
The latest Ivy seed Price and planting method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ivy, also known as eardrum vine, drilled sky wind, triangle wind, etc., is a perennial evergreen climbing plant of the family Acanthopanax, with beautiful leaves and evergreen seasons. It is often used for vertical greening in various parts of the south, mostly planted beside rockery and wall roots, so that it naturally attaches vertically or overlying.

Ivy, also known as eardrum vine, drilled sky wind, triangle wind, etc., is a perennial evergreen climbing plant of the Acanthopanax family, with beautiful leaves and evergreen seasons. It is often used for vertical greening in various parts of the south, mostly planted next to rockery and wall roots. Let it naturally adhere to vertical or cover growth, play the effect of decorating and beautifying the environment. Let's take a look at the price and planting method of ivy seeds.

How much is the ivy seed per jin?

The price of ivy seeds is about 3050 yuan per jin, but there are differences due to different prices, such as seed quality, variety and purchase quantity, but ivy generally does not need seed propagation, and cuttage propagation is often used in production. Cutting can be cut all year round under greenhouse cultivation conditions, and family propagation is generally suitable for cutting from April to May in spring and from August to September in autumn. In addition to cuttings, striping propagation can also be carried out.

What is the use of ivy?

1, greening function: Ivy is an important material for indoor hanging cultivation, combination cultivation, green carving cultivation and outdoor greening application, climbing with developed adsorptive aerial roots, stem length up to 30 meters, dense branches and leaves, evergreen all seasons, resistance to pruning, suitable for modeling.

2. Medicinal value: Ivy can dispel wind and dampness, promote blood circulation and detumescence, calm the liver and detoxify. It is often used for rheumatic arthralgia, low back pain, fall injury, hepatitis, purulent blood, eye pannus, acute conjunctivitis, glomerulonephritis edema, carbuncle, urticaria, eczema and so on.

3. Purify the air: Ivy can absorb benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and other harmful gases. The adsorption amount of formaldehyde by a plate of ivy is equivalent to that of 10 grams of coconut charcoal. Newly decorated and raised a few pots of ivy can play a good role in purifying the air.

Propagation methods of Ivy

1. Seed propagation: the ivy fruit is harvested when ripe, soaked in water and dried after stacking, and can also be sowed in the spring of the following year, covered with soil 1 cm after sowing, covered with grass to moisturize and moisturize, seedlings are unearthed and sheltered for shade, and large seedlings are cultivated after transplanting or fixing seedlings in the spring of the second year.

2. Cutting propagation: loose, aerated and well-drained sandy soil is selected as the substrate for ivy cutting, which can be cut in spring and autumn. After cutting, the soil is kept moist and placed under the condition of lateral shade. Generally, it can take root and survive 20-30 days after cutting.

3. Striping propagation: the ivy stem is buried in the person or pressed on the wet soil surface with stones. After the new root grows at the node, it is truncated according to 3-5 segments to promote the leaf axil to send out new stem vines. After 30 days of cultivation, the stem can be transplanted into the pot.

The planting method of Ivy

1. Soil: Ivy potted plants usually choose the mixed culture soil of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and sand. Before planting, mature organic fertilizer is used as basic fertilizer on the basin bottom mat, cut off overlong and overdense roots, water once after planting, and put in a cool place. Normal management will be carried out after the new branches grow.

2, temperature: ivy likes to be warm, the suitable temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃, it is afraid of heat, and it is not cold-resistant, so it should be ventilated and cooled in summer when it is placed indoors, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ in winter, and the lowest should not be less than 5 ℃.

2. Lighting: ivy is also more shade-tolerant, and when cultured under half-light conditions, the internodes are shorter, the leaf shape is consistent, and the leaf color is bright, so it is appropriate to culture in a bright place with indoor light, but pay attention to prevent direct light, otherwise it is easy to cause sunburn.

3, watering: Ivy growing season watering to see dry and wet, can not let the basin soil too wet, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and leaves. The room temperature is low in winter, especially to control watering and keep the basin soil slightly wet.

4. Fertilization: apply thin cake fertilizer and water once in 2-3 weeks in Ivy growing season. Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer in summer and winter. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied in the proportion of 1: 1 to 1: 1. During the peak growing season, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed on the leaves for 1 to 2 times.

5. Pruning: after sprouting in spring, the newly planted ivy plants should be coring to promote branching, and stand traction modeling, or you can hang potted plants. Growing plants for many years should strengthen pruning, remove overdense thin and weak branches and dead branches, and prevent modeling disorder caused by too many branches.

6. Diseases and pests: the main diseases of ivy are leaf spot, anthracnose, bacterial leaf rot, leaf spot, root rot, blight and so on. The harm of leaf borer, shell worm and red spider is more serious, so it is necessary to strengthen management and control during cultivation.