
Attack the fortified areas and resolutely win the battle against poverty

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In less than six years, more than 70 million people have been lifted out of poverty, which means poverty reduction of more than 10 million a year and 1 million a month. In the proposal of the 13th five-year Plan, the poverty alleviation of the rural poor is regarded as "the most arduous task". Can the task be completed on time?

In less than six years, more than 70 million people have been lifted out of poverty, which means poverty reduction of more than 10 million a year and 1 million a month. In the proposal of the 13th five-year Plan, the poverty alleviation of the rural poor is regarded as "the most arduous task". Whether this task can be completed on schedule and how to win the battle against poverty is not only related to the well-being of millions of people, but also affects the eyes of the world.

The Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee regarded poverty alleviation of the rural poor as a "prominent deficiency" for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and made a series of arrangements for the implementation of the poverty alleviation project. On the 23rd, the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to deliberate and adopt the decision on winning the War against Poverty, further clarifying requirements, detailing arrangements, and implementing responsibilities, and issued a mobilization order for poverty alleviation to the whole party and society.

Since the reform and opening up, 700 million rural poor people in China have been lifted out of poverty, contributing more than 70% to global poverty reduction, which has become the most wonderful chapter of the "Chinese miracle." However, it should also be noted that the later, the more difficult it is to help the poor, and the more arduous the task is. Behind the more than 70 million poor people is a "problem vision" intertwined with all kinds of difficult problems. From the extremely poor corner of Daliang Mountain that "eats up to three meals of meat a year", to the barren land of "running water, soil, and fertilizer" in rocky desertification areas, to the realistic helplessness of children "losing at the starting line of life" in the depths of the mountains, it is all urgent to tell us that poverty alleviation and development has entered a sprint period of gnawing hard bones and attacking fortified villages, and it has reached the critical moment of a decisive battle.

Win the battle against poverty, accurate poverty alleviation, accurate poverty alleviation is the decisive strategy. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, precision is the most important thing in poverty alleviation and development, and precision is the key to success or failure. In the past, some places were accustomed to flooding, sprinkling pepper noodles, and even adopting the method of "frying fleas with hand grenades". As a result, twice the result with half the effort. Only by finding the "poor root", prescribing the right medicine to the case, targeted treatment, grasping the "six precision", and persisting in classified measures, can we really bid farewell to poverty. In recent years, some localities have accurately identified the poor by "looking at the house, looking at the grain, seeing whether the working ability is strong, and seeing whether there is a scholar at home." they have implemented the "one village, one law, one household, one policy" to achieve practical results, highlighting the important role of the word "precision" in poverty alleviation work.

To win the battle against poverty and unite the efforts of all parties is the key to a decisive victory. In order to overcome poverty, time is tight and tasks are heavy, so we must gather more consensus and strength. Government departments have a responsibility to defend the land and have an unshirkable responsibility in infrastructure construction, policy guarantee, and financial investment in poor areas. they also need to fully mobilize social forces, encourage and guide all kinds of financial institutions to participate in poverty alleviation, and improve the "trinity" poverty alleviation pattern supported by special poverty alleviation, industry poverty alleviation, social poverty alleviation and other forces. Strengthening confidence and self-reliance in poor areas is an important foundation, and developed areas should also actively help and provide continuous assistance. Gather wisdom and group strength to form a "nine cattle climbing, each contribution" work pattern, and there will be a steady stream of strong motivation to fight poverty.

To win the battle to get rid of poverty, the implementation of responsibility is the basis of decisive victory. To get rid of poverty, we rely on willpower and execution. Without the determination to face up to difficulties and be determined to win, there will be a sense of fear of difficulties in front of hard bones; without strong leadership and responsibility to pursue to the end, hard tasks will become soft constraints. Only by earnestly strengthening the party's leadership and providing a strong political guarantee for poverty alleviation can we take the helm and lead the navigation for poverty alleviation.

The core of strengthening the Party's leadership in tackling poverty alleviation is to strengthen the working mechanism, and the key lies in the implementation of responsibilities at all levels. The implementation of the leadership system of overall planning by the central authorities, the overall responsibility of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), the implementation of the leadership system of cities (prefectures) and counties, and the working mechanism of accurate village-to-household work requires party committees and governments at all levels, especially those in poverty-stricken areas, to issue military warrants step by step and implement responsibilities at one level and one level. Use the strictest assessment, supervision and accountability, strengthen financial supervision and audit inspection, severely punish embezzlement, misappropriation, profligacy and other violations of laws and regulations, and make the system rigid and accountable, so as to create an atmosphere of daring to take responsibility and pay close attention to implementation.

At that time, Comrade Deng Xiaoping said meaningfully in his talks in the south: our country has been poor for thousands of years, and now we can no longer afford to be poor. From poverty to well-off, more than 30 years of wind and rain to achieve the millennium dream. "A well-off society in an all-round way is a well-off society for all the Chinese people". This is a promise and a battle in which there is no way out. With a sense of responsibility that "I hope people will have enough to eat and wear, and work hard to enter the mountains and forests", the sense of mission that "things do not seek refuge, righteousness does not evade responsibility", "time waits for no one, only seize the day", and work hard for a long time, we will certainly be able to win the battle against poverty and let the happiness of a well-off society shine on hundreds of millions of Chinese people in an all-round way!