
The latest seed price and planting method of bowl lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bowl lotus, also known as potted lotus, potted lotus, table lotus and so on, is a perennial aquatic plant of the genus Nymphaeaceae with multi-nodal rhizomes. It has been a precious aquatic flower in court and private gardens since ancient times. It is more and more favored and applied by people in modern landscape architecture.

Bowl lotus, also known as potted lotus, potted lotus, table lotus and so on, is a perennial aquatic plant of the genus Nymphaeaceae with multi-jointed rhizomes. It has been a precious aquatic flower in court and private gardens since ancient times. It is becoming more and more popular and widely used in modern landscape architecture. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of lotus.

How much is a bowl of lotus seeds per jin?

The price of lotus seeds is about 1520 yuan per jin, but it varies according to the quality, variety, origin and market of the seeds. Wanlian has a very strong adaptability, which can be propagated by ramet and seed. Before sowing, the seed coat is destroyed with an iron file, then soaked in clean water, the water is changed once a day, and 2-3 leaves can be grown. Keep the water surface about 2 cm deep in the early stage of planting, and keep 10 cm after growing standing leaves.

Sowing method of bowl lotus

1. Sowing time: Lotus seed has no dormancy period. As long as the water temperature can be kept above 16 ℃, it can be sown in four seasons. Under suitable temperature and light, it takes 50-60 days from sowing to flowering in spring and 60-80 days in autumn.

2. Seed treatment: the shell of the lotus seed is hard and dense. Before soaking the seed, the artificial break must be carried out. The small concave end of the lotus seed must be worn through a layer of skin on the rough cement floor. Do not hurt the kernel inside, and do not remove the shell to make the seed absorb water and expand.

3. Soaking seeds to promote germination: the broken seeds of lotus seeds are soaked in warm water of about 20-40 degrees. When families soak a small amount of seeds, they can be put into thermos to keep warm. Generally, seeds can germinate after soaking for 3-5 days, and the germ protrudes from the break.

The planting method of bowl lotus

1. Transplanting: the bowl lotus is planted in a pottery pot or plastic flowerpot with a diameter of 45cm and 75cm without bottom hole, and half a pot of pastoral soil or river pond mud is added to the pot. when transplanting, press the fine root of the small lotus seedling into the mud, one plant in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplantation. the degree is that the water does not submerge the small lotus leaves.

2. Moisture: the amount of water is also different in different growth stages, so it is not appropriate to have too much water at the first planting. Too much water will hinder the growth of young roots and lead to rotten roots. When the leaves grow up, water will be irrigated gradually, and water will be irrigated once in the morning and evening in summer.

3. Fertilization: before planting bowl lotus, a small amount of rotten cake fertilizer liquid or bean bran and peanut bran should be mixed into the basin soil as base fertilizer, but not excessive fertilization. generally, a small amount of cake fertilizer and other base fertilizer can be mixed into the culture soil to meet its needs for the whole year.

4. Light: the bowl lotus is full of sunshine. If the light is less than 4 hours a day, the flower bud cannot be formed. During the birth period, it should be placed on the sunny balcony or windowsill to the sunny place, so that it can receive all-day sunshine. Appropriate shade is needed around noon in summer and early autumn.

5. Pruning: when the leaves of the bowl lotus grow too much and too dense, part of the leaves can be removed properly to facilitate the plant to breathe and breathe. It also helps with the flowers. When using the same container for multiple culture, when it is found that the leaves compete for strong sunlight, they should be cultured in separate pots in time.

Disease and pest control of lotus

1. Rot disease

[symptoms] the disease occurs in the whole plant, starts from the seed root, and extends to underground stems, petioles, leaves and pedicels. The underground stem seems asymptomatic at the initial stage, but some of its cross-sectional ducts become light brown or brown, and gradually expand.

[control] spray 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times and 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times.

2. Leaf rot

[symptoms] for the leaves floating on the water surface, the disease spots are irregular in shape, some in the shape of "S", some in the shape of earthworms, brown or dark brown, and the seriously affected leaves become brown and rotten, making it difficult to draw out of the water.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times or 70% thiophanate methyl wettable powder 800 times or 30% basic copper sulfate suspension 500 times, sprayed every 10 days or so, continuous prevention and treatment for 3 times.

3. Spot rot

[symptoms] the primary water stains on the leaves are small black spots, and then expand into round to polygonal or irregular shapes, with yellow halo spots on the edges and wheel lines in the middle. The diseased parts are easy to break or fall off, resulting in incomplete and irregular leaves and leaf edges.

[prevention and treatment] 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times liquid, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times liquid, or 36% thiophanate methyl suspension 500 times liquid, sprayed every 10 days or so, continuous prevention and control 2 times 3 times.

4. Anthrax

[symptoms] the disease occurred on the leaves with small brown spots, then the spots enlarged to near-round spots of more than 10 mm, and the edge of the spot was dark.

[control] 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, or 36% thiophanate methyl suspension, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1500 times, or 80% anthrax Fumei wettable powder 1500 times, sprayed every 10 days or so, continuous prevention and control for 3 times.