are big leaf four seasons cinnamon, leaflet four seasons cinnamon, four seasons flowering laurel, Japanese incense, big leaf Buddha top bead, tooth leaf four seasons cinnamon and other varieties.

2. Cinnamon population: Cinnamomum dioecious, the crown is round, the bark is light gray, smooth and the lenticels are sparse. Leaves leathery, long elliptic or elliptic, flat, margin retrorse, entire, apex occasionally sparsely toothed, base broadly cuneate, apex obtuse or mucronate, lateral veins 8-10 pairs, reticulate veins obvious on both sides, petiole 8-10 mm long. The flower color is orange-red, the Corolla is slightly buckled, the fragrance is light, and the flowering period is from late September to early October. There are big flower cinnamon, tooth cinnamon, cinnamon cinnamon, broad leaf red and other varieties.

3. Jin Guipin population: the crown of Jin Gui is spherical, the tree is strong, and the branches are tall and straight, very close. The bark is gray, the lenticels are round or oval, and the spring shoots are stout. The leaf color is dark green, the leaf blade is oval, the leaf surface is uneven, the leaf edge is microwave curved. Flowers yellow, fragrant, not sturdy, autumn flowering, lemon yellow to golden yellow flowers. The varieties are Dahua Jingui, Daye Huang, Huangchuan Jingui, late Jingui, Yuanye Jingui, Xianning Evening Gui, Ball Gui, Yuanjian Jingui, Liu Ye Su Gui, Jin Shigui, Boye Jingui and so on.

4. Silver cinnamon population: the crown of silver cinnamon is spherical, the big branches are developed, the branches and leaves are dense, the bark is light gray, and the lenticels are many and large, similar to snowflakes. The leaf is green or dark green, long oval or oval, the leaf is broad and thick, and the leaf surface is more spreading. Flowering in the first and middle of September, the color of milky yellow to lemon yellow, rich aroma, not strong after flowering, autumn flowering. Varieties are broad-leaf seed silver cinnamon, willow leaf silver cinnamon, hard leaf silver cinnamon, seed silver cinnamon, Jiulong cinnamon, early silver cinnamon, evening silver cinnamon, Baijie, pure white silver cinnamon, Qingshan silver cinnamon, etc.

What if the sweet-scented osmanthus tree does not bloom?

1. Enter the room too early

[reason] when the temperature was above 10 degrees Celsius, sweet-scented osmanthus entered the house too early and could not get enough dormancy, which made sweet-scented osmanthus sprout and spread leaves prematurely, consuming a lot of nutrients, coupled with insufficient light and weak plants, affecting flowering.

[countermeasures] to ensure low-temperature hibernation, potted sweet-scented osmanthus overwintering temperature 3-5 degrees Celsius, above 3 degrees Celsius do not need to enter the room, maintain the natural temperature, when below 3 degrees Celsius, enter the room. After entering the house, it will be dormant at a low temperature so that it can thrive and flourish in the following year.

2. Leave the room too early

[reason] the sweet-scented osmanthus trees are exposed to the wind and sun in spring, and their leaves are dry, so it is not easy to blossom even if they sprout again.

[countermeasures] when you leave the room in spring, you should move out of the room on cloudy or rainy days, avoid sudden exposure to the hot sun, and make it gradually adapt to the outdoor environment.

3. Lack of nutrients

[reason] Osmanthus fragrans like fertilizer, and some potted sweet-scented osmanthus plants have not changed pots and soil for several years, resulting in insufficient nutrition, root knots can not be extended, affecting flowering.

[countermeasures] if the basin soil is too long, the basin soil should be changed every 1-2 years, and a small amount of hoof can be used as base fertilizer at the bottom of the basin.

4. Lack of light

[reason] Osmanthus fragrans need more than 10 hours of light, otherwise the leaves will not flourish and the flower bud will not blossom.

[countermeasures] to ensure long sunshine, there should be more than 10 hours of sunshine every day to meet the needs of sunshine.

5. Overwatering

[cause] cause rotten roots and fallen leaves, affecting flowering.

[countermeasures] reasonable watering, should maintain 30% water content, hot summer with 60% water content is appropriate, not too dry and too wet.

6. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer

[reason] too much nitrogen fertilizer makes the branches and leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus grow, affecting flowering.

[countermeasure] nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much, but should be applied with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Sweet-scented osmanthus needs more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, but it can be topdressing outside the root, and 0.1-0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed on the leaf.

7. Oil fume pollution

[reason] Osmanthus fragrans is not resistant to soot and oil dirt, and its leaves have been polluted by soot and oil dirt for a long time, resulting in poor growth and even leaf shedding, affecting flowering.

[countermeasures] to prevent pollution, fine gauze can be used to test the leaves lightly, keep the leaves clean and rub them once on the 15th day to facilitate photosynthesis and make the plants grow healthily.

8. Lack of pruning

[reason] Osmanthus fragrans has developed root system and strong sprouting ability. if it is not pruned properly, the branches and leaves will be too dense, which will affect the flowering.

[countermeasures] properly pruned, cut off diseased, weak and overdense branches before leaving the room, and cut them properly according to plant shape, so as to ventilate and penetrate light and promote their flowering.