
The latest planting method of Corydalis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Corydalis is a kind of flower that can be seen more often in urban greening. It is native to Europe. The flower is small and colorful. It is a very lovely flower. Many people who have seen Corydalis hope to raise such beautiful flowers at home.

Corydalis is a kind of flower that can be seen more often in urban greening. It is native to Europe. The flower is small and colorful. It is a very lovely flower. Many people who have seen Corydalis hope to raise such beautiful flowers at home. Today, the pro-agricultural network will introduce the planting method of Corydalis to you.

When it comes to breeding methods, we still have to start from the most basic aspects, sunlight, temperature, water, soil and fertilization, although these topics may seem like platitudes, but the characteristics of each plant are different, and the requirements for these points are also different, so if we want to raise plants well, we must start from these aspects. Let's take a look at the details below:

I. Lighting

As mentioned above, Corydalis originated in Europe, and because of its high latitude and weak light, it is not as sensitive to light as tropical and subtropical flowers, and does not affect its growth in the dark. But Corydalis still like the sun, usually give some more light Corydalis will grow more branches.

2. Soil

Corydalis is more suitable for living in the acidic soil with ph value between 5.5 and 6.5. the soil requires good drainage and more organic matter. When sowing, you can mix peat and pearl salt at 1:1. The soil should be kept moist.

Third, temperature

Because Corydalis originated in the high latitudes of Europe, the temperature is low, which also determines the characteristics of Corydalis to withstand severe cold, and even can withstand mild frost. Corydalis in warm areas such as the south can survive the winter. Corydalis can not be raised in places where the temperature is too high, 10 to 15 degrees is the best temperature, more than 30 degrees can not grow normally.

4. Moisture

Also because of the environment of origin, Corydalis usually grows in a cool environment with less water, so it does not need to be irrigated too much. During flowering, it will be found that the water demand of Corydalis increases sharply. On the one hand, the temperature begins to rise, and the evaporation of water increases. On the other hand, it takes energy to blossom, and the water consumption of Corydalis will increase. Especially after the Spring Festival, the temperature rises by ten or twenty degrees. Basically, one watering a day can ensure the ability needed for flowers to bloom.

5. Fertilization

Forgot to mention earlier, Corydalis is usually planted by sowing, and after the seedlings grow tender leaves, you can start to fertilize, first using 50 to 75ppm nitrogen fertilizer, and then gradually increase the concentration to 100ppm. It is also necessary to supplement potash fertilizer appropriately, and the ratio of the two is 1: 1.5. Trace element solutions should also be sprayed to supplement iron and magnesium.

VI. Pest control

Corydalis may be destroyed by aphids, red spiders, thrips and other pests. We should pay attention to the cleanliness of the cultivation environment and not plant in places where there are pests. There are common leaf ring disease, downy mildew and so on. Controlling soil ph can also reduce the probability of corydalis getting sick.

The above is the basic maintenance method of Corydalis introduced by the pro-agricultural network. Keep in mind that Corydalis is a flower from Europe, and its growth environment is different from ours, especially in the southern region. We should pay attention to cooling during the high temperature in summer. Put the horn pansy in a ventilated and cool place, so that it can help its healthy growth.