
The latest gardenia leaves wilted how to do?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia is an important garden ornamental plant, also known as Gardenia jasminoides, Gardenia jasminoides, etc., is an evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae, with luxuriant branches and leaves, evergreen leaf color and rich flower fragrance. In addition to ornamental, its flowers, fruits, leaves and roots can be used as medicine. Purging fire to remove annoyance, clearing heat and diuresis, cooling blood

Gardenia is an important courtyard ornamental plant, also known as gardenia, yellow gardenia, etc., for Rubiaceae Rubia evergreen shrub, luxuriant branches and leaves, evergreen leaf color, rich flower fragrance, in addition to ornamental flowers, fruits, leaves and roots can be used as medicine, there are purging fire to remove annoyance, heat and diuresis, cool blood and detoxification and other effects, let's take a look at gardenia leaves wilting how to do!

What growth conditions do gardenia want?

1. Illumination: gardenia flowers can also tolerate shade. Under shade conditions, the leaf color is dark green, but the flowering is slightly worse.

2, temperature: gardenia likes warm and humid climate, heat-resistant and slightly cold-resistant (- 3 ℃).

3. Soil: gardenia likes fertile, well-drained and acidic light clay loam, and it is also resistant to drought and barren, but the plant is easy to senescence.

4. Moisture: gardenia likes moist soil and larger air humidity, and should be watered during the growing period.

Gardenia leaves wilted how to do?

1, soil reasons: gardenia leaves wilted if the soil should be replaced with nutritious soil, replaced with acidic soil suitable for its growth, and rich in humus.

2, lighting problem: gardenia flowers like light but can no longer be exposed to strong light, sunlight exposure will cause leaves wilting and yellowing, summer should be placed in a semi-shady place to avoid strong light exposure.

3. Watering discomfort: gardenia has higher requirements for water and needs sufficient water. It needs more watering in the afternoon in summer, but the water quality can not be too hard, otherwise it will cause leaves to wilt.

4. Fertilization problem: gardenia can also cause leaf wilting if nutrition can not keep up, but fertilization should be moderate, not too much, and reasonable fertilization should be combined with watering during flower growth.

5, disease and insect harm: gardenia is easy to attract aphids, whitefly, shell insects and other harm, so we should pay attention to pest prevention, regular usage, to avoid leaf damage.

How to cultivate gardenia?

1. Potted soil: gardenia is an indicator flower in acidic soil, and the suitable pH value is 5 to 6. Cultivation soil can choose rotten leaf soil, peat soil or retting sawdust plus half of the garden soil, avoid using old wall soil and cinder, with the market of gentleman orchid soil is more convenient and practical.

2. Watering: gardenia likes moist soil and large air humidity. Keep the basin soil moist during the growth period from April to September. Usually the basin soil can be watered once it turns white. However, after the flower budding, watering should not be too much, so as not to cause bud drop.

3. Fertilization: gardenia is a fertilizer-loving plant. The cultivated soil is supplemented with 3% rotten cake fertilizer as base fertilizer, and the alum fertilizer made by cake fertilizer and ferrous sulfate retting is watered once a week during the growing season. 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution can make the flowers hypertrophic and fragrant.

4. Illumination: gardenia flowers like light and can grow in semi-shade for a long time, but the flower branches are longer and the flowers are less. Except for the strong light from July to August noon and the dormant period in winter, gardenia generally need to be maintained in the sun in order to blossom and flourish.

5. Pruning: gardenia is trimmed lightly after flowering every year, cutting off internal bore branches, diseased and weak branches, and individual long branches are truncated. But remember that gardenia can not be cut short in spring, otherwise it will not blossom in that year.

6. Change the soil: it is better to change the soil in March in spring. Cut off part of the old root after pouring the pot, shake off half of the old soil, pour water after planting in the pot with new soil, put it in a warm semi-shady place, and keep it in the sun when new buds sprout.

7. Overwintering: gardenia can overwinter in the open field in Qinling Mountains of China, but the roots of potted gardenias will be damaged after severe winter. potted flowers can be put in a cold room of about 5 ℃ to make them dormant, protect their roots, and overwinter in leeward and sunny places. Spring recovers quickly and blooms early.