
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Yinbian Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cymbidium is a kind of Cymbidium, which is an evergreen herb of Liliaceae. It is called Cymbidium because the edge of its leaves is white. It likes the warm, moist and semi-shaded environment. It is not only an excellent plant for hanging leaves in the room, but also a good kind of indoor plant.

Silver edge spider orchid is a kind of spider orchid, for lily family spider orchid evergreen herbs, because the leaf edge is white and called silver edge spider orchid, hi warm, humid, semi-shade environment, not only is the room excellent pendent foliage plants, but also a good indoor air purification flowers, let's take a look at the cultivation methods and precautions of silver edge spider orchid!

Propagation method of Chlorophytum argenteum

1, cuttage: from spring to autumn can be carried out at any time, cut the clusters of stems and leaves on the stolon directly planted into the flowerpot cultivation can be, irrigated with water to put shade maintenance, cuttage attention not to bury too deep, otherwise easy to rot heart.

2. Plant division: Remove the plants from the pot, remove the old soil and rotten roots, cut the old roots, so that there are three stems on the divided plants, and then transplant and cultivate them separately. You can also cut the clustered stems and leaves on the stolons of the spider plant and plant them directly into the flower pot for cultivation.

3, sowing: every year in March, because the seed particles are not large, after sowing the seeds should not be thick, generally 0.5 cm can be. At 15℃, the seeds can germinate in about 2 weeks, and transplant and cultivate after the seedlings are formed.

Cultivation method of spider orchid

1, light: silver-edged spider orchid is very sensitive to light, summer and autumn can not be direct sunlight, will lead to yellow leaves, winter can receive appropriate direct sunlight. Generally, the silver-edged spider plant is placed in a cool and ventilated place, and attention is paid to maintaining environmental humidity.

2, temperature: silver edge spider orchid likes warm and humid climate, not resistant to cold and heat, the most suitable growth temperature is 15~25 degrees Celsius, winter room temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius. High temperature season avoid direct light, need to keep sparse shade, cold temperature when it is appropriate to see more sunlight.

3. Watering: The fleshy root water storage organization of the silver-edged spider orchid is developed and has strong drought resistance, but the water demand is large during the peak growth period from March to September, so it is necessary to water and spray frequently to increase humidity. In winter dormancy period, can wait for basin soil surface about one centimeter deep after dry again undertake watering.

4, fertilization: silver-edged spider orchid is a more fertile plant, lack of fertilizer and water easy to coke head aging, yellow leaves, has begun to grow small plants of spider orchid can be applied once every half month to nitrogen-based topdressing, for good growth of spider orchid can not be fertilized.

5, soil: silver-edged spider orchid suitable for easy, fertile sandy loam, soil requirements containing humus, permeability, potted available leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand equal mix and add a small amount of base fertilizer as substrate, in the pot after pay attention to re-modulation of new soil.

6. Diseases and insect pests: silver-edged spider orchid is generally not easy to cause diseases and insect pests. The occurrence of diseases is generally caused by accumulated water in basin soil and poor ventilation, which causes root rot and root rot. It should be sprayed in time for prevention and control. The dense plant clusters are not well ventilated and are easily damaged by scale insects, so prevention should be given priority.

7, pruning: silver-edged spider orchid usually should be cut off at any time yellow leaves, in March of each year can be turned over once, cut off old roots, rotten roots and excess fibrous roots. May, mid-old leaves can be cut off some of the spider orchid, will promote the emergence of more new leaves and small spider orchid.

Silver edge hanging orchid breeding precautions

1, silver-edged spider orchid is a fertilizer tolerant plant, nutrient deficiency leaves yellow, easy to coke head senescence. However, if too much fertilizer will appear bright uneven leaves, and then root rot, leaves yellow.

2, silver-edged spider orchid likes semi-shade environment, spring and autumn to semi-shade is good, summer should see light in the morning and evening, shade at noon, avoid sun exposure, winter should see more sunlight.

3. Change the pot once a year in spring. After mid-October, hang the flowerpot indoors close to the sun and easy to watch. In winter, water it after the surface of the pot is about 1 cm deep.

4. When the climate is dry in summer and autumn, the air humidity around the plant should be increased by spraying water. In winter, the pot soil should be kept dry. If the pot soil is too wet, it will induce gray mold and rotten leaves.

5, silver-edged spider orchid should avoid pouring into the heart of the plant when watering, otherwise it is easy to cause the young leaves to rot. In winter dormancy period, can wait for basin soil surface about 1 cm deep after dry again watering.