
The latest way to make aloe survive the winter safely

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Aloe is a kind of edible, medicinal, cosmetic, ornamental as one of the multi-purpose plant, in daily life can often see the existence of aloe, presumably everyone will be familiar with it. Aloe vera is easy to grow, and many families have balconies, but aloe vera is used as a

Aloe is a kind of edible, medicinal, cosmetic, ornamental as one of the multi-purpose plant, in daily life can often see the existence of aloe, presumably everyone will be familiar with it. Aloe is easy to grow, and many families have balconies, but aloe, as a tropical plant, originates in the Mediterranean and Africa, has strong heat and drought tolerance, but is extremely cold-resistant, so aloe needs special management in winter. otherwise, it is easy to be frostbitten or frostbitten to death, so how should aloe survive the winter safely?

First of all, we have to understand that the lowest temperature for plants to grow is about 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. If it falls below this temperature, then its growth will come to a standstill. If the temperature is lower than five degrees, then plants will be vulnerable to diseases. If the temperature continues to drop below zero, it will easily freeze to death. Because there are climate differences between the south and the north, the heat preservation methods in different regions are also different, which should be adjusted according to the specific conditions.

I. temperature

The lowest growth temperature of Aloe vera is 10 murmur12 ℃. Aloe vera can be transferred indoors in winter, and when the weather is fine and the temperature is high, the aloe vera can be put into the sun for several hours and recovered before sunset; it can also be put on the transparent plastic film on the basin cover and put on the balcony facing the leeward to spend the winter, and the film will be ventilated and ventilated regularly in sunny weather.

Second, lighting

If aloe is stored in too weak light or even no light environment for a long time, the color of aloe leaves becomes lighter and becomes very tender and easy to break. Therefore, aloe gives as much light as possible in winter and goes out to bask in the sun when it is sunny.

III. Ventilation

While adding luster to aloe, we should pay attention to proper ventilation, especially do not let the soil stagnant water.

Fourth, humidity

Aloe is very dry-resistant, and the moisture in the soil will kill it. The temperature is low in winter and the soil is not easy to dry, so don't water it frequently, just not too dry.

Fifth, watering

The aloe basin soil should be kept dry and watered once every 15-20 days. Watering times or no watering can be reduced when the weather is cold. If you plant it indoors, you can spray water on the leaves.

VI. Fertilization

Aloe had better apply organic fertilizer, once every 40-50 days in winter. It is usually applied with urea solution with a concentration of not more than 2%, and the concentration of foliar fertilizer had better not exceed 0.1%.

The above are aloe winter planting related maintenance measures, to ensure that aloe overwintering temperature above 5 ℃, aloe can safely survive the winter, aloe almost will not grow, but will not be frozen to death, if the temperature below 0 ℃ do not take heat preservation measures, aloe leaves will soon be frozen, resulting in aloe death.