
The latest plain sailing leaves drooping how to do?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Plain sailing, also known as white taro, peace taro, bract taro, etc., is a perennial herb of Araceae, native to tropical America, and is widely cultivated all over the world. It is very beautiful when it blossoms, and it is also an excellent indoor potted foliage flower when it is not blooming.

Plain sailing, also known as white taro, peace taro, bract taro, etc., is a perennial herb of Araceae, native to tropical America, and is now widely cultivated all over the world. It is very beautiful when it is in bloom. It is also an excellent indoor potted foliage flower when it is not in bloom. It can also purify the air. Let's take a look at how the leaves droop smoothly.

Plain sailing, what if the leaves droop?

1, lack of water: plain sailing in the case of lack of water will appear leaf sagging, usually this case can be restored after a few hours of watering.

2, lighting: smooth sailing in the strong light environment will appear leaf droop, should be maintained in ventilated astigmatism, appropriate shade is also possible.

3. Slow seedling: smooth sailing if you just bought it, you need a period of time to slow the seedling, pour good water and then slow the seedling in a cool place.

4, humidity: smooth sailing in the environment of low humidity and poor ventilation will appear leaf droop, in this case to spray more water to increase humidity.

Plain sailing. What if the leaves turn yellow?

1. If the light is too strong, the phenomena of rolling leaves, scorched edges and yellowing that will occur in the environment where the light is too strong should be moved to a semi-overcast environment to avoid direct sunlight.

2. Insufficient humidity: when the humidity is less than 50%, the leaves will appear yellow leaves, scorched edges, rolled leaves and wilt. The air humidity should be controlled between 70% and 90%.

3, improper watering: smooth sailing in breeding, do not always let the basin soil wet, let alone let the basin soil dry, should be moist, because smooth sailing is not resistant to drought, not resistant to waterlogging.

4, improper fertilization: smooth fertilization should apply thin fertilizer, do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and after the application of solid fertilizer, irrigate a clear water, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of clear water.

5. Pest damage: smooth sailing results in yellowing of leaves due to pest damage, which is mainly controlled by artificial capture, followed by spraying, and can also be sprayed with pepper water, cigarette butt extract and other environmental protection.

Plain sailing, how to grow well?

1. Soil: smooth sailing requires loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, do not use clayey soil, it is better to use rich loam with rich humus, and can be made into matrix by mixing rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite. Add a small amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer when planting.

2, lighting: plain sailing is more shady, avoid direct sunlight, about 60% of the scattered light can, so it can be kept indoors with bright scattered light for breeding, if it is placed in strong light, it will cause leaf yellowing and even direct sunburn.

3, temperature: plain sailing likes high temperature, especially afraid of cold, the most suitable growth temperature is 20: 28 ℃, the lowest temperature is 10 degrees, long-term exposure to low temperature, it will cause root rot, leaf shedding or scorched yellow, serious even lead to death.

4. Watering: smooth sailing must always maintain the wettability of the basin soil, but to avoid too much watering, once too much watering can easily cause rotten roots and plants to wither and yellow. in summer and drought, we should often spray water to the leaf surface and the ground to improve air humidity.

5, fertilization: plain sailing fertilization do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and after the application of solid fertilizer water, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of clear water irrigation, so that generally will not produce fertilizer damage, and will grow very luxuriantly.

6. Diseases and pests: the most popular pest during the smooth growth period, mites should be sprayed regularly, such as triclofenac, Nisolan, pyridaben, etc., bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthracnose can be sprayed with more than 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times.

7. Changing pots: smooth sailing and strong tillering ability, changing pots every 1-2 years, pay attention to root pruning and withered leaves when changing pots, over-dense plants are planted in pots, part of old roots and overgrown roots are removed, old soil is removed, and new culture soil is replaced to facilitate flowering.