
Changing Agricultural Development Mode and Accelerating Modern Agriculture Development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Agricultural modernization is the fundamental direction of agricultural development in our country. Since the reform and opening up, especially since entering the new century, modern agricultural construction in our country has made great progress and the level of agricultural modernization has been obviously improved. At present, our country is building a well-off society in an all-round way.

Agricultural modernization is the fundamental direction of China's agricultural development. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the beginning of the new century, China's modern agricultural construction has made considerable progress, and the level of agricultural modernization has been significantly improved. At present, China is in a critical period of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and accelerating modernization. It is a realistic and historical task to speed up the development of modern agriculture and promote agricultural modernization.


As China's economy enters the new normal, the reform enters the deep water area, and the economic and social development enters a new stage, the environmental conditions and internal motivation of agricultural development are undergoing profound changes, and it is more urgent to promote agricultural modernization by changing the mode of agricultural development.

First, to deal with the many challenges facing China's agricultural development, we must speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. In recent years, the pace of agricultural modernization in China has been accelerated, but various risks and structural contradictions are also accumulating and gathering. For example, the constraints of the shortage of agricultural resources and the deterioration of the agricultural environment have become increasingly prominent; the challenge of the change in the employment structure of the rural labor force has become increasingly prominent; the problem of structural imbalance in agricultural production has become increasingly prominent; the contradiction between the low comparative efficiency of agriculture and the inverted prices of agricultural products at home and abroad has become increasingly prominent. These contradictions and problems may not be temporary phenomena in a short period of time, but all have obvious stage characteristics. In order to solve the above contradictions and problems, we must speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development.

Second, to improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural development, there is an urgent need to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. In recent years, although China's agriculture has maintained a good momentum of increasing grain income, the contradictions between quantity and quality, total quantity and structure, input and output, cost and benefit, production and environment, current and long-term have become increasingly prominent. Generally speaking, the way of agricultural development in China is still the coexistence of traditional and modern. Only by speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development can we improve the industrial quality, development quality and management efficiency of agriculture, and make agriculture a promising and attractive industry.

Third, we are also faced with rare opportunities and favorable conditions to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. First, at present, there is an adequate supply of major agricultural products in China, which provides a guarantee for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Second, the full implementation of the new national food security strategy has left room for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Third, the transformation and upgrading of residents' consumption structure of agricultural products has added impetus to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Fourth, there is an adequate supply of international agricultural products, which provides conditions for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. At present, the overall supply and demand situation in the global grain market exceeds demand, and the stock-to-consumption ratio of agricultural products is at an all-time high, which provides a realistic possibility and operational space for better overall utilization of domestic and foreign resources and two markets.


To promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development in our country, we must persist in taking reform as the driving force, science and technology as the guide, and the rule of law as the guarantee. In this process, according to the changes in market demand and the characteristics of resource endowment, we should scientifically determine the self-sufficiency level, production priority and regional layout of major agricultural products, and on the premise of ensuring "basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute safety of food rations", constantly optimize the planting and breeding structure, product structure, and regional structure.

First, we should pay more attention to increasing grain production capacity and tapping the potential of grain production. To promote agricultural modernization, we must persist in taking the protection of national food security as the top priority. On the one hand, stabilizing grain production is a prerequisite. We should always tighten the string of food security and firmly hold the rice bowl in our own hands. It is necessary to preserve the most basic and important grains and rations, and under this premise, it is necessary to give overall consideration to the production of important agricultural products such as cotton oil and sugar and "vegetable baskets." It is necessary to attach equal importance to quantity, quality and benefits to achieve more balanced and comprehensive development. On the other hand, increasing grain production capacity is fundamental. It is necessary to adhere to the basic requirements of "one stability and two guarantees," stabilize the sown area of grain, especially the sown area of grain, and protect and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers in farming and grain growing and the government in the main producing areas.

Second, we should pay more attention to the quality and safety of agricultural products and improve the level of food quality and safety. First of all, modern agriculture is an agriculture of quality and safety. Consumers should be assured that they have enough to eat and eat safely, and they must adhere to both "production" and "management." On the one hand, vigorously promote standardized production. We should continue to promote the standardized production of horticultural crops, standardized large-scale breeding of livestock and poultry, and healthy aquaculture, strengthen source control, standardize the production process, and strive to create a large number of standardized agricultural production bases and well-known brands of agricultural products. On the other hand, food safety supervision should be continuously strengthened. In accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the central authorities, we should step up efforts to improve the quality and safety standard system and monitoring and evaluation system of agricultural products, launch the construction of a retrospective management information platform, improve regulatory institutions and regulatory mechanisms, and step up comprehensive law enforcement and special rectification efforts. We will comprehensively improve the quality and safety of agricultural products.

Third, we should pay more attention to the innovation of agricultural technology and mode of operation, so as to promote agricultural efficiency and increase farmers' income. First, it is necessary to promote agricultural scientific and technological innovation. We will speed up the selection and breeding of new varieties with high and stable yields, high quality and high efficiency, promote the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, strengthen the training of agricultural and rural personnel, improve the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress and the level of agricultural facilities and equipment, and improve agricultural production efficiency and management efficiency. The second is to build a new agricultural management system. Adhere to the basic status of family management, promote the common development of various modes of operation, such as family management, collective management, cooperative management, and enterprise management, and cultivate new business entities such as large farmers, family farms, cooperatives and leading enterprises, and establish and improve the socialized service system of agriculture. The third is to develop appropriate scale operation of agriculture. It is necessary to adhere to the development direction of moderate scale operation, promote the orderly and standardized circulation of land management rights, and improve the efficiency of scale operation. Fourth, we should improve the efficiency of processing and circulation of agricultural products.

Fourth, we should pay more attention to the protection of agricultural resources and environment to realize the sustainable development of agriculture. On the one hand, it is necessary to earnestly increase the protection of cultivated land, water, grasslands, and water beaches, resolutely implement the strictest cultivated land protection system and intensive land conservation system, develop ecological recycling agriculture, and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the treatment of outstanding problems in the agricultural environment, strengthen the treatment of soil and water, reduce the intensity of the development and utilization of agricultural land, popularize the technology of saving cost and increasing efficiency in agriculture, and strictly control the abuse and misuse of agricultural inputs. Purify and repair the production environment of agricultural products.

Fifth, we should pay more attention to adapting to market demand and resource conditions, and further promote agricultural restructuring. The development of modern agriculture must adapt to market changes and meet market demand, must be based on resource endowment conditions, give full play to comparative advantages, and further optimize the regional layout of agriculture, optimize the structure of planting and aquaculture, and develop various functions of agriculture. we will promote the adjustment of agricultural structure.

At the same time, more attention should be paid to the use of two kinds of resources in the two markets to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural market. We should not only expand the opening up of agriculture to the outside world, but also focus on building a policy system for opening up agriculture to the outside world, seize the major strategic opportunity of "Belt and Road Initiative" construction, and actively participate in international competition and cooperation in agriculture.