
What about the latest jasmine worms?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jasmine is one of the flowers we often see in our daily life. because jasmine is very fragrant, many people will buy some jasmine from the market and grow at home. The aroma of a few flowers can fill the whole room, which is very pleasant. For those who love to grow flowers, jasmine also

Jasmine is one of the flowers we often see in our daily life. because jasmine is very fragrant, many people will buy some jasmine from the market and grow at home. The aroma of a few flowers can fill the whole room, which is very pleasant. For people who love to grow flowers, jasmine is also the first choice for cultivation, but very often we will find that the leaves of jasmine are often bitten by insects, and the flowers are also wormholes, which is very distressing. In fact, the growth of jasmine flowers will encounter a lot of insect pests, so what should we do when we encounter jasmine worms when planting jasmine? Below, the pro-agricultural network introduces several common diseases and insect pests of jasmine and their prevention and control methods, hoping to bring some help to you.

Common pests of jasmine include Chilo suppressalis, Spodoptera litura, Citrus ash elephant, infamous red spider, and so on. Here is a detailed introduction on the pro-agricultural network:

1. Chilo suppressalis

Chilo suppressalis, which belongs to the family Pyralidae and Pyralinae, is known to occur in low mountains and flatlands in May-June and August-September in Japan, causing damage to the flowers and fruits of millet. Domestic found damage to jasmine, commonly known as jasmine borer. The crowd is called the flower drill heart bug.

1. Life habits

The larvae of Chilo suppressalis overwintered on the twigs and remnants of jasmine. At the end of February and the beginning of March, the adults lay eggs on flower buds or tender buds and tender leaves. After hatching, the larvae hatch into the flowers and eat the flowers. When there are no flowers, the leaves can be harmed, and the larvae can also harm the twigs. More than ten generations occur every year. It is observed that this insect is harmful in the whole florescence of jasmine, and the generations overlap, and the peak period of damage is from June to September.

two。 Control methods of Chilo suppressalis in Jasmine

The main damage of this insect is flowers, and jasmine is the raw material for scenting scented scented tea, which requires high safety. First of all, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of pesticides with high toxicity and high residues during the flowering period, and the use of pesticides during the flowering period should be avoided as far as possible. the population density of insects should be controlled before and after flowering. Specific methods:

A, clean the countryside in winter, thoroughly cut off dead branches, insect-damaged branches and insect branches, and concentrate on burning them. Clean the dead leaves, or burn or bury them. In order to check the fields with many overwintering insects, the source number of overwintering insects can be reduced by combined application of pesticides.

B. attention should be paid to inspection during flowering, and buds, flowers and branches should be removed in time.

C. Fumigation in the flower field at dusk can prevent adults from laying eggs.

D, chemical control. You can choose 24.5% acaridin 2000 times or 1.8% Chongmike 2000 times, or Sanle insecticide 800kg 1000 times, or other avermectin pesticides, such as 0.9% chlorhexidine 2000 times, 1% mites 2500 times, 0.6% mites 2000 times, or 24.5% cicadas 2500times 3000 times, or 0.5% Nong 2000 times. It can also be sprayed with 4.5% cypermethrin 3000 times.

Second, wild jasmine leaf borer

Jasmine leaf borer belongs to Lepidoptera and Pyralidae. It mainly feeds on jasmine leaves by larvae, and sometimes harms buds and shoots. The newly hatched larvae gather on the back of the leaves and feed on the mesophyll, leaving a translucent epidermis. When you grow up, eat the leaves into holes or bite them into notches. It can also gnaw on the cortex of the twigs, causing the leaves to wither and fall off and the whole branches to die.

1. Life habits

Ten generations a year occur in the south, overwintering as larvae. Adults appear from March to April, quiet during the day, active at night, mating and spawning. Eggs are often laid on the foliar surface, as well as on the back of the leaves and branchlets. The egg blocks are arranged in the shape of fish scales, and each female can lay 50 eggs and 200 eggs. The larvae clustered at the beginning and spread after the third instar, often connecting the branches and leaves together, hiding in them, feeding and harming. The harm is more severe in autumn.

two。 Control methods of jasmine leaf borer:

a. Clear the garden in early spring, sweep away the dead branches and leaves and burn them to eliminate the source of overwintering insects.

b. Biological control. Including the protection of natural enemies, spawning parasitoids, the use of biological pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis and so on.

c. Chemical control. When the natural enemies are unable to control its harm, you can choose 90% trichlorfon 600 times 800 times dilution, or 50% fenitrothion EC 1000 times dilution, or 2.5% deltamethrin 1500 times 2000 times dilution, or 20% fenpropathrin 2000 times dilution, or 20% fenpropathrin 2000 times dilution. Spray can also be used with 24.5% polymites 2000 times and 1.8% mites 2000 times. Attention should be paid to spraying after picking flowers, and pyrethroids pesticides can not be picked until more than 5 days after application.

Third, Spodoptera litura

The above picture shows the larvae of the pest. Spodoptera litura belongs to Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, also known as Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera litura. Spodoptera litura is a worldwide pest, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa. It is distributed all over our country. The insect is an omnivorous and overeating leaf-eating pest, which often breaks out intermittently. It is known that there are more than 200 species of harmful plants belonging to 99 families, and at least 99 species of plants are most fond of food. In cultivated crops, it is mainly harmful to jasmine and cotton, mainly to larvae feeding on leaves, but also on flowers, fruits and twigs. The insect occurs frequently in the warm areas south of the Huaihe River, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China, and occasionally in the north.

The occurrence and damage of Spodoptera litura are affected by many factors, such as temperature, humidity, soil, rainfall, host plants, natural enemies and man-made measures. The optimum temperature for growth and development is 25: 30 ℃, and the optimum relative humidity is 75% and 80%. The density of insect population is generally higher in the fields with good water and fertilizer conditions and dense growth. 20% soil moisture helps larvae pupate and adults Eclosion. If the newly hatched larvae are washed by torrential rain, a large number of larvae will die, and the accumulation of water in the field for a long time is also disadvantageous to the survival of pupae. The temperature and humidity conditions are the most suitable for the growth and development of Spodoptera litura in Guangxi. if there is no continuous rainstorm in June, it is beneficial to the occurrence of insect population. The control methods of Spodoptera litura are as follows:

1. Trapping and killing adults: using the phototaxis and chemotaxis of adults, trapping and killing adults with black light and poplar branches or sugar and vinegar.

two。 Artificial killing: according to the characteristics that the adults tend to spawn on the back of the leaves in the middle of the plant and the young larvae cluster to feed, the eggs are removed in time to kill the adults before the spawning peak and the larvae spread.

3. Chemical control: during the peak period of young larvae, pesticides such as 1500 times of suspension, 2500 times of Regent, 4000 times of 5.7% cypermethrin EC, 3000 times of 4.5% cis-cypermethrin EC, 1500 times of 52.25% trichlorvos, 1000 times of dichlorvos, 1000 times of 3.5% cypermethrin EC and 2.5% dichlorvos were sprayed and killed.

Fourth, citrus gray elephant

Citrus gray weevil belongs to Coleoptera and Insecticidae. It harms jasmine flowers from March to May every year, and adults bite buds, new shoots and leaves, as well as old leaves. The young and old leaves were eaten into a notched shape, and all of them were seriously eaten up, which greatly affected the first batch of flowers at the end of April and the beginning of May. According to the preliminary investigation, there are more than 20,000 insects per mu in the jasmine field of sandy loam along the river in Hengxian County. The citrus gray elephant is known to be harmful: citrus, tea, jasmine, etc.

1. Control methods of citrus gray weevil

a. Artificial killing: the worm has no hind wings, can not fly, and moves slowly, has a strong false death, and can be killed after manual capture.

b. Chemical control: it is appropriate to spray during the peak period of adults. The following agents can be selected: 1000 times of 30% net pest, 4.5% cypermethrin 1000 × 2000 times, or 2.5% kung fu 1000 times 2000 times, with appropriate dichlorvos spray. Highly toxic pesticides such as methamidophos and 1605 are not suitable for use because of their high toxicity and long residue period.

Fifth, flower thrips

Flower thrips belong to Thysanoptera and thrips. The insect harms the Corolla and stamens in the flower, especially around the ovary and damages the reproductive organs. Horizontal stripes or punctate markings appear after the Corolla is damaged, and the most serious ones can make the Corolla deform, wilt and wither, which has a great impact on the ornamental value. After the damage to the leaves, silver-gray stripes often appear on the new leaves of the tender stems, or the base of the leaves are silver-gray, so as to cause fallen leaves and affect the growth.

1. Life habits

There are 11 to 14 generations in a year, and the generations overlap. Overwintering as adults. Adults have a strong phototaxis. In slightly fragrant, Corolla larger stamens, adults, nymphs can have dozens to hundreds. The eggs are mostly laid in petals, filaments and tender leaves, and the spawning place is slightly inflated or slightly raised, which can be examined by light. Each female laid 77,248 eggs and the oviposition period was as long as 20 to 50 days.

two。 Control methods of flower thrips

Chemical control was used. Spray 2.5% fenvalerate EC 500 times 800 times, or 3% pyrethroid EC 800 times, or 50% fenitrothion EC 1000 times, or 20% fenvalerate EC 1000 times 2000 times, or 25% quinathion emulsion 1000 times 1500 times, or 10% pyrethroid ultrafine wettable powder 3000 times 5000 times.

Cotton red spider

Cotton red spider is also called two-point spider mite and cotton spider mite. It belongs to the order Tetranychidae and Tetranychidae, which is an important harmful mite. Cotton red spider has miscellaneous food habits, strong fecundity and fast transmission, and can harm dozens of plants, including corn, melons, legumes, vegetables, trees and weeds. Jasmine is one of the most common harmful plants. This insect uses adult mites, young mites and nymph mites to suck the host sap on the back of jasmine leaves or buds, resulting in chlorosis of the injured leaves, obvious whitening of leaves, serious yellowing, and even rust spots. When the bud is damaged, it becomes smaller, wrinkles, or closes the flower, which greatly affects the yield and quality of the flower.

Cotton red spiders can move with the current, spread by the wind, and can also crawl and spread over short distances. Generally speaking, the climate is dry and high temperature is beneficial to its reproduction. The optimum temperature for its occurrence is 2931 ℃, and the relative humidity is 35% 55%. If the air humidity exceeds 70%, its reproduction will be inhibited. There are many natural enemies of cotton red spiders, such as lacewings, carnivorous mites, carnivorous thrips, ladybugs and so on.

Control methods of cotton red spider

1. Agricultural control (1) removal of field edge weeds, combined with pruning, removal of diseased leaves, removal of fallen leaves, burning or treatment, can eliminate the source of overwintering insects and reduce the harm. (2) strengthen the management of water and fertilizer and enhance the insect resistance of plants. Maintain humidity and deteriorate the living environment of cotton red spiders.

two。 The medicament control can choose 24.5% acaridin or 1.8% parasite 2000 times dilution, or 50% tricyclic tin wettable powder 1500 times dilution, or 75% carotene EC 1000 times dilution, or 35% Saidan EC 3000 times dilution, or 50% Apollo 4000 times dilution spray, spray again after 7 days.

7. Snails

Snails are molluscs, not insects. Classified to Gastropoda, Stylomorpha, Snail family. Commonly known as buffalo, snail, hard beetle. Homotypic snails and gray snails are common in farmland, mainly homotypic snails. Snail food is very miscellaneous, in addition to jasmine, vegetables, beans, hemp, tobacco, tea, cotton, green manure, bananas, fruit trees, weeds are harmful. On jasmine, from the tip of the bud to the branches, tender leaves, old leaves, and even branches, they are often eaten in groups, eating up the buds or biting off the cortex of the branches, resulting in the withering of the whole branch, or biting the leaves into notches, perforations, and dilapidated conditions, which seriously affects the yield.

Snail control methods: agricultural and artificial control

1. Often clean the countryside, clean and burn the dead branches and leaves on the crop ground, especially the branches and leaves trimmed before winter, is one of the places for snails to survive the winter and cannot stay in the garden for the winter.

2.4, May and September, October, is the snail spawning season, combined with ploughing and weeding, ploughing and exposing the topsoil of crop roots to kill eggs.

3. In the peak period of snail activity, snails are caught manually while a large number of snails are exposed sooner or later or on cloudy days.

Pesticide prevention and control: you can choose 30% to remove the worm, use 100,500g per mu, use bait (corn meal, wheat bran, peanut cake, etc.) 2-3kg, add water and stir it into small particles, and apply it in strips or holes, and the control effect is very good. Snail buster can also be used to evenly spread 300 grams 500g per mu, 350g per mu and 1000 grams per mu of snail enemies, mixed with dry soil or fine sand on snail crops and ground in the evening, or dissolve in warm water and spray them with water jets. Spray with 70% snail wettable powder 1000 times dilution. If it rains after applying the medicine, it should be applied again. Or sprinkle with lime powder, 3 to 5 kilograms per mu.

The above are several common jasmine pests introduced by the pro-agricultural network, and their harmful parts are also different, so when observing, we should pay attention to not just staying on the leaves or flowers, the branches and stems are also the targets of some insects, it is best to give priority to prevention and treatment as a supplement. If the jasmine at home is suffering from insect pests, you might as well refer to this article prepared by the pro-farm network, which may be able to help you solve the problems you are facing.