
Orchid Water Control

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Drunken Xishi

In raising orchids, watering is the key. As the saying goes, "watering for three years." if orchids are watered without thinking or groping, there will be no three years of work for others in 30 years, so if you water well, many problems can be easily solved. Watering should first be suitable for orchids and understand the growth characteristics of orchids; second, according to the characteristics of orchids, combined with their own orchid environment and plant materials; third, watering should be based on different growth periods of orchids. In fact, only the first point, in the final analysis, is in line with the growth characteristics of orchids. The vast majority of friends who have just begun to raise orchids are afraid of orchids dying, watering the pots as soon as they are dry, or often spraying water on the orchids, and some soak the bottom of the orchids in a tray with water, which makes the pots too wet for a long time and affects the breathing of the roots. make the root necrotic and scorched root tip, sometimes form a "hydroponic root" shape, as soon as the pot is dry, it is not easy to transplant; it is also easy to make harmful bacteria propagate rapidly and orchids get sick. Some orchids seem to be full of seedlings, but they do not blossom, and so on, which are all due to various problems caused by watering too often. In the process of orchid growth for a year, the water demand is not much for most of the time. If the orchid is dry in the basin, the watering will basically pass. If the orchid is dry in the basin, it is necessary to control the water to the orchid. Water control is to control the water supply to the orchid, also known as buckling water. But in the process of orchid growth, it is not long-term water control, it is still wet when it is wet, and water control is necessary when it is time to control water. Generally speaking, Need to control water in the following periods: first, orchid flowering water control. In order to produce a good opening product, in addition to raising strong orchid grass, we should also master the water control during the flowering period. when the scape of the orchid is elongated and the stamens are about to take off, water the orchid once, and then there is no need to water the orchid until a few days after the flower is cut off. In this way, the flowers bloom more and more energetically, the scape petals are straight, the petals are not easy to turn back and twist, the extension of the outer petals and the long opening and falling shoulders of the side petals are controlled. The degree of the back roll of the sunroof and tongue will also be reduced, and the flowering period will be long. Therefore, the flowers participating in the Orchid Show are good products for a long time, and water control is very important. some flowers participating in the Orchid Show were awarded a gold award on the first day, and the flowers were not even awarded a bronze award the next day. In addition to the flower-keeping relationship of the flower itself, the most important thing is that it is not given to control water, and it is necessary to control the water of flowers that are poor in advance.

Second, water control during the growing period of new seedlings. Now, as there are not many orchid friends who are completely naturally farmed, the period of sprouting is more sooner or later, so it can not be fixed from a few months to a few months. The orchid should keep the basin moist and moist during the germination stage, in order to let the new buds come up smoothly and sprout more, but when the new seedlings come out of the pot, the water should be controlled gradually, from wet to moist, and the water can be controlled by the way of small water, big water and empty basin space. small water is to stop watering as soon as the basin bottom is watered, and the big water is poured on the top, the basin bottom leaks and pours thoroughly, and it can also be poured back and forth several times. Empty basin is to control water for a short time, so that the basin can reach a dry degree. Depending on the wetness of the basin soil, there can be big water-small water-small water-empty basin-big water-small water. Alternately, the small water can be continuous, the big water is not continuous, and the empty basin is in front of the big water. Through such semi-water control, the new seedling will grow roots, let her support herself, increase the development of the new seedling Reed head, and lay the foundation for the growth of the new seedling. There is a plum rain season during the growth of new seedlings in the south of the Yangtze River, and the probability of stem rot, soft rot and other diseases is greatly reduced by semi-controlling water. When the plum rain ends, after the the Summer Solstice of the lunar calendar, most of the new seedlings grow to half big, the weather is gradually hot, the degree of water control increases gradually, dry can withstand the heat of the environment, orchids can experience a high temperature of 35 ℃ or even higher when the orchid is dry, if the high temperature is too wet and not ventilated, all kinds of problems will come one after another. To avoid watering at high temperature, the period from wet to moist in the basin should also be spent when the temperature is low. So the summer watering of Lanyou is arranged when the temperature is lower in the evening, and the basin is not too wet when the temperature rises the next day. Through my observation, orchids can still grow rapidly at a temperature of 32 ℃, so they are not afraid of high temperature. The key is to control water and ventilation, both of which are equally important. If Lanyou, who has air conditioning and other cooling facilities, can implement semi-water control, a second generation of new seedlings will come out in one summer.

Third, orchids promote flowers and control water. From the opening of the new bud to gradually control the water, the first batch of buds will come out, and the earlier buds appear in April, which is normal. Sometimes the buds take nearly a year from formation to flowering, and they can blossom normally if they are properly managed in the later stage. But most of the spring orchid buds are formed after August, that is, after the lunar calendar the Beginning of Autumn, the temperature is still high, but the air begins to dry after the Beginning of Autumn, and if you don't control the water, the effect in the basin will also be like water control. If you deliberately control water, it can make orchids have multiple buds, which is different from general water control. If an orchid is not easy to bloom, it is necessary to control the water very dry, so that the orchid "feels" a sense of crisis. Pour small water and then control the water, so many times, there will be satisfactory results, do not be afraid that orchids will dry to death, but weak, sick seedlings can not be done. The vast majority of cymbidium flowers are better through water control. In this season at the turn of summer and autumn, although the new seedlings are large, but the leaves are still tender, coupled with autumn tigers, the temperature is still high, orchid leaves are prone to black spot disease, and the occurrence of black spot disease can also be controlled by controlling water, so as to promote flowers and prevent disease with one stone.

Fourth, orchids control water in winter. The water control in winter is mainly due to the slow growth of orchids in winter and little water demand, which can also prevent frost damage and freezing due to low temperature in the basin.