
Steadily promote the integration and overall planning of agriculture-related funds

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, This year, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee put forward clear requirements for the integration and overall use of agriculture-related funds. Promoting the integration and overall planning of agriculture-related funds is not only the objective requirement of standardizing the management of agriculture-related funds and improving the efficiency of the use of funds, but also perfecting the budget management system and deepening the fiscal and taxation system.

This year, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee put forward clear requirements for the integration and overall use of agriculture-related funds. Promoting the integration and overall planning of agriculture-related funds is not only an objective requirement to standardize the management of agriculture-related funds and improve the efficiency of the use of funds, but also a necessary means to improve the budget management system and deepen the reform of the fiscal and taxation system, for the establishment of a modern financial system, it is of great significance to promote the transformation of government functions.

In recent years, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have continuously strengthened the efforts to strengthen agriculture and benefit rich farmers, and formulated a series of policies and measures to promote the sustained and stable development of agriculture and rural areas. However, with the continuous increase in investment, the problems such as the release of agriculture-related funds, piecemeal, average force, and sprinkling pepper noodles have become increasingly prominent, which are not conducive to concentrating efforts on major issues and affect the efficiency of the use of agriculture-related funds.

In order to explore and promote the integration and overall planning of agriculture-related funds, in recent years, financial departments at all levels have innovated mechanisms and actively explored and implemented a series of effective measures. For example, we should integrate from the aspects of budget preparation, distribution and implementation, create a platform for the integration of agriculture-related funds, encourage local governments to promote integration according to local conditions, and establish a mechanism for consultation and use of agriculture-related funds. In particular, in 2013, with the approval of the State Council, the central finance launched a pilot project for the integration of agriculture-related funds in the "two great plains" of Heilongjiang Province, carried out experiments on the source integration of agriculture-related funds, promoted the scientific arrangement and overall use of agriculture-related funds, effectively improved the efficiency of funds, and brought the policy effect into full play. Although the integration of agriculture-related funds has achieved certain results, due to institutional obstacles, the past integration is still a limited integration, which urgently needs to be promoted from a higher level, a deeper level and a wider scope.

Establish a system that adapts to the power of affairs and the responsibility of expenditure to create an atmosphere conducive to integration and overall planning. We will implement the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, further optimize the organizational structure of the government, straighten out the relationship between departmental responsibilities, and accelerate the transformation of government functions. At the same time, we should correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market, the government and the society, give full play to the role of the market mechanism, and avoid the phenomenon of government "offside" and "absence". We will improve the division of central and local authority and expenditure responsibility, and further adjust and improve the central and local expenditure responsibility on the basis of clarifying the authority. Efforts should be made to establish and improve a system that adapts to the power of affairs and the responsibility of expenditure, so as to create favorable conditions for the integration and overall planning of agriculture-related funds from the system and mechanism.

We will steadily promote the integration of budgeting links and clean up and merge agriculture-related funds from the source. Budgeting is the first pass for the integration of agriculture-related funds, which should be carried out from the "source". First of all, we should gradually expand the scale of general transfer payments, greatly reduce agriculture-related special transfer payment projects, abolish special and local funds in competitive areas, and strictly control guidance, relief and emergency projects. Secondly, the special transfer payment related to agriculture should be cleaned up and merged scientifically and reasonably. Of course, under the current system and mechanism, the agriculture-related special transfer payment is not as simple as possible, and the quantity is not less, but according to the actual needs of the economic and social development of agriculture and rural areas. according to the principle of "reservation of reservation, cancellation of cancellation, merger of merger", agriculture-related special transfer payment should be set up reasonably. Third, promote the real integration of agriculture-related merger projects. For bundled, platter-type merger projects, we should pay close attention to the formulation of integrated management methods, distribution and management in accordance with one method, rather than simple formal integration.

We will actively support the pilot experiment of integration and explore effective ways to innovate the integration of agriculture-related funds. We will continue to promote the pilot work on the integration of agriculture-related funds in the "two great plains" in Heilongjiang Province, and sum up experience and carry out evaluation in a timely manner. At the same time, we should encourage and guide places where conditions permit to carry out experiments on the integration of agriculture-related funds in line with local conditions. We should fully respect the pioneering spirit and practical experience of the grass-roots level, and further mobilize the autonomy and enthusiasm of local governments to carry out integration. Support local governments to actively explore various effective ways to carry out integration within the framework of existing policies and systems, so that a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred flowers blossom.

We will further streamline administration and delegate powers, and promote the decentralization and reform of the authority for the examination and approval of agriculture-related projects. In recent years, the central government has actively promoted the delegation of authority for project examination and approval, and the authority for examination and approval of most agriculture-related projects has been gradually devolved to the provinces, and some to counties, but the central government has still retained the authority for examination and approval of individual agriculture-related projects. In accordance with the requirements of deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, it is necessary to minimize the central government's management of micro-affairs. On the one hand, matters that are directly oriented to the grass-roots level, have a large quantity and cover a wide range, and are more convenient and effective for local management will be delegated to local and grass-roots management. On the other hand, we should act in accordance with the laws of the market, give full play to the role of the market in allocating resources for all economic activities that can be regulated by the market mechanism, and actively promote mechanisms such as government purchase of services and PPP (public-private partnership).

Consolidate the existing integration platform and strengthen the institutional guarantee of the integration of agriculture-related funds. First, we will continue to integrate and make overall arrangements for agriculture-related funds and concentrate our efforts on major projects on the platform of advantageous and characteristic industries, small key counties of irrigation and water conservancy, "vegetable basket" production, high-standard farmland construction, and comprehensive poverty alleviation. In particular, we will strengthen the activation of agricultural surplus funds and carry-over funds beyond the prescribed time limit, and co-ordinate efforts to support irrigation and water conservancy and other construction within a limited time. The second is to consolidate the achievements of the integration of agriculture-related funds at the county level, strengthen the integration of agriculture-related funds at the provincial level, and establish and improve the integration mechanism of coordination and linkage at all levels of the central and local governments. Third, financial departments at all levels should actively play a role, strengthen communication and coordination, and establish and improve the consultation mechanism for the integration of agriculture-related funds led by the government, led by finance, and with the cooperation of departments. Fourth, strengthen the system construction of the integrated management of agriculture-related funds, standardize and strengthen the supervision of the use of agriculture-related funds after the decentralization of project examination and approval authority, especially strengthen the supervision of special poverty alleviation funds, clearly implement local regulatory responsibilities, and give full play to the regulatory role of the grass-roots level. ensure the safe and effective operation of funds.